12 - Fight Club, Part 2

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- Jamie's pov -

It was a lovely ride to the morning's interview. My mates were singing White Noise loudly, and I was following the beat with my head, remembering how we used to sing that song loudly before a show. Phoebe was sitting in front of me, looking out through the window and sometimes looking back at us. I did regret what I told her, and I wanted to apologize for it, but it was for the better. If we continued any further with whatever we had between us, I probably would screw it up and end up hurting her; and I would hate myself if I hurt her.

The interview was short, but it felt like hours. Only Alex had a microphone, so I sat there listening and said a few words now and then. I really talked when the interviewer asked us about any things we liked to do when we switched off, and I told her that I really liked videogames and movies, and also going to the arcade when we were on a ferry. Eventually the interview ended; we said goodbye to the interviewer and the crew and then went to the building's lobby. Phoebe, Matt and Nick were waiting for the two of us there. We left the building and walked until we reached a nice restaurant where we could have lunch.

We sat on the terrace; it was a nice summer day, and a chill breeze was blowing. A waitress came and took our orders.

- So how was the interview? - Phoebe asked.

- Boring as hell - I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. It came out a bit harsh though, and I instantly regretted saying that.

- That's only because you didn't speak at all - Alex said, and Matt chuckled.

- Well, I don't like interviews! And I did speak - I rolled my eyes.

- Only when they asked you about video games - Alex said, and Nick started laughing.

- Did you tell them about the time I kicked your ass in FIFA? - Nick nudged my arm. Great, here were coming the FIFA stories.

- For fuck's sake, I thought we were over that! - I sighed and the others laughed. It was nice hearing Phoebe laugh again though, even if she was laughing at me.

Lunch went by as Nick told his "funny" stories about beating me in FIFA. I had to admit, he told them in a very funny way and I found myself laughing a couple of times. Matt payed for our food and we walked along the river for a while. Well, Nick, Alex and Phoebe were walking; I just chased Matt.

- I bet you can't catch me - the drummer said patting my shoulder, and then started running. I ran behind him until I could hug him from behind and then lift him up.

Then we walked to a radio station. There the four of us were interviewed. It was the usual questions: what were our inspirations for the album, how did it sound like, why we picked that name, etc. I zoned out for most of the interview; Alex and Matt did most of the talking, so it didn't matter anyway.

Once we finished, we headed to the lobby. Phoebe was there, sitting on a couch, listening to music and probably texting someone. When she saw us, she smiled and told us that the van was waiting for us. I was the first one to get off of it once we arrived at the hotel; I said goodbye to Phoebe and headed to my room and took a nap.

I was starting to fall asleep when a pillow hit my face. I opened my eyes and saw that Alex was about to throw another one. I quickly covered by face and the pillow hit my arms.

- What the fuck mate?! - I yelled at Alex, and the bastard started to laugh.

- Sorry, I had to do it - he giggled. - You have to pick Phoebe up at 8. Nick said he wanted to go with you, so wake him up - he said as he sat on his bed.

- Fine - I sighed and rolled over to sleep. Great. It was a good chance to see Phoebe alone and try to apologize for my actions. Before drifting off to sleep, I made a plan to get rid of Nick and go there by myself.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now