60 - 80's Comedown Machine

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- Put me down! - I yelled, but Jamie didn't listen to me. He just laughed at my attempts of freeing myself from his grip.

- You're so dramatic - he chuckled as he put me down, and I playfully pushed him away.

- Shut up - I giggled.

- So, we're going to need flour and eggs. That's it, I think - he said as he took out the ingredients.

- I don't really trust your cooking skills - I said, remembering that time he had cooked something when I was on tour with the band. - Your bacon and eggs were awful - I laughed.

- Yeah, that was embarrassing - he replied, running a hand through his hair. - But I've learned how to cook now -.

- Impress me then - I said and Jamie smiled.

He started preparing everything, and I must admit that I was quite impressed with his cooking skills. I was standing next to him, watching him as he prepared the dough, when suddenly he grabbed a fistful of flour and threw it at me.

I stood there with my mouth open, in shock.

- I can't believe you just did that - I said, wiping my mouth, and he started laughing.

Before he could realize, I grabbed some flour and threw it at him. He raised an eyebrow and grabbed more flour.

- Don't - I said to him with a warning look, and he let go of the flour and opened his hands.

- I okay, I won't - he smirked, but he ended putting his hand covered in flour all over my face.

- You are unbelievable - I shook my head, trying very hard not to laugh, and then washed my face.

He didn't do anything more after that. I tried to remove the flour, but some of it was on my hair, so I would be needing to wash it later. After the dough was ready, we shaped it with the help of a pasta machine.

Once the pasta was ready, we made some Alfredo sauce with chicken, and then we served the plates.

- It's amazing - I said after I ate some. - One of the best things I've ever ate -.

- Really? - Jamie asked with glowing eyes.

- Yeah. I'm very impressed - I nodded.

- I'm happy to hear that - he smiled.

We chatted for a bit as we ate. And God the pasta was amazing. I wondered how did he learn to cook so good, because I wanted to cook this well too. Maybe Katie had taught him something, or he bought a cooking book, I didn't know.

- Are you feeling better today? - Jamie asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

- Yeah, a little - I half smiled. Honestly, I was still feeling a little down and my heart hurt, but I knew I was going to be just fine. My ego had been hurt, and I was feeling that maybe he had cheated because I wasn't enough. - Thank you for everything -.

- You know you can always count on me. For everything you need, I'll always be here for you - he said, and I wanted to cry because of his sweetness.

- Okay. Thank you - I smiled, trying to stop the tears that were forming on my eyes.

- Now, I bought you something while I was out - he said, and my face lit up. He left the room for a couple of seconds and returned with a paper bag in his hand, and gave it to me.

- I hope you don't have that yet - he said nervously, and I opened the bag. I took out a vinyl, and recognized the cover immediately: Comedown Machine by The Strokes.

- Thank you so much - I said with a smile from ear to ear, and got up so I could hug Jamie. - You didn't have to buy me anything - I said, looking into his blue eyes.

- I'd do anything to make you happy - he said and I hugged him tighter as I gave him a half-smile.

- Thank you - I said to him.

We let go of the hug after a couple of seconds, and there was an awkward silence after that. Jamie grabbed the dirty plates, and I followed him into the kitchen to help him do the cleaning. After everything was clean, I finished my bag so I could go to Charlotte's.

- I'll drive you there - Jamie said to me while I was putting on my shoes.

- It's alright. I can take a cab - I replied.

- No. Come on, you are going with me - he shook his head and I smiled at his stubbornness.

- Okay -.

I followed him to the main door, with my bag over my shoulder and Jamie's gift in my hand. He opened the door for me, and as I was getting out of the apartment, Jamie took my bag from me and closed the door.

He carried the bag all the way to his car, and then he took me to Charlotte's building. When he parked in front of it, I was about to open the door when Jamie grabbed my hand.

- If you ever need me, you know I'm just a phone call away - he said, squeezing my hand, and I could tell that he really meant it.

- I know. Thank you for everything - I smiled to him, squeezing his hand back. - Bye Jamie - I said and kissed his cheek.

- Bye - he replied and then I got out of the car. I took my bag out of the trunk, and before I entered the building, I smiled at Jamie. He waved his hand and then drove away.

- Oh, Phoebe - Charlotte hugged me once she opened the door. - How are you doing? -

- I'm good - I smiled and closed the door.

- You sure? - she asked me.

- Yeah - I nodded.

- Tell me everything - she said, and I grabbed her hand and walked into the lounge, sitting on the sofa.

Charlotte listened attentively and didn't say a word until I finished telling her everything, from when Jamie had showed up to my apartment until what happened last night with Liam.

- I must say I'm disappointed in Liam. He seemed like a very nice man that would treat you well. But he's a man, so I'm not surprised - she sighed and I laughed at that last sentence.

- On the other hand, sounds like Jamie is still in love with you - she added.

- I know. And I felt terrible calling him last night to ask for a place to stay - I said. - And he's so sweet and caring. I feel really bad -.

- Are you sure you're over him? - she asked me.

- Yeah, I guess. I know that there's a part of me which will always love him, but I'm heartbroken about the Liam thing. Besides, we have lost so much time - I sighed.

- There's always time. You have all your life ahead of you - she said and squeezed my hand.

- I don't know. I guess I won't date anybody for a while. I want to focus on myself, and men are full of drama - I said, resting my head on Charlotte's shoulder.

- I understand you - she said, and gave me a side hug. - I love you so much -.

- I love you too - I said, squeezing her hand.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now