20 - Camden Roundhouse

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The crowd started cheering as Miles entered the stage; he played a couple of songs and then left the stage. He was smiling from ear to ear. Then, the crowd cheered even louder, and the four men appeared.

- Oh my god, I'm going to pass out - Olivia said, excited.

Matt hit his drumsticks and the Monkeys started to play Library Pictures. Everybody, including myself, started to sing along with Alex. We jumped, danced and shouted as more songs were played. Alex noticed us in the pit, and gave us a smile and blew us a kiss. I think that Olivia almost fainted when that happened. The show finished with Suck it and See, and I found myself shouting the lyrics. After that, Jamie came closer to the crowd to throw his guitar pick; when he saw us, he smiled at me.

We waited for the crowd to go and then started walking away from the stage. As we were leaving the place, my phone buzzed.

Nick :)
Are you not coming to say hello?

I chuckled.

- How do you feel about going to say hello to them? - I asked Charlotte and Olivia, with the little voice I had left after yelling so much.

- You're joking - Olivia said with big eyes.

- I'm not - I smiled.

I texted Nick back and he told me to go to one of the sides of the Camden Roundhouse. There was a door with two guards.

We're at a door with two scary-looking guards

Nick :)
I'm coming

The door opened and a very sweaty Nick appeared. I ran to hug him and he laughed.

- Where are the others? - I said with a smile from ear to ear.

- It's nice to see you too - he rolled his eyes.

- Sorry. I've missed you - I said as I side-hugged the bassist.

- Me too - he smiled.

- Happy Birthday also. I called you yesterday but you didn't answer - I frowned. - I owe you your present -.

- Thanks love. And you don't need to buy me anything - he smiled.

- But I want to. You're my favorite Monkey. I got Alex a present and you're getting one as well - I smiled and he copied me. Then I turned to my companions.

- Well, you know Char. And she's Olivia; she's my, uhm, stepsister? - I said with furrowed eyebrows. She was my dad's girlfriend's daughter; that made her my stepsister, right? It still was strange to call her that.

Nick then hugged Charlotte and shook Olivia's hand, who was too stunned to speak.

- The others should be coming out soon. They wanted to clean themselves up, unlike me - he laughed.

Nick lit up a cigarette, and after a couple of minutes the door opened again. Matt, Alex, Jamie and Miles exited with beers in their hands.

- Phoebe! - Alex said with open arms.

- Hey Alex - I said and hugged him.

I hugged the other three men and then stood next to Nick.

- Guys, you have already met Charlotte. This is Olivia. She's a huge fan - I said as I smiled to Olivia.

- It's nice to meet you - Alex smiled, but Olivia didn't say anything. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was open. Alex and Matt chuckled at the situation.

- It's nice to meet you too - she managed to blurt out, and Alex smiled.

- Phoebe, where's Ross? - Matt asked me.

- We, uh - I hesitated in telling them. - He couldn't come - I half smiled.

- That's a shame. I really like him. Was hoping to see him again - he said and took a sip of his beer.

- Do you want to take a picture? - I asked Olivia, trying to brush away the topic, and she looked at me and nodded.

She went to stand next to Alex. Matt and Nick stood next to Olivia, and Jamie next to Alex. I took my phone out and took several pictures.

- Go with them. I'll take the pictures - Miles said and I gave him my phone.

- Thanks Miles - I smiled. Charlotte and I went to get in the group and stood next to Jamie. Miles took the picture and then handed me my phone.

- Well, be better get going - I said. - I guess I'll see you tomorrow - I shrugged.

Charlotte and I hugged everybody goodbye. Alex hugged Olivia as well, who was still in shock. We returned to the car and I drove the other two to their homes.

- I can't believe you really are friends with them - Olivia spoke after a while.

- I told you - I chuckled.

- I hugged THE Alex Turner - she said, shocked, and me and Char laughed.

After I had dropped them off, I returned home. I finished packing some things and then went to sleep. The next morning I unlocked my phone and looked at the photos from last night before sending them to Charlotte and Jessica. As I looked at them, I noticed that in the ones that Miles had taken Jamie was looking at me; he was smiling and his eyes were shining. I shook my head. Maybe I was just imagining things.

I got out of bed, changed and went downstairs. It was my last day at home, so me and my dad were going to have breakfast at a café that was near my house. We went there walking; since it was a Saturday morning, it was full. We sat outside and ordered.

- I'm going to miss you - my dad said, and his eyes watered.

- Me too - I took his hand. - But please don't cry. I promise I'm going to call you every day - I smiled.

- No, don't worry. With once a week I'm happy - he smiled back.

We kept talking about different things, but mainly about last night's concert. I told him how shocked Olivia was when she met the band.

- It was nice of you. I know she can be a bit rude - he half smiled.

- Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I have to be a bitch too - I chuckled.

We returned home and I finished packing my stuff. Later that day my dad took me to the Monkey's hotel; all of us would be going together to the airport so we could fly to Scotland. They were headlining T in the Park.

As my dad drove me there, we were singing along to The Strokes. Once we arrived, he parked in front of the main door and helped me to carry my suitcase and my bags to the lobby. There were a couple of people outside the hotel; they looked like they were fans and were waiting for the Arctic Monkeys to come out. A couple of minutes later, the band appeared. Nick was the first one to hug me.

- Are you excited? - he asked me.

- Very - I smiled. I was filled with pure joy.

- Have a very nice tour you kids - my dad said. - And take good care of Phoebe - he added, pointing at them.

- Will do George - Nick smiled.

- Goodbye dad - I hugged him tightly and he kissed my forehead.

- Goodbye sweetie. Have a great time -.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz