Would he believe what I'm saying?

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With him finally listening I can get to say what I wanted to say. Sure I could just destroy the horcruxes and then kill him and get it over with but that just won't sit well with my conscience knowing what circumstances led to him being the person he is today. The fact that our lives are so similar and had I made one different decision, things would've turned out devastating. Maybe it would have been better though because even with the choices I made before on the 'good' side, things turned out devastating. I need to get through to him. I have to. I have to make him see what he is doing would end badly for him, it won't go according to his plan and when he lost, it would be worse than he could ever imagine. 

"This war won't end well for you if you continue like this. It will just cause hundreds of people to die and you will eventually die after a few years leaving the world struggling to bring itself together and the few purebloods that you left alive will not be enough to rekindle those broken threads. Believe it or not, such heavy interbreeding will only further corrupt the world. You need muggles and halfbloods to allow genetic variation, to provide options that can repopulate the wizarding world. What you are doing and the ideals that you are pushing will only lead to the extinction of our kind. You can't say you are doing what is best for us magic folks and then your every action leads to our numbers diminishing at a pace so rapid that we will be completely gone in the next twenty-two years. The magic population of Britain that knows about their roots and have the proper education on how to control and channel their magic will be gone, completely and all because you think you know what it takes to rule the world."

I took a breath after my rant. He was looking at me with one eyebrow slightly raised and a smirk of, is that amusement playing on his lips. It was frustrating me. 

"I know what you want and I know that you think you're working towards it and that this is the best path but trust me, it isn't. Trust is too much to ask for at this point but you have no choice. Take it from someone who has seen what your actions caused. This isn't just me telling you an assumption, this is exactly what happens later down this timeline. It's not worth it, not in the slightest."

"Am I to assume that you are from the future?"

"No... well yes," I couldn't say where exactly I was from but this could work so I have to thank him for this opening, "I have left the world as it is to try and change the outcome. This was the only way I knew how to and I acquired this time turner. We both know the dangers of what I am doing and that should be enough to prove to you that there is truth to what I am saying. I don't know what else you need me to say to you but you have got to try and understand. I know that isn't exactly your strong suit."

"Are you insinuating that I am unable to understand?"

"Seriously man, that is your takeaway from all of this?"

"So you're young. I'm assuming a student at that old pest's school?"

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