9 - Professionals

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When I heard those words come out from Jamie's mouth my heart dropped. We need to talk. Nothing good followed that sentence, right?

- Uhm, sure - I said.

- Look - Jamie started saying, as he stepped away from his friends, and I copied him. - What happened the night at the pub, shouldn't have happened. It was very unprofessional of us - he said, and stared at me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

- Yeah, you're right. We should stay professional now - I blurted out.

- Good. I'm glad we think the same way - he said and returned to his friends.

I stood there, forcing myself not to cry. I didn't know why I was feeling that way; after all, I had only known Jamie for about a week, and it wasn't like I would be seeing him again after he left. I guess deep down I caught feelings for him, and thought something serious may have happened between us.

My thoughts got interrupted by a familiar voice.

- Hey, the van just arrived, come on - Nick said, and put his arm around my shoulders. - Are you okay? - he asked me as we walked towards the van. He probably sensed that I was feeling down.

- Yeah, yeah. Just feeling a bit tired - I told him, putting the best fake smile I could.

- You sure? - he asked and I nodded.

The five of us got in the van and I told the driver that we were heading to The Observer's headquarters. I sat near the window and looked outside as I recalled the conversation with Jamie. If he was interested in keeping a professional relationship, why did he take me out to dinner? Why did he take care of me when I was drunk? Why did he kiss me? So many questions and not a single answer. Perhaps he was being friendly and I misunderstood things, and he kissed me because of the alcohol in his blood and the adrenaline of finishing an album.

When we arrived to the magazine's headquarters, we got inside the building and I asked the receptionist where should we go. We followed her instructions and met the photoshoot crew at the second floor. The photoshoot lasted all morning, and the photographer took pictures of the whole band and individual ones as well.

I decided to wait on a coffee shop that was on the first floor of the building. While I drank a coffee, I got a text.

Hey it's Ross
Been busy as hell the past few days
Want to grab coffee or lunch one of these days?

Hello :)
Sure, I'm free on Wednesday and Friday
Work has me super busy

Wednesday 2 pm sounds good?
Shall we go to the old diner we used to go?

I'll meet you there

See you on Wednesday then

The diner was located a couple of blocks away from our old school. I remembered going there almost once a week, with my friends, classmates or even alone to do some homework. Going there with Ross was going to be like time traveling to my childhood.

The morning went by and eventually the Monkeys were ready after their photoshoot. They offered me to join them for lunch but I refused. I wasn't in the mood. The van dropped them at the hotel and then it returned to the studio. I returned home and ordered a pizza; I felt too lazy to cook something, and my dad was at work.

The day went by and it was time to go to bed. The next day I took the band to their next photoshoot in the morning. We grabbed lunch together and I must say, I didn't feel so sad about the Jamie situation anymore; I didn't speak to him though.

In the afternoon, the band had another interview, which would be done only by Nick and Jamie. After lunch, we parted our ways: Alex and Matt returned to their hotel, and Nick, Jamie and I went to the magazine's headquarters. We arrived about 30 minutes earlier, so we had time to kill.

We were sat outside on a bench. None of us said anything, until Nick broke the silence.

- Do you want to join me for a smoke? - Nick whispered to me, and Jamie looked up from his phone at us.

- I don't smoke, but we can chat while you do - I said and we both stood up. Jamie sat on the bench scrolling through his phone.

- What did he do? - he asked pointing with his head at Jamie, once we were far away enough so he couldn't hear us.

- Nothing, why do you ask? - I questioned him.

- Come on, tell me. I won't say a word. You don't talk anymore or act funny around each other. And he's my friend, so I know he's the one that messed everything up - Nick said, as he took a drag from his cigarette.

- You really want to know? - I asked him and he nodded. - Fine - I said as I rolled my eyes.

- We kissed that night we went to the pub - I spitted out and Nick's jaw dropped.

- No way. Really? - he said and I hummed in response.

- Then I didn't see him anymore. I texted him once but he didn't reply. Yesterday he told me that he wanted to talk about something - I told him.

- Nothing good comes out after that - he said as he took another drag of his cigarette.

- I know. Then he told me that the kiss shouldn't have happened and that we should keep things professional - I said, feeling how the lump in my throat formed.

- What a fucking prick - Nick said angrily.

- Please don't say anything to him - I said as I looked Nick in the eyes.

- Don't worry, I won't - he said, and threw the cigarette to the floor and turned it off with his shoe. - He will realize how big his mistake was - he looked at me and gave me a smile.

We returned to the bench where we were sitting before, and Jamie was asleep. He was looking up and snoring softly. I checked the time and it was time for us to go inside.

- We need to wake him up - I said to Nick and he nodded.

- Wake up! - he yelled at Jamie as he hit the back of his head.

- What the fuck! - Jamie said as he put his hand where Nick had hit him.

- It's time for our interview, come on - Nick said and started walking. Jamie and I followed him and the three of us entered the building.

The two Monkeys did their interview and we were finished for the day. They had their last interviews on Thursday, and then they were free for another week in which they would be enjoying themselves in the city.

The next day I woke up late. Tuesday left me exhausted so I slept like a baby. I made myself some breakfast and watched TV for a while. Then I cleaned my room and started to get ready to go to lunch with Ross.

I showered, washed and dried my hair, did my make up and got dressed: I wore jeans, a black Nirvana t-shirt and my Doc Martens. I grabbed my sunglasses and my purse and left the house. The diner was only a 20 minute walk away, so I put on my headphones and started walking.

When I arrived to the diner, I texted Ross.

Hey, I'm here
What about you?

I'm there in 5 minutes

After scrolling through Twitter, I looked up and saw the tall man walking towards me. I smiled at him and I saw that he was carrying a flower bouquet. With his free hand, he waved.

Are you liking the story so far? It's going to be an emotional rollercoaster, so prepare yourselves.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now