Words or War?

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'Death, please cast a stronger shield around me, I don't feel like dying here thanks'

I felt the moment its magic covered me and I casted some privacy spells to prevent what I was about to say from leaving this room. There goes the element of surprise I was hoping to get.

"Who are you" voldy basically hissed with how angry it sounded. I saw him fire some spells but against deaths magic, they are useless. This made him even more angry and I saw him whisper something.

'What did he do death?'

'He casted a very strong shield around himself and Nagini. It's from a different language'

'Oh, well I don't intend on sending any spells his way'


Damn, someone is in a hurry. I obviously couldn't use my current voice so I used a spell to change it.

"This war won't end well for you if you continue like this. It will just cause hundreds of people to die and you will eventually die after a few years leaving the world struggling to bring itself together and the few purebloods that you left alive will not be enough to rekindle those broken threads. Believe it or not, such heavy interbreeding will only further corrupt the world. You need muggles and half-bloods to allow genetic variation, to provide options that can repopulate the wizarding world. What you are doing and the ideals that you are pushing will only lead to the extinction of our kind. You can't say you are doing what is best for us magic folks and then your every action leads to our numbers diminishing at a pace so rapid that we will be completely gone in the next twenty-two years. The magic population of Britain that knows about their roots and have the proper education on how to control and channel their magic will be gone, completely and all because you think you know what it takes to rule the world."

"What a speech, I admire your courage to stand infront of me and speak so passionately about what consequences you think my actions will have. Thanks for your concern over my wellbeing but I can assure you that I will not be dying as you put it, in a few years. You've stated your point now who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am. Just know that I know everything about you, Tom."

If he though I was joking before then now he was so serious that I thought he may implode. In his shock, I asked death to undo the shield from Nagini and as soon as it was off immediately spelled her into a cage and had death enforce it with its spells to prevent voldy from getting to her. I now had all of his horcruxes so this was almost done. He immediately sprung into action and tried getting her out. From what I know, this is the only living thing he had a connection with and an actual connection, not just because of her being his horcrux so he would not let harm come to her. Other than her initial hiss of warning, she had been very quiet up until now, opting to flick her tongue lazily looking rather bored with the situation her owner found himself in. 

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