41 - Nick

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- Please come in - Nick said as he rubbed my back. I nodded and wiped my eyes. He grabbed my things and we entered his house.

- Can I get you anything? - he asked me once he closed the front door, with concern clear in his voice.

- No, thank you Nick - I said as I wiped my eyes. - Can I stay here until I can find a bus ticket back to London? Or see if someone can pick me up - I asked the bassist.

- Yes, of course - he nodded. - But what about Jamie? - he asked me and I felt the lump appear in my throat again.

- Uhm, we broke up - I said and looked at the floor.

- I'm sorry love - he said and wrapped his arms around me. - Do I need to beat his arse? - he asked and I chuckled.

- No - I shook my head. - I ended things. He told me you lot were going to Los Angeles, and I ... I just, I couldn't do it - I said and wiped my eyes.

- I know it's hard - he replied and rubbed my back.

- I saw how his heart broke, Nick - I said and tears started to form again. - And I love him so much that I can't stand the fact that I hurt him - I sobbed.

- Hey, hey, hey. Look at me - he replied and I did as he said. - I know he's hurt, but you're as well. He will be distracted in LA, but I don't know how you will spend your time here - he said and let go of the embrace to look me in the eyes.

- So, do you want to stay here for the night, eat a lot of ice cream while we watch trash movies and tomorrow I take you home? - he asked and a smile appeared on my face.

- Yes - I chuckled. - I really need it -.

- Okay. Wait for me in the living room and pick a movie while I get everything ready - he said and I nodded.

I sat in front of the TV and went through all the movies Nick had. I ended up being between picking Zoolander or Borat, but I thought Nick should make the decision. I sat on the couch opposite the TV and waited. After a couple of minutes, Nick entered the room with a pair of blankets under his arm and a tray with tubes of ice cream, a bag of popcorn and chocolate bars.

- You're the best - I said with a bright smile.

- I know. So, what are we watching? - he asked me, handing me a tube of chocolate ice cream and a blanket.

- I'm between these two - I replied and showed him the cases.

- Let's watch both of them - he replied and ate some of his tube of ice cream. - Which one first? -

- You choose - I smiled.

We ended up watching Borat first. We were halfway through the movie when the doorbell rang. I was secretly hoping that it was Jamie, that maybe he was looking for me, but I knew it wasn't him because I had asked him to leave me alone.

- That must be Kelly - Nick said and paused the movie.

- Oh, I don't want to interrupt anything - I said, feeling bad for ruining the couple's plans.

- You're not. I called her for backup - he smiled and went to open the door.

- Hello - I heard Kelly's voice. Then she entered the room with Nick behind her and I got up from the sofa to hug her.

- How are you? - she asked me as she let go of the hug.

- I'm feeling a bit better - I said with a small smile.

- So, what do you think about finishing the movie and then do some face masks? - Nick asked and my jaw dropped.

- You have face masks? - I asked the bassist.

- No, but I bought some - Kelly replied, swinging the bag she had on her hand.

- Great, I love them - I said, excited.

We finished watching Borat and did our face masks while we watched the beginning of Zoolander.

- You know, Jamie never did face masks with me - I said, remembering our times together. - He said his skin was too sensitive - I said and looked at Nick and Kelly.

- Well, I can lend you Nick so he can do them with you - Kelly replied and both of us laughed.

The rest of the night went by and we went to bed when the movie finished. I felt better thanks to Nick and Kelly's efforts to keep me distracted, but as soon as I got in the guest room's bed, the reality of sleeping alone again hit me like a truck. And this time was different, because, unlike before, I wasn't going to be able to sleep with Jamie again.

I felt sad once again, so I silently cried and buried my face in the pillow. I think I cried myself to sleep, because the next morning I woke up with dried tears on my face and puffy eyes. I washed my face trying to look a little better, and it worked a little bit. I got ready for the car trip to London and left the guest room. The hallway was filled with the smell of freshly made breakfast, so I went to the kitchen. Nick was sitting on the kitchen island with a cup of coffee on one hand and the newspaper on the other one.

- Morning - I said as I entered the room.

- Morning - he replied. - I made you these - he said and handed me a plate full of pancakes.

- Thank you. You're the best, Nick - I said with a sincere smile.

- How are you feeling today? - he asked me after a while, referring to the break up situation.

- I will be better - I replied with a sad smile, looking down at my plate. And I truly meant what I said. I might've been the happiest I had ever been while I was with Jamie, but I also knew how to be happy by myself, and I had to prove that.

After I finished eating, Nick drove me back home. Kelly couldn't join us because she had work, and even though it was a fun trip, it would've been funnier if she had come along.

- Can I ask you for a favour? - I said to Nick once we were getting closer to my house.

- Sure - he said, turning down the radio volume.

- Can you make sure that Jamie's fine while you're away? Make sure he moves on? - I asked him, fidgeting with one of my rings.

- I will - he nodded.

- Thank you -.

Despite how much I loved him, I knew it was the right thing to do. We both needed to move on.

Just wanted to let you know that added a few characters in the introduction :) I hope you're enjoying the story so far <3

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