2 - The Party, Part 1

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The drive back home was silent. Only the radio could be heard. When we arrived home, my dad went to his room and I went to mine. I checked the time and it was almost 6. I put the clothes I was going to wear in my backpack, with my makeup, toothbrush, keys and a bottle of vodka I had hidden in my closet. Even though Charlotte had bought loads of alcohol, it was good to have some in case there was nothing left.

I went downstairs and told my dad I was leaving. He was sitting in the living room reading a magazine.

- Hey dad, I'm leaving - I said to him, kissing his cheek.

- Okay honey, have a good time. How are you coming back? - he asked me.

- Uh, I don't know actually. I'll just ask Char if I can stay there and if not I guess I'll just walk back or ask someone to drive me here - I shrugged.

- Okay, but please be careful. It's not safe to go walking around at night - he said, with a concerned look on his face.

- Yes dad, don't worry. I won't be wandering alone - I assured him. - Bye - I said as I kissed him again and walked towards the door.

- Bye honey, have fun -.

- Thanks - I replied, as I closed the door behind me.

Charlotte's house was only a 15 minute walk away, so I arrived there fastly. During the walk I was listening to Kings of Leon's album "Only By The Night". When I arrived, I took my headphones off and knocked on the door.

- Hello Phoebe - Charlotte's mother said when she opened the door.

- Hello Anna. It's nice to see you again. How had you been? - I asked her. Anna had been like a mother to me, the one that I never had, so I was very close to her.

- I'm good and you? Please come in - she said as she stepped aside.

- I'm good, thank you. Where's Char? -

- She's upstairs - Anna said as she pointed with her head to the stairs.

- Thank you. I hope you have a nice trip to the beach. And don't worry, I will be taking care of the birthday girl and your house - I said with a smile.

- Thank you Phoebe - she said with a smile, and I hugged her.

Charlotte's parents were going on a trip to the beach with her small brother for the weekend, so we would have the house to ourselves. Of course Charlotte's parents knew about the party, and they were totally okay with it; they just were worried about something breaking or stuff like that.

When I walked into her bedroom, Charlotte ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

- Pheebs! I've missed you - she said. We hadn't seen each other in almost a month, which felt like years.

- I've missed you too. Are you excited for your birthday party? - I asked her as I sat down on her bed.

- Yes, very. A lot of people are coming. I can't believe I'm turning 20 - Charlotte said.

- Yeah, I was impressed when I turned 20 too - I replied.

- So how was your work today? -

- It was very nice actually. I'm working with this band now, the Arctic Monkeys. Perhaps you've heard about them -.

- Yeah, I'm sure I've heard their name before, but I haven't heard any of their songs. Are they good? -

- Yes they are. And they are super nice also. Uhm, actually, I invited them to your party. I hope that's okay - I said nervously.

- Of course it is! I can't believe famous people are coming here - she said laughing. - Are they cute? - she asked with a grin.

- Yeah, the four of them are very handsome - I said, blushing.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now