Drown in my memories

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"Are you comparing me to muggles? Those filthy cr..."

"Ok, I get it. Would you just view the memories? You can complain later after you see that I am right."

Thankfully he said nothing more and dived into the pensive. That feels weird to look at someone go in your memories without you there to control it. I know I only gave what I wanted him to see but it feels so intimate. What the hell am I thinking. He might have questions so I should join him right? So that he can ask them right away instead of waiting to come out to ask them. Some of those scenes are gruesome, would he be okay watching them? Shit what if he can't handle it, I should've warned him.

'You did warn him master. He refused to believe you so that's on him'

I jumped. 

'Oh, yeah I forgot you can hear my thoughts. But I knew better, I could've convinced him somehow.'

What the hell am I saying? It's Voldemort. No scene can be too gruesome or cruel for him. He takes joy in murder. But still, maybe I should check on him.

I could feel death roll its eyes if it had one. 

I jumped into the pensive and found him in the middle of the war scene. 

"Which one of these stupid kids are you?"


"You're telling me that none of you are stupid? So then what do you call fighting a war from the losing side at what 16/17? All of you are obviously suicidal. Who is that kid anyway? The one with those ugly glasses. Seriously, is he so much of a mudblood that he still wears glasses? And you want us to associate with people like him."

Ouch. My glasses are not ugly. Besides I always just assumed that magic can't fix such problems. 

"Uhm, that's Harry. Harry Potter."

Voldemort started to laugh. A full, genuine laugh. I don't think I've seen him truly laugh before. Good to know he still has that human quality. 

"Ok, we're done here. Your messed up world is not my problem boy. You expect me to believe that this is the future of my current reality. You got the wrong reality kid. I plan on killing that boy very soon so I can assure you that in this reality he will have no war to fight in the future."

"Yes, that's the problem. You think you're going to kill him. He survives."

"Do you think I plan on throwing him down a building and have the small percent of a chance that he survives? You don't know me at all. I would be generous enough to use the killing curse. Poor child has no way of surviving."

"Except he does. No one truly knows the full extent of the magic running in our veins. No one can begin to comprehend the strength of the strands of magic that has deeply interwoven itself with our very beings. No one could see the true power of love and sacrifice combined."

"What are you getting at? I don't speak poetry."

"What I am saying is that the night you went to kill him, his mother made a sacrifice. Her life for his and magic answered. It recognized how strong a mother's word is and saw her wish through."

"That's not possible."

"It was. The killing curse rebound and hit you. The impact coupled with the true intent of murder created another horcrux unknowing to you. That horcrux attached itself to the only other living thing in that room, Harry. From that day onward he became your seventh Horcrux and you simply disintegrated, waiting for the chance to contact your followers to come back through the Horcrux. Your appearance never came back though since I guess you have to sacrifice something for another chance at life." For me it was everyone I ever loved.  

I can see him actually starting to believe what I'm saying. Did I appear so stupid that he didn't think I could make up such a detailed story? I'm insulted.

"That's the next scene, you can see for yourself."

We saw the scene and he was awfully quiet. I can see the cogs turning in his head. 

"That was a first-person scene. Are you Harry Potter?"

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