14 - Sheffield

189 7 8

- January 2011 -

Ross and I had been together for over a month now. After the kiss in his flat we had been together to a couple of dates, and in the middle of November he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes, of course.

The 12th of November Ross had taken me out to have lunch; he took me to my favorite restaurant, which was located in Westminster, near St Jame's Park. Then, he took me to the London Eye. Once we were at the very top, with a beautiful view of London, Ross asked me the big question.

Ever since we got together I had been incredibly happy. Charlotte screamed in excitement once I told her that Ross was my boyfriend, and my dad also was very happy for me. I saw Ross frequently: I used to go to his flat so we could study together; then he would cook something for us and we would watch a movie, and sometimes he played me songs until I fell asleep on his bed or the couch.

Now, we had a week off from university, and we were going to Sheffield for a couple of days. Alex had invited me to his birthday; he even told me that I could bring Charlotte too, but she was away with her family. Instead, I asked the singer if I could bring Ross, and he accepted.

Ross and I had booked a hotel from Thursday to Sunday; Alex's party was on Friday. We decided to go by car and we left on Thursday's afternoon. It was a very fun car ride: we sang songs, chatted, I slept for a while and we ate some snacks I had bought for the road. It took us around 3 and a half hours to get to our hotel, which was located in the city's centre. Our room was rather small, but very reasonable for its price; it had a bed, a small bathroom, a closet, a chair and a table, a TV and a small balcony.

We had arrived at around 6 pm, and we decided to take a nap before buying dinner. Once we woke up, we decided to buy pizzas and eat them in our room while we watched a movie. I ate and started feeling tired. I snuggled into Ross' arm and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with a peck on my lips. I opened my eyes and adjusted my vision to the room full of light.

- Good morning, sweetheart - Ross said as he caressed my cheek.

- Good morning - I smiled.

- Do you want to get some breakfast? Or brunch sounds better? It's almost 12 - he said and kissed me.

- Brunch sounds good. Then we can walk around the city and come back to get ready for Alex's party - I told him and he hummed in response.

We ended up eating at a small cafe that was down the street. Then we walked for a few hours, visiting some nice landmarks we found on Google. We walked hand in hand while the cold winter breeze blew. Once we got too cold, we walked back to the hotel. We took a small nap since we had some time to kill before we had to get ready.

The party started at 8, and we would be going by cab so both of us could drink freely. I didn't know if it was an elegant or a casual party, so we dressed in-between.

I wore black tights with a short black dress, and my doc martens. The dress fell to just above my knees, and it had a v neck, so it showed off my cleavage; it also had long sleeves, so I wouldn't be getting cold. Ross wore beige pants, a black shirt, a black sweater and black shoes. Yes, we really liked black. He looked very handsome, and he looked even hotter now that he had been growing his beard for a couple of weeks.

We left our room at 7:45 pm and Ross called us a cab. We told the driver the address and we got there in 20 minutes. We rang the doorbell and once Alex opened and saw me, he smiled from ear to ear.

- Phoebe! It's good to see you again - he said as he hugged me and I giggled.

- It's good to see you too - I smiled as we pulled away from each other. - Happy birthday! - I said and handed him his present. It was a leather jacket that I had seen one day and thought he might like it.

- Thank you, love - he smiled.

- You're welcome. And Alex, this is my boyfriend Ross - I told the singer.

- Happy birthday mate - Ross said and shook Alex's hand.

- Thanks. Please come in - he motioned for us to go inside.

It was a rather big house, with two floors. The people were gathered in the living room; only a few were outside, smoking. There was music playing, but just a few people were dancing. I spotted Nick between the crowd; he was walking towards us, grabbing a woman's hand. He smiled once I looked at him.

- It's good to see you again - he said as he hugged my tightly. - I've missed you -.

- I've missed you too - I replied. - Nick, this is my boyfriend Ross - I told him as I pulled away from the hug and grabbed Ross' hand.

- You never told me you were seeing someone - he shook his head. - I'm Nick, it's nice to meet you - the bassist said and shook Ross' hand.

- Phoebe, this is Kelly. Kelly, this is Phoebe - Nick said and introduced me to the girl that was with him. I realized it was the girl he had been telling me about on text.

- I've heard a lot about you - Kelly said and hugged me.

- Oh, all good things I suppose - I giggled.

- Of course - she replied with a smile.

We left the couple after agreeing on going on a double date together. We headed to the table that had all the drinks, and there we met Matt. I introduced him to Ross and they seemed to get along very good. They chatted while I made myself the usual: vodka with strawberry juice. Then Matt excused himself and went to the toilet.

- Your friends are very nice - Ross said and took a sip of his beer.

- I'm glad you liked them - I smiled.

- Phoebe - I heard someone calling me. I turned around and saw Alex with another guy. It caught my attention that his hair was very similar to Alex's. - I want you to meet Miles -.

- It's nice to meet you - I smiled.

- You too - he smiled back.

He was very nice, and we got along with him immediately. He was telling me and Ross about how he was dropping his first solo album. I learned that he and Alex had made an album together, and that inspired him to go solo. After talking for a while, I told the two men that I was going to the toilet.

The bathroom was next to the main door, and I had to wait a little bit because it was busy. As I was returning to the spot where I had been before, I felt someone grab my arm and turn me around. And that's when I was met with those familiar blue eyes.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now