78 - Future Plans

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The next day, the band talked with Nick and he agreed to fly over to LA to listen to the demos. He arrived a few days later, a day before Jamie and I were supposed to fly back home.

They spent the whole evening in Alex's studio, and when they finally came out of it, Taylor, Breana and I looked at them, waiting for them to tell us what would happen.

- The Monkeys are back! - Nick was the first one to speak and we all cheered up.

We all celebrated that they were going to make another album, which sounded very promising. Alex told us how his idea of a hotel on the moon was going to be the album's concept, and we all agreed that it sounded very interesting.

The next morning I struggled to get out of bed. Jamie's warm body was hugging me tightly, but sadly, I couldn't stay like that the whole morning. I had a flight back home later that day and Jamie would be driving me to the airport. He was going to stay an extra week to work with the lads on the album, and as much as I wanted to stay, I had to go back to work.

So, after lunch I said my goodbyes and Jamie took me to the airport. Surprisingly, it was a tough goodbye. Ever since we'd moved in together I had grown used to seeing him every day and waking up in his warm embrace, and knowing that I wouldn't see him for a few days hurt.

We hugged each other tightly while I checked in my luggage, but as soon as we saw the big security line, we silently knew that it was time for me to leave. He put his hands on my lower back and pulled me in for a soft kiss. I shed a few tears once he pulled away, and he cupped my face with one hand, cleaning my tears with his thumb.

- Don't cry love - Jamie said as he caressed my cheek.

- I'll miss you - I said as I wiped my eyes.

- I'll miss you more - he said with a reassuring smile and pecked my lips. - I love you -.

- I love you - I said back to him with a sad smile.

- Call me when you're home, alright? - he said and I nodded.

I kissed him one last time before I left to go to the security line. A couple hours later I boarded the plane, and I slept throughout the whole flight. I landed in London in the morning, and Charlotte picked me up and took me home.

I offered my best friend to stay over for lunch and she happily accepted. We agreed on ordering some chinese food, so while she called the restaurant and ordered, I decided to call Jamie to let him know I was home. I hesitated a bit on pressing the call button, because it would be around 4 am in LA, so I decided to text him instead, telling him to call me when he woke up.

Just when Charlotte was leaving, my phone started ringing: it was a call from Jamie. I answered it with a loopy grin and asked how everything was going. We talked for about half an hour, and we ended the call telling how much we missed each other.

The next day I returned to work. The week went by awfully slow, but eventually the day of Jamie's arrival came. I was going to pick him and Nick up at the airport, so early on Sunday, I waited for them at the arrival gate. As soon as both men walked through the door, I jogged and jumped into Jamie's arms. I knew it had only been a week, but it felt like I hadn't seen my boyfriend for months.

We hugged for a few seconds, and then I hugged the bassist, who didn't waste any seconds to tease us and say that we were "too cute". We dropped him off at his house and then we went back home.

- How was everything? - I asked as I opened the front door.

- Great - he replied and left his suitcase on the hallway. - I need to talk to you about a few things - Jamie added as he closed the door.

- Alright... - I replied and waited for him to talk.

- So, we talked to the label and to a few producers and we've got a studio booked from July until early December. The studio is in France - he said and I nodded, a million thoughts running through my mind.

- Before you say anything, I want you to come with me. You can quit your job, which you don't like anyways, and I make enough to support both of us - he explained. - Once the album is released it will be time for a tour, and I'd also love it if you came with us, even if it is for a few shows. If you don't want to come along you can stay here, find another job or don't do anything at all. I can support us both, and our little one when the time comes - he said, smiling at the end.

- You sure I won't intrude? - I asked him.

- Are you joking? Of course not! If anything you will keep me inspired - he replied, making a big smile appear on my face.

- Alright then. I'll come with you. But once we are back I'll look for another job, because I'll feel incredibly guilty if you're the only one that supports us - I told him.

- I'm so happy right now - he smiled and kissed me. - I love you -.

- I love you too - I smiled.

The last chapter before the end. Wow. I can't thank you all enough for your support. I can't believe this story is coming to an end already.

But don't worry. My semester is finally over and I have three months off uni so I'll be working on two new Jamie fics. I'm so excited about them! Hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as I am writing them. Love you all xx.

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