18 - Record Player

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- June 2011 -

It was June 11th. The day the album came out worldwide. I was very excited to hear it even though I had already been with the band when they recorded it. My dad had been given the vinyl of the album earlier that day, and he gave it to me so I could listen to it. I invited Ross over so we could listen to it together. We were in my room and I took the vinyl out of its sleeve and put it on my record player.

- Okay, so the first track is called She's Thunderstorms - I said and put the needle on the record. The guitar riff started filling my room and eventually Alex's voice as well.

I laid on top of Ross' chest as we listened to the album. I hummed along to some of the lyrics I remembered, which were only a few, and also along to some of the guitar riffs.

- I liked this song. What's the name? - Ross asked me as one of the first songs finished.

- Uhh - I said as I read the back of the cover. - Oh, it's The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala - I said, and put the cover down.

- The what? - he laughed. - What is that name? -

- I dunno. Well, you met the blokes. They're special - I shrugged.

- They are your friends from the Sheffield party, right? - he asked and I nodded. - Yeah, they were special. I really liked the mohawk guy -.

- Matt? - I said and he hummed in response.

We kept listening to the rest of the album. I had forgotten half of the songs, but once the intro of one of them started playing, I recognized it instantly. I hummed along to the lyrics, but there was one that I knew by heart.

- Be cruel to me, 'cause I'm a fool for you - I sang quietly. - This is my favorite one - I said to Ross.

- Really? It's not that good compared to the other ones - he shrugged. - Why do you like it? -

- I dunno - I shrugged. - I guess it brings back good memories - I added.

Once That's Where You're Wrong finished, I took the vinyl out and put it back in its sleeve. I laid next to Ross and called Nick to tell him my opinions, just like I had promised him over text.

- Hello love - he answered.

- Hello handsome. How's the tour going? - I asked him. They had been on tour for a month now.

- Amazing. We've missed this so much. We are in Sheffield now, and then we leave to Paris - he told me, and I could tell that he was smiling as he talked to me.

- That's amazing. I've never been to Paris - I replied. - I've just finished listening to the album by the way. I loved it! - I told him, with a smile plastered on my face.

- Aw, I'm glad you did. Is Suck it and See still your favorite? - he asked me. It made me even happier that he remembered.

- Yeah - I sighed. - I really liked That's Where You're Wrong also. Made me feel happy -.

- It's a good track. I'm glad you called - he said, and I could hear the excitement in his voice. - I'm with the other guys, do you want to say hello? - he asked me and I said yes.

- Great, let me put you on speaker - he said.

- Hello! - I said, and I heard their three voices in unison. I didn't know what they had said, but they were probably saying hello back.

- I loved the album. Just finished listening to it - I told them.

- We're happy that you liked it - I heard Alex saying.

- I listened to it with Ross, and he liked it as well. Right love? - I asked him.

- Yeah, very good. You did a great job - Ross said, as he scratched his beard.

- Thanks mate - Matt replied, but Ross couldn't hear him because I wasn't with the speaker on.

- Well, I just wanted to congratulate you guys - I said.

- Thank you - the Monkeys said in unison.

- It was lovely talking to you - Nick said. - We wanted to ask you something, but it would be better if we talked when you're alone -.

- Uhm, okay - I replied, confused. - I'll call you later. Bye - I said and hung up.

I left my phone on the night table and cuddled into Ross.

- Do you want to cook something and watch a movie? - I asked him.

- Sure. Brownies? - he asked me and I smiled and nodded.

My dad had gone out with Jessica, so we were alone. We prepared some brownies and while they were in the oven, we searched for something to watch on the lounge's TV. We found a movie that seemed interesting and decided to watch it.

We ended up eating almost the full tray and once the movie finished, Ross decided that it was time to leave. Once he left, I went up to my room and called Nick. What was he going to ask me? I called him twice but he didn't pick up. I sighed and put on some music and started reading. About half an hour later, my phone started ringing.

- Hey - I said to Nick.

- Hello there. Sorry for not answering, we were sound checking. Are you alone now? - he asked me.

- Uh-huh -.

- Okay, so hear me out. We are playing next month in London, and we'd like you to come. And not just to the concert, like come with us on tour. Would you like to? - he said nervously, and I didn't know what to reply. I didn't expect that question. - You can take your time if you need to think about it -.

- Nick, I'd love to go with you. But are you sure that everyone wants me to go - I asked him, thinking about Jamie.

- Phoebe, I wouldn't be asking you this if none of us agreed on inviting you - he laughed.

- Fine, you're right - I sighed. - But I don't what will I do with university -.

- Well, we talked about that. We are playing in London again on October 30, but you can return anytime you want - he started saying. - You'd be gone for your summer holidays, and you will be losing like 2 months of classes. Perhaps you can ask your classmates for notes or summat. Besides, you will be learning about how the sound system works in concerts, right? - he said.

- You're right. I will talk to my dad and to the dean, and I will call you - I said, excited. - Thank you for this -.

- You don't need to thank me. Thank Jamie, it was his idea - he told me.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now