76 - This House is a Circus

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- Jamie's pov -

I was over the moon when Phoebe agreed to move in together. Life had given us another chance and I wasn't going to waste it. This time I wanted to make things right and spend the rest of my life with her.

Once we were back in London, we decided that we would move into Phoebe's apartment because it was bigger and had a better location than mine. It took us a couple of days to get everything settled, but in the end everything was perfect. We put Forrest's things in the guest room, which had been Charlotte's room once, and put some of my furniture around the place and sold the rest of it. Phoebe made a small spot for my guitars and keyboard in the lounge, and I could spend entire afternoons playing there while Phoebe did her things or just laid next to me.

We spent the next couple of months searching for a house and it wasn't an easy task. We visited at least a dozen of them but we didn't like any. We just didn't picture ourselves starting a family there.

But our luck changed all of a sudden. One day, Phoebe had gone out to visit Charlotte and her newborn baby, and when she returned, she had a big smile plastered on her face.

- You won't believe what I found - she said and I looked away from the TV to look at her, waiting for her to continue.

- I think I found the house - she said excited.

The next day we ended up calling the phone that was written on the sign outside the house, and we managed to get the real estate agent to show us the house that exact same day.

It was located a bit far away from the city's centre, but it was near Charlotte's house and Nick's one as well. The house didn't look big on the outside, but it was huge on the inside. Phoebe and I walked hand in hand while the real estate agent showed us the house.

- I'll let you look around - the man said to us and left the room.

- What do you think? - I asked Phoebe, who smiled brightly at me.

- I love it, and you? - she replied.

- Me too - I smiled. - You got anything in mind? - I asked her, knowing that she already pictured how the house would look.

- Yeah - she nodded and smiled, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall.

- This would be our room - she said, talking about the biggest room in the house. - Here would be Forrest's room, and this one would be our kids room - she said and my jaw dropped, taking me by surprise. I sure had thought about having kids with her, but I had no idea that she had thought about that as well.

- If you want to have another one, of course - she said shyly, probably thinking that she had messed up by saying that.

- I think two beds would fit in here nicely - I smiled at her and she smiled in return, kissing me softly. - And the yard is big enough to have at least a couple of kids running around. We can build a pool as well - I added.

- Sounds good to me - she smiled.

We ended up signing the papers and buying it. It was too perfect to let the opportunity go, and what better than a house located near our closest friends. By the beginning of November we were settled in our new home. We bought some new furniture and decorated the rooms, and everything looked perfect.

Phoebe's dad and his wife came over one day for dinner, and complimented the house many times. We sent pictures to the lads, hoping that Matt and Alex were visiting soon from LA so we could have all of them over.

The month passed by and with December, Charlotte's wedding arrived. Phoebe had been helping her best friend a lot with planning it, so she was relieved when the day finally came. She left early in the morning and I would get to the reception by myself.

- I've got to go - she whispered and kissed my cheek. - I made you breakfast. Love you - she said before she left.

I woke up two hours later and ate the breakfast that Phoebe had made me. It was a sandwich and a fruit salad and it was delicious. Then I started to get ready, and a few minutes before the clock reached 12, I was parking in the church where the reception would be held.

I called Phoebe to let her know I had arrived, and she told me she would meet me in the front in a second.

- Hey - I heard her say from behind and once I turned around, my breath was completely taken away. She looked beautiful in the dress she was wearing.

- You look beautiful - I smiled and I noticed that some color appeared on her cheeks.

- Thank you - she smiled shyly. - Lisa, this is uncle Jamie - she said, and I had been so busy admiring her that I hadn't noticed that she was holding a baby.

- Is it Charlotte's? - I asked and she nodded.

It was a very cute baby and Phoebe did some things to entertain her that made her laugh. I found myself smiling from ear to ear looking at the situation. My heart started to beat faster and in that moment I realized that I couldn't wait for the day where we would have a kid of our own. I knew that she would be a great mother.

The ceremony was beautiful and Phoebe shed a few tears as we were standing in the front row. At the party, we sat in the same table as the newlyweds and I congratulated both of them. As I sat in that table, I couldn't stop thinking about how one day it would be Phoebe and I getting married; and I was so excited for that.

We danced and sang a lot, and left the party at around 3 am. Phoebe was knackered and fell asleep in the car, so I carried her to bed because I didn't want to wake her up. As I was brushing my teeth, my phone started buzzing and I could not believe who was calling me.

- Alex? - I said as I picked up the phone.

- Jamie, mate, what are you doing up at this hour? - he asked but spoke again before I could answer. - Actually, it doesn't matter. I think I might have written some stuff for a new album -.

- What? - I asked in shock.

- Yeah, I just started messing with the piano and wrote some melodies and I've got some lyrics as well. Why don't you come over and check everything out? -

- I, uh, you sure it's time to make another album? -

- I think our fans have waited enough - he joked.

- Fair enough - I chuckled. - I'll call you tomorrow -.

- Great. I hope I'll see you soon -.

- Bye Al -.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now