68 - Barely Legal

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Waking up in Jamie's arms was truly one of the best feelings. I smiled to myself as I opened my eyes and found him snoring softly with his arms wrapped around me. I snuggled closer to him, trying to get more sleep, but my mouth was very dry. I got out of his embrace and managed to not wake Jamie up, and before heading towards the kitchen, I grabbed Jamie's shirt from the floor and put it on, covering myself.

Once I was in the kitchen, I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. After drinking some of it, I was returning to the room when the bathroom's door opened, and Jamie exited it, just wearing his boxers. He smiled at me once he saw me.

- Good morning - he said with a groggy voice.

- Morning - I smiled before taking a zip of my glass of water.

- Slept well? - he asked, rubbing one of his eyes.

- Yeah - I nodded, walking towards the bed and leaving the glass on the nightstand.

We stayed the whole day in bed, just bothering in getting up to have a shower and change clothes. We ordered something to eat and watched movies the whole day, cuddling with each other and stealing soft kisses, enjoying the comfort that each other's touch brought us.

The next day we woke up early and while Jamie made breakfast for us, I packed my things. It had been a nice weekend in Sheffield, but sadly, it had come to an end.

We picked up Forrest from Jamie's parents house, and then we started our roadtrip. The first part Forrest was wide awake, and behaved very well. I looked at him a few times and he was either looking out through the window or smiled at me if he met my eyes. We only stopped once at a gas station that had a convenience store, so Jamie could feed Forrest his lunch in the tables that were outside of it.

- Here comes the airplane - Jamie said and then tried to simulate the sound of a plane. Forrest found this so amusing and he didn't hesitate to open his mouth and eat the spoonful of baby food.

After a while of watching Forrest eat, I started to get hungry too, so I went inside the store to buy something. I ended up buying Jamie and I a sandwich and a bag of cookies for the rest of the road. There were a few people in the store so it took me a while to pay, but when I exited it, Jamie was outside with Forrest asleep in his arms, his head resting in Jamie's shoulder.

It was such a heartwarming sight that I quickly took out my phone and took a picture of them. I showed it to Jamie and he smiled brightly. The next part of the roadtrip was rather quiet; Forrest slept the whole ride and I fell asleep for a good part as well.

- Well, good evening - Jamie said with a mocking tone as I shifted on my seat and opened my eyes. - Slept well? - he asked, making me chuckle.

- Yes, thanks for asking - I replied, and then changed the music that was playing to put on The Strokes.

- Woah lady, I was going to get angry at you for changing The Hives, but you are forgiven - he smiled and then proceeded to sing along to Barely Legal.

We sang along quietly to the songs the rest of the ride, making sure to not wake up Forrest. Once we entered London, I started getting a bit sad knowing that Jamie would leave me in my apartment and I wouldn't see him again for a few days. But apparently he read my mind.

- You want to stay over tonight? I can drive you off to work tomorrow - he asked me, making me smile.

- Yeah, I'd love that - I nodded. - You sure I won't be intruding? - I asked. I knew Forrest was staying with him for the week, and I didn't want to interrupt any father and son time they had.

- Love, you'll never intrude, alright? - he asked, putting his hand on my thigh and giving it a reassuring squeeze, making my stomach fill with butterflies. - You're always going to be welcome if you want to stay or just come over for a bit -.

- Thanks - I said with a big smile and put my hand over his, caressing it gently.

We got to Jamie's apartment at around 6 pm, and while Jamie changed Forrest and fed him, I texted Charlotte letting her know that I wouldn't be coming home today. Then I had a quick shower, changing into some fresh clothes before joining Jamie in the kitchen. Forrest was sitting in a highchair, playing with some toys, while Jamie was cooking something. He had his back at me, so I went and hugged him from behind.

- What are you cooking? - I asked him as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

- Some chicken with mashed potatoes - he said as he glanced at me.

- Smells good -.

I sat on one countertop while Jamie finished cooking, and we chatted. Moments later the food was ready and he started feeding Forrest, so I decided to check a few emails I had from work in the meantime. Around 20 minutes later, the kid had ate everything and Jamie put him to sleep.

Jamie and I ate dinner together, and as soon as we finished, we went straight to bed, not bothering in washing anything. We changed into our sleeping clothes and got in bed, cuddling with each other. I was so tired after the long journey that I fell asleep immediately.

The next morning I was woken up by my alarm. I sighed as I searched for my phone, trying to stop the irritating sound. Once I had turned the alarm off, I noticed that Jamie wasn't in bed. I wondered where he was, so I put on a hoodie, but before I could go and search for him in the kitchen, Jamie entered the room with a big tray filled with food.

- Oh, you're awake - he smiled. - Good morning -.

- Good morning - I said and got closer to him so I could peck his lips. - What's this? - I asked as I looked at the food.

- For us - he smiled proudly. - Before you go to work -.

- You're the best, you know that? - I said to him, my heart melting.

- Yeah - he smiled.

We ate in bed as we watched some TV. Jamie had made pancakes, toasts with scrambled eggs and a bowl full of fruit. After eating, I had a shower and got ready for work while Jamie was taking care of Forrest, who had just woken up.

Jamie drove me off to my office, with Forrest sleeping in the backseat. His hand was on my thigh the whole ride there, with mine on top. I was a little bit sad that our time together was coming to an end, but I knew that would be seeing each other in a few days.

- Call me when you're done. I'm picking you up, okay? - he said as he parked in front of the building.

- Okay - I said with a shy smile.

- Have a good day - he smiled.

- Thank you - I said and kissed his lips softly before I got out of the car and walked towards the building.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now