58 - Bags

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Liam returned a few days after Jamie had stayed for dinner. I was laying on the settee, reading a book, when I heard the door unlock. I stopped reading and looked at the lounge's door, and after a few seconds, I heard Liam's voice.

- Baby I'm home! - he said, and a smile formed on my face. I jumped from the settee and ran towards the hall, where Liam was standing. He smiled as he saw me, and hugged me tightly.

- I've missed you - I mumbled against his chest.

- I've missed you too - he said, and moved my jaw so he could kiss me. - So much - he whispered after our lips parted.

I pressed my lips against his once again, and with his hands he encouraged me to jump. After I had wrapped my legs around his waist, he walked down the hall and into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

The next day, I woke up with Liam kissing my lips. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and saw that Liam was smiling at me.

- Good morning - he said, and offered me a cup of coffee.

- Thank you - I smiled. - Good morning -.

- Breakfast's ready - he said, and my smile got bigger.

- God, I've missed you so much - I said and got out of bed.

After having breakfast together, I got ready and went to work. Liam had a few days free, so he was staying at the apartment.

Work was busy, as usual. I had a couple of meetings during the day, and a lot of paperwork to do. On days like this I missed my old position and going on tours, but I was really proud of what I had accomplished in my new position, even though some things I had to do were a bit boring.

Tom had been promoted a few weeks ago, and now was in charge of recording albums and editing them. He was working with an artist's debut album, and was very excited about it.

- He has so much potential. I can feel it - he told me over lunch. We were sitting at a cafe that was near, having something to eat before we had to return back to work.

- So how have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages - he said, and I laughed.

- Two weeks isn't that much - I joked, and Tom laughed. - I'm fine, a bit tired, but fine - I smiled.

- I'm glad to hear that. Any news? -

- Not really. Just ... something happened the other day, and I haven't talked to anyone about it - I said nervously, playing with my bracelet.

- Did Liam do something to you? - he asked with concern.

- Oh, god, no - I shook my head. - Jamie showed up at my apartment, so we could talk - I said, and Tom stared at me with big eyes.

I explained everything that happened that day, and Tom listened attentively.

- Wow - he said after I finished telling him everything. - I just ... I can't believe this. The nerve he has, after all the damage he caused you -.

- Yeah, well, I'm sort of glad that he explained everything - I shrugged. - But now I can't stop wondering what would have happened between us if he never married Katie, or if he said all this earlier - I sighed, and Tom gave me a pitiful smile.

- Everything happens for a reason. I mean, you met Liam at his wedding, right? - he said, and I nodded.

- Yeah, you're right - I half smiled.

We finished eating and returned to work. I had two meetings left and then I was done for the day. While I was in the middle of a meeting, my phone rang. I checked who it was, but it was an unknown number; I was about to hung up, but then I excused myself so I could answer it. Maybe it was an important call.

- Hello? - I said as I closed the conference room's door behind me.

- Hey - a familiar voice replied.

- Oh, hi Jamie. What's up? -

- I was wondering if you would like to have a cup of coffee later - he said.

- I'd love to, but I'm going to have to take a rain check on that. I'm in a meeting right now, and have a lot of work -.

- Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting - he said awkwardly.

- You're good. It was quite boring honestly. I'm glad you called - I smiled.

- I'm glad you answered - he replied, and I could hear his smile. - I'll leave you to your meeting now. We can meet up another day -.

- Sounds good - I smiled. - Bye Jamie -.

- Goodbye - he said and hung up.

After another long hour, the meeting ended and I was finally able to go home. I really wanted to eat and go to sleep, but my night was going to have a twist of events.

When I got to the apartment, I was met with Liam sitting in the kitchen's island, with a glass of whiskey in front of him.

- Is something wrong? - I asked him, and he turned his head to look at me.

- I need to tell you something - he said, and my stomach dropped. 

- Okay - I said nervously. I left my bag on the counter and sat in front of him. - What's going on? -

- I should've told you this when I came back - he replied and took a zip of his drink. He made a small pause before speaking again. - Something happened while I was away. I cheated on you -.

- Oh - was all I managed to say, as my eyes teared up.

- And I regret everything. I was very drunk, but I was thinking of you the whole time - Liam said.

- Is that supposed to make me feel better? - I asked him, frustrated, and he only shrugged as an answer. - I can't believe you - I shook my head and dried my eyes.

- I wanted to tell you as soon as I came back, I really did. I guess I chickened out - he said.

- I'm going to pack a few things, and will come another day to pick the rest of my stuff - I said, standing up. - We're done -.

- No, please - he said with tears in his eyes. - Give me another chance. It was a mistake -.

- I won't be able to trust you again. I'm sorry - I said and went to pack a few things I would be needing in the next few days.

- Bye - I said to Liam as I walked past him in the hall.

- Please, don't leave like this - he begged. - I'm sorry -.

- You fucked things over. Deal with it - I said angrily, and walked out of the apartment. He didn't follow me or anything, and as soon as I got in the elevator, I started crying uncontrollably.

My first thought was calling my dad and see if I could stay at his house, but he was away with Jessica. So I called Charlotte instead. The first time it went to voicemail, and the second one as well.

- Pick up, pick up, pick up - I mumbled, but there was no answer.

I debated wether on doing it or not, but ended up calling the next person that came to mind.

- Hello? - Jamie answered.

- Hi. I'm sorry to bother you, but I need a place to stay for the night - I said between tears.

- Are you okay? - he asked.

- Not really -.

- Where are you? I will pick you up -.

- I can get there by myself - I replied.

- I'm picking you up, and I won't take no as an answer. Text me where are you, I'm leaving now -.

- Fine. Thank you, Jamie -.

- It's alright love. I'll be there in a few minutes - he said, and after he hung up I texted him my location.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now