Does this mean you're willing to work with me on this?

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"This technology, I want to see it."

Ok. We're getting somewhere. That I can do.

'Death, which countries are currently at war?'


Oh, I forgot we were still in the pensive.

"Ok, let's go."

Death gave me a list. Wow, muggles really loved wars, this was quite a few countries. He wants us to get between that, no way.

"Can you apparate?"

"Not as yet, I haven't been practicing apparition."

"So how are you getting there? Flying"

That is a good question. I am still not going to tell him about death and the portals as yet though so I guess I'm stuck actually flying.

"Well...yeah. I guess"

"I was being sarcastic. Does it look like I have time to wait on you to fly there. You can side along apparate with me."

I didn't even think of that. But that would mean I have to take my shield off so that I can touch him.

"So that you can finally kill me?"

Again, there is that unimpressed, raised brow look.

"I'm sure you have more of your complicated spells for protection. I don't have all night so it's either that or you leave."

"Ok but try anything and I am not responsible for any consequences."

I reluctantly took off the shield and asked death to stay nearby in case he tried anything. I touched his leg and braced for the impact. I gave him the list, so I don't know which country we were going to first.

The next hour was spent touring and observing each country at war until he was satisfied with what I said.

I have a feeling that he wasn't going to admit that I was right though I can practically smell it coming off of him in waves. I did a little mental celebration because the fact that he is convinced means I can finally relax a bit. 

"How have they managed to keep such technology hidden from us for so long?"

"They haven't. There are wizards and witches that know about them. The ones that don't are like you. They have some superiority complex because they never took the time to observe muggles or even study them. I can tell you that everyone that is taking Muggle Studies at Hogwarts will have come across them at some point and the ones mentioned might not even be accurate though because their technology keeps improving. They have teams of what they call scientists and engineers who develop and improve these things so rapidly that unless you're on that team, you can never have accurate information. It's awesome actually. I have always been fascinated by it, but I knew I didn't have the dedication it took to become one so whenever my teachers would ask what I wanted to be I used to say, 'I'm not sure.' I was pretty young, that was a normal answer, so no one ever asked anything further."

"And if they did?"


"If they asked further, what would you have said?"

"Oh. I guess I would've said either scientist or engineer and tell them that it's only imaginary because I can't realistically become either." 

"Well that's nonsense. You can become whatever the hell you want. You're a kid, you got loads of time to figure it out and you didn't need to become dedicated until way later."

"Yeah, I suppose so. Well for what it's worth, I no longer want to be any of those." I like being an Auror. 

He didn't give an answer and we apparated back to Malfoy Manor.

"Does this mean you're willing to work with me on this?"

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