Feels just like old times

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3rd person P.O.V

They stepped back through the floo to find the Potters sitting on couch cuddling. Moony was looking much better than when he left and he was carrying a case of butterbeer in his hands. Siri had a dish containing something in his hands and Lily and James got up to meet them. The way they all hugged you would think that they didn't just see each other less than half an hour ago.

"Moony, you of all people. Briniging alcohol to a house that has a baby inside. I would assume you know better." The man in question blushed slightly.

"Tell him Prongsie. I told him but our sweet moon here decided he should bring an entire case of the alcohol."

"Oh shut it guys. Stop bothering poor Remy and a little bit of alcohol wouldn't kill. Besides, we all know it was your idea Siri"

"You wound me Lily flower. I would never encourage such behavior infront of little Harry here"

Lily rolled her eyes and James collected the butterbeer placing it in the fridge (that Lily insisted on). Siri followed with the container which he placed on the Island while announcing, 

"So who's ready to make some tart? We brought pie crusts so it's time to party."

"Oooh. Treacle tart. I didn't eat that since Hogwarts."

"Harry's never tried any either. He's only been eating baby food so this will be a delight."

Remus picked up Harry from the couch where he was playing and placed him in his high chair. Lily pulled out a cookbook that someone gifted to her and began flipping through the pages looking for treacle tart. James cleaned up the last few dishes from lunch and Siri began getting out all the equipment they might need.

"Lils, what's this for?" Siri asked holding up a silver machine that had a big bowl attachment.

"Oh that's the stand mixer. It's used to mix stuff that takes too much effort to mix by hand."

"Oh that's so cool, do we need it?"

"I think we would yeah."

"Which pan do we use?" He asked as he held up 3 different pans.

"Use that one with the little design edge. The bottom comes apart so it makes it easier to remove"

"Muggles are so awesome. They really thought of everything when they make stuff. Wow. Some of these are so much cooler than what spells can do."

Lily smiled. 

"I know. It amazes me that we thrived for so long without knowing anything about magic"

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