11 - Fight Club, Part 1

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The ride in the van was quite entertaining. Nick, Alex and Matt were singing "White Noise" by The Living End loudly, and Jamie was shaking his head at the rhythm. It was lovely seeing the four mates enjoying themselves.

It was a nice last day. The morning interview was done only by Alex and Jamie; in the meantime I chatted with Nick and Matt. They told me how excited they were that they finally were finished with the interviews, and what they were going to do in London during their free week. They even asked me to join them; I had to refuse though because I started university. Nick gave me his number and told me to text him if I had some free time, so I could join them in their sightseeing.

Once Jamie and Alex were finished, we walked a couple of blocks and ended up on the river's side. We found a nice restaurant and had lunch there. The next interview was close enough to walk there, so we wouldn't be needing the van.

- So how was the interview? - I asked once we ordered.

- Boring as hell - Jamie replied and leant back on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

- That's only because you didn't speak at all - Alex said, and Matt chuckled.

- Well, I don't like interviews! And I did speak - Jamie replied, rolling his eyes.

- Only when they asked you about video games - Alex said, and Nick bursted out laughing.

- Did you tell them about the time I kicked your ass in FIFA? - Nick asked the guitarist, nudging his arm.

- For fuck's sake, I thought we were over that! - Jamie sighed and we laughed.

We kept chatting and our food arrived. We ate, laughed and mainly made fun of Jamie. Nick told us many stories about how he had beaten Jamie in FIFA and the blonde got very angry; actually, he almost broke the TV once.

Lunch was delicious, and Matt, just like the first day, insisted on paying for our meal. We had some time to kill before heading to the next interview, so we walked along the river. I chatted to Nick and Alex while Matt and Jamie were chasing each other, just like kids. It was really funny to watch.

We walked for a while and then headed to the radio station where the interview was going to be done. This time the four of them did it. It lasted less than two hours, and while I waited for them I was talking to Ross by text. We didn't talk about anything important: he asked me how my last day of work was going and how I was feeling about going back to university next week. We also talked about going out next week for dinner, and we agreed on Tuesday.

Once the band was finished, the van was already waiting for us outside the building and then it took the Monkeys to the hotel.

- We are going to celebrate tonight, are you joining us? - Alex asked me before getting off the vehicle.

- I will, where are you going? - I replied.

- Probably to a pub or summat, we can pick you up - he shrugged.

- Sounds good. What time? -

- Be ready at 8 - Alex smiled and got off the van.

My dad drove us home from the studio. We made pancakes and watched TV while we ate them. When the clock marked 7, I went to my room to get ready. I showered, did my make up, changed and then I said goodbye to my dad. I was about to leave and when I opened the door there he was: Jamie.

- Uh, sorry. I was about to knock - he said, stepping back.

- It's fine - I said and closed the door.

We walked silently to the car and got in it.

- Where are the other three? - I asked Jamie, as he started the car.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now