49 - Kelly's Party

124 6 15

TW: sexual harassment
Everyone started to drink straight away, Tom and I included. As soon as the people who were at the table full of liquor bottles left, we got ourselves some drinks. Vodka and juice for me and a glass of whiskey for Tom.

Tom was telling me about an upcoming tour he had with a singer around the States, when someone accidentally spilled their drink on him.

- Fuck's sake - Tom muttered under his breath.

- Oh god, I'm so sorry - the man who spilled the drink said. He was clearly nervous about the situation and was trying to do something about it.

- It's okay - Tom said while he smiled at the man. - You're good -.

- I'm very sorry, mate. It was an accident - the man kept apologizing.

- Yeah, I know - Tom reassured the man. - It's all good - he said and patted his back.

- I'm very sorry - the man said once again and nervously smiled. - I hope you enjoy the party - he said and left.

Tom looked at me then and his shirt was totally soaked. I didn't know how he didn't snap at that man; he was just too good for this world.

- I can ask Nick to lend you one of his shirts - I said to my friend.

- Please. That would be amazing - he smiled.

It took me a good few minutes to find Nick, but when I found him I asked him for a shirt for Tom. Of course, he said that he would lend him one; he even said that we shouldn't worry about giving it back to him. I thanked him as he gave me a plain black shirt.

- Here you go - I said to Tom as I handed him the shirt. He had been waiting for me outside the bathroom with both of our drinks.

- Thank you so much - he smiled. - I'll get changed - he said and entered the bathroom.

I waited outside with both of our drinks. As I was taking a zip of mine, I heard a familiar voice call my name.

- Phoebe! - I heard Katie calling me. I looked to my side and there she was, with a big smile on her face.

- Hey! - I smiled at her and she leaned in to hug me.

- How are you? - she said as she let go of the hug.

- Good and you? - I replied.

- Very good - she smiled, and then the bathroom door opened. Tom exited with Nick's shirt on and his wet one in his hand. He looked around and when he saw me, he walked towards us.

- Hello - he said to Katie and I handed him back his drink.

- Hi - she smiled.

- Katie, this is Tom. Tom, this is Katie - I introduced them to each other.

- Nice to meet you - Tom smiled.

- You too - she smiled back.

- There you are - Jamie said as he grabbed Katie by her waist and kissed her cheek.

- I told you I was going to be over here - she giggled.

Tom shot me a quick glance and then looked back at the couple.

- Hi - Jamie said to Tom and I.

- Hello - we both replied with a smile.

- I'm going to get another drink - Tom said to me, and I pleaded with my eyes that he didn't leave me alone, but he didn't get it. - Do you want anything? -

- Another vodka with juice please - I said. It was going to be a long night, and I needed the alcohol.

- Are you two together? - Katie smirked at me once Tom had left.

- Oh, no - I shook my head and chuckled. - We work together and we're good friends, that's all - I shrugged.

- Oh, for a minute I thought he was that wanker of your ex - she giggled and Jamie's eyes quickly moved and met mine.

- No, no - I chuckled. - Tom is lovely and wouldn't do that to anybody - I smiled at her.

- I'll go and get a drink - Katie said excited and quickly kissed Jamie before she left.

- Please don't say anything to her - Jamie said to me after Katie had left, and he looked nervous.

- I won't - I replied, and then Tom arrived to save me.

- Here you go milady - Tom said and I giggled as he handed me my drink.

The minutes passed by and after a few more drinks I started to feel a little bit more comfortable, so I ended up dancing with Katie and Kelly. Last Nite by The Strokes had just finished when a man approached me. He had dark messy hair, and big brown eyes; he kind of reminded me of a young Al Pacino.

- Hey - he said and smiled.

- Hi - I smiled back.

- So, uh, I saw you before and you look absolutely stunning tonight - he said and some color appeared on my cheeks.

- Thank you - I mumbled.

- Do you mind if I dance with you? - he asked.

- Not at all - I smiled.

We started dancing along to a Blur song and chatted over the music.

- My name is Blake - he introduced himself.

- I'm Phoebe - I replied to him.

We kept chatting and dancing, and eventually I finished my drink.

- I'm going to get another drink - I said to Blake.

- Don't worry, I'll get you one. You just enjoy the dance floor - he smirked. - What shall I get you? -

- Vodka with strawberry juice, please - I smiled.

- As you wish - he smiled and then left.

A few minutes later he returned and handed me my drink.

- Thank you - I said to him, and took a zip of it.

- No problem - he smiled.

We kept dancing together, but this time Katie and Kelly had left us alone, unlike before. Blake started to get a little touchy and I became uncomfortable with that. I could feel one of his hand going down slowly from my waist to my lower back, and then he pulled me into him.

- Shall we go somewhere else? - he asked, and I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

- Uhm, no - I said and tried to get away from him, but he pulled me into him and wouldn't let me go.

- Come on. Let's go and have some fun - he said and grabbed my ass. - I know you want to - he whispered.

- Get away from me! - I said and tried to push him away, but I felt like I had no strength left. I started to panic because my legs started to feel weak and I feared the worst. I tried to push the freak away, but I couldn't. My vision started to get blurry and I started to have trouble breathing. I felt how he put his arm around my waist and started to walk away from the room full of people.

The next things I could remember were hearing a punch, and a loud thud, as if someone had fallen to the floor. Then someone picked me up in their arms and carried me away.

I didn't know how much time I was unconscious, but when I woke up I was on a bed, and Tom was by my side. Once he realized I was awake, he wrapped his arms around me.

- You're safe now - he said softly. - You're okay. Nothing happened -.

And as he said that I broke down crying.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant