70 - Charlotte

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- Phoebe? - I heard Charlotte ask from the living room as I closed the front door.

- Yeah, it's me - I said, leaving my keys on the counter and then walking into the kitchen to put the flowers in water.

- Ooh, are those from Jamie? - she asked with a teasing tone as she saw the flowers, and got up from the sofa to follow me into the kitchen.

- Yeah - I nodded, biting my lip, trying to stop the big smile that was threatening to form.

- How cute - she giggled. - When are you becoming official? -

- I don't know - I shrugged. - But I hope it will be soon -.

- It better be. Otherwise I will wife you up - she said and both of us laughed.

- We would be a power couple. But you have a boyfriend - I pouted.

- Yeah, speaking of him - she trailed off, so I looked at her with a raised eyebrow encouraging to continue. - He asked me to move in with him - she added.

- What? - I said, covering my mouth with my hands. - Oh my god - I said and trapped my best friend in a hug.

- I'm so happy for you - I said, a few tears starting to form.

- Thanks - she replied with a choked voice.

We hugged for a few more seconds, tears silently falling. It had been this emotional when I moved in with Liam as well, because this was one of the things we talked about when we were teenagers. We used to dream about meeting the perfect man and moving in together, getting married, have kids, all those things. And now she had accomplished one of those things, and I couldn't be happier for her.

Once we let go of each other, we dried our tears as we chuckled.

- Took him long to ask you this - I said as I dried one last tear.

- Yeah - she chuckled. - He said it was because he had been saving, and now that he got a promotion he was finally able to give me the place I deserve - she said, making me shed a few more happy tears.

We ordered something to eat and watched a movie together, enjoying one of our lasts days together. The next few days Charlotte packed her things while I was at work. It was a bit sad knowing that they were the last times that I would be coming home and find someone else in there, but I was so happy for my best friend that those sad thoughts were completely brushed away.

The following weekend, Adam helped Charlotte to move all her things into his apartment. They were going to settle in there until they found a new place they both liked. It was a sad goodbye, but we promised to see each other often.

- You better take care of her - I said as I hugged Adam goodbye.

- I will - he chuckled.

- I'm going to miss you - I said as I hugged Charlotte.

- Me too - she said and hugged me tighter. - But you can come over whenever you want. I will be coming here too - she smiled.

Once they had left, I entered Charlotte's room. A few tears fell down my cheeks as I looked around and everything was empty; the only things left there where her bed and her nightstand. I sat on the bed and wiped away my tears as I took out my phone and called someone.

- Hi, do you want to come over? - I asked once they picked up.

Around half an hour later, Jamie arrived. He comforted me and brought me some food. We watched a movie in my room as we cuddled, and he even stayed over. The next morning he left only after I had reassured him several times that I was okay now.

- I'm fine - I sighed as I said this to Jamie for what felt like the hundredth time.

- Love, you were very sad last night - he replied, with worry clear in his face.

- I know, it was because I missed Char. I mean, I still do, but I won't cry anymore - I replied, and he gave me a stern look. - I promise! -

- You're going to be late - I looked at him seriously. He had to pick up Forrest from Katie's house and then leave him at his sister's.

- Okay, but you know that I hate to see you cry, so I'm coming to check on you later, okay? - he asked and I nodded in response, and he kissed my forehead before he walked towards the door.

- You can stay if you want to - I said shyly as he opened the door.

- I'd be happy to. I love you - he said and kissed my lips.

- I love you too - I replied, and then I saw him walk down the hall before I closed the door.

I can't believe we're at 8K reads already! I'm so happy and thankful for all the love this story has received. I never thought this story would get so many reads, and I want to specially thank those who vote and comment on every single chapter: you truly make my day.

On other news, uni has been giving me a lot to do, so I'm finding a bit difficult to find spaces to write, so updates may become a little slow.

Anyways, thank you for everything and I hope you enjoy these last few chapters.

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