38 - Reunion

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October was finally coming to an end, and it was the day of the first concert of the Monkey's in London. They had two sold out shows at the O2 Arena, and they were thrilled. I was going with Charlotte once again, but unlike the last time, we weren't going to be in the pit. We were going to be backstage.

I was bubbling with excitement the whole day, and I couldn't wait to get there. The day seemed to pass slowly, but eventually it was time to leave the house. I had a smile plastered on my face the whole drive to the venue. We were going in Charlotte's car, and we listened to the Monkey's first album during the ride.

We went to the entrance of the backstage area, and we showed the guards our passes. They let us in and we found ourselves in a small hall, with doors on each side, which probably led to the dressing rooms.

- I don't know where they are - I said to Charlotte.

Charlotte was about to reply, when we heard a loud laughter come from behind one of the doors.

- I was kidding. I'm sure it's them - I chuckled and walked towards the door. I knocked and a couple of seconds later, Matt opened the door.

- Hey, looks who's here! - he exclaimed and hugged me.

- Phoebe! - Nick exclaimed and stood up from the sofa he was sitting on so he could hug me.

After giving a hug to Alex as well, the band said hello to Charlotte.

- Where's Jamie? - I asked after I grabbed the beer Nick had offered me.

- He's taking a shower - Alex replied. - Right across the hall - he added and pointed with his beer bottle in that direction.

- I will be right back - I smiled and left the room.

I wanted to surprise him, so I silently opened the door to his dressing room. I peeked inside but saw nobody. I closed the door behind me and heard some noise coming from the bathroom, which was right across the room. I saw that Jamie was in there, wearing only a pair of trousers, drying his hair with a towel.

- Hello - I said, grinning, as I stood near the bathroom's door. Jamie turned around and as soon as he looked at me, a smile appeared on his face.

- God, I've missed you so much - he said and put his hands on my waist, leaning in for a kiss, but I stopped him by putting a finger over his lips.

- What's that on your face? - I asked him, referring to the mustache he had grown.

- You said you liked men with mustaches - he said, clearly referring to that night where we watched Sherlock Holmes and me and Alexa couldn't stop talking about Jude Law. - Do you like it? - he smirked.

- I prefer you with your face shaved, but you always look good - I smiled at him, and then kissed him.

- I'm so happy to see you again - Jamie said after our lips parted.

- Me too - I smiled.

- Let me finish getting ready and we join the rest - he said cupping my cheek, and then pecked my lips.

The band told me and Charlotte a couple of stories they had from after I left the States. We kept chatting until the show was about to start. Charlotte and I danced, sang and jumped along to the songs, and we had so much fun. Once the show ended and the band was leaving the stage, Jamie walked towards me and kissed me. I smiled against his lips and hugged him; I didn't care that he was sweaty.

- My dad wants you to come over for lunch tomorrow - I said to him, as we walked back to the dressing rooms, following the rest of the group.

- I'll be happy to be there - he smiled.

- Great - I smiled back.

Charlotte and I said our goodbyes shortly after, and we had a sleepover at her house. I left early in the morning and returned home to help my dad with lunch. Jamie arrived at around 2 pm, and brought a bottle of wine with him.

- Jamie, please come in - my dad said as he opened the door.

- Thank you sir - he smiled and entered the house.

I was in the kitchen washing the dishes, and as soon as I heard the interaction, I rushed to the hall.

- Hello - I smiled at my boyfriend.

- Hey - he smiled back.

I walked and stood next to him, and he gave me a side hug.

- Jamie, this is Jessica. And I believe you have already met Olivia - my dad spoke.

- It's nice to meet you - Jamie said, and shook Jessica's hand. - And it's nice to see you again - he gave Olivia a smile.

Lunch went by as we talked. The conversation was mostly about music, and my dad and Jamie didn't stop talking to each other about studios, recording and stuff like that.

- Thank you for everything - Jamie said with a smile, and grabbed his jacket.

- Are you not staying for tea? - Jessica asked and Jamie shook his head.

- I'm very sorry but I'll have to take a rain check on that. I have to get to sound check - Jamie said and then looked at me.

- Are you coming tonight? - he asked me.

- Of course - I smiled.

- Good - he replied. - Goodbye. Thank you so much - Jamie said to the rest.

- I hope you visit us soon - Jessica smiled.

- I hope so too - he smiled. I walked him to the door and he kissed me goodbye.

After the show, I went with the band to celebrate to a pub. We had a few drinks together, and I had so much fun with them. I really had missed being with them. I was going to stay with Jamie that night, so we went to his hotel room after leaving the pub.

- Please don't shag while I'm asleep - Alex sighed; he was sharing a room with Jamie. I let out a small laugh and Jamie gave him a playful shove.

- We won't - I replied to the singer.

- Thank you - he smiled.

As usual, I slept hugged to Jamie. I had missed sleeping with him. A lot. I kissed him goodnight and snuggled closer to him. He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes, feeling his warm body against me. I secretly hoped that we could have more nights together; not in a sexual way, just sleeping together. But I knew that was impossible. He was leaving the next day and the band was touring until June, which meant that I would barely see him, so I had to enjoy that night before he left again.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now