56 - Pretty Visitors

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I gave him an awkward smile and started walking towards the gate. He left the bags he was carrying on the floor and opened it for me.

- Thank you - I half smiled.

- I didn't know you were coming. It's good to see you - he smiled at me.

- You too - I said awkwardly, and avoided his gaze.

As much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn't bring myself to do it. He was too nice. And he still looked very good, even with that stupid bowl cut he had now. Gladly, Liam arrived a few seconds later. I mumbled a "goodbye" and walked towards the car.

- Hey, baby. How was it? - Liam asked me as I sat on the passenger seat.

- It was good - I smiled at him and then looked outside the window. Jamie was opening the front door of his house, and he looked in my direction when Liam started to drive away. I didn't see him again after that.

During the following weeks life treated me very well. I got a promotion in my job, and now I was the head of the sound department, which meant that I wasn't going to go on tour anymore, but I would be still doing something that I loved and getting payed more.

And I was moving in with Liam. He asked me to move in with him on our one year anniversary. I said yes, of course; I loved him so much and he made me incredibly happy.

It was tough moving out and leaving Charlotte by herself. I felt terrible, but she reassured me that she was going to be fine on her own, and that I was welcome anytime. She helped me to pack my things, and we got emotional when everything that was left in my room were boxes.

- I'm going to miss you - I said with tears filling my eyes.

- Me too - she said with a smile, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

- I hope he treats you good, because if he doesn't I will kill him - Charlotte said and it made me let out a chuckle.

- He does. He's the sweetest man I know - I said, and slightly blushed.

- Good - she said and hugged me. - I hope you visit often -.

- I will. Don't worry - I reassured her, and hugged her tightly.

I was so thrilled to be starting this new part of my life with the man I loved, and with my best friend and my dad having my back. My dad adored Liam. They got along immediately and my dad always asked us to go and have lunch with him and Jessica.

With the help of Charlotte and Liam, it only took me one day to move into his apartment. I had my own space in the closet, bathroom cabinets and my own nightstand. It was nice going to sleep that night knowing that Liam would be laying next to me, and that it would be the same way the next day, and the next one.

- I love you so much - I whispered against his chest, while Liam had his arms wrapped around me.

- I love you more - he whispered back and kissed my forehead.

Liam's apartment was located near Notting Hill, which meant that work was far away, but I didn't mind that at all. I would go by car and enjoy the morning as I sang to one of my CDs. The traffic during the early morning was terrible, but time passed in the blink of an eye while I listened to music.

Tom and I still saw each other at work, but not as often, since we no longer worked together. He still worked as a sound technician, and was often away on tour, but when he was at the office we always had lunch together and sometimes we would do something after work. Tom and Liam were good friends, so whenever we could we did something the three of us, and sometimes Edward, Tom's boyfriend, would join us too.

Everything was too perfect for it to stay that way, and deep down I sensed that eventually something would happen and ruin everything. And I was right.

During May, Liam left for two weeks to Ireland because he had to do a shoot there, so I stayed alone in our apartment. Sometimes Charlotte or Tom would stay over to keep me company, but most of the time I was alone.

I didn't mind that though. I had a lot of work to do now that the festival season was coming, so I was busy most of the time. I spent my free time cooking, watching TV or talking with Liam by Skype.

One day, I was cooking dinner after a long day of work. I was having a glass of wine while I prepared lasagna, and music from one of my playlists was filling the kitchen. I was singing softly to the lyrics of one song when the doorbell rang. It took me by surprise, because I wasn't expecting anyone.

When I opened the door, I saw someone that I didn't expect to see again. Jamie was standing in the hallway, with his hands in his pockets while he looked at me.

- Hi - he said and gave me an awkward smile.

- Uh, what are you doing here? - I said, too shocked to be polite.

- I came here to talk. Just please listen to me - he pleaded as he ran a hand through his hair.

- How did you get my address? - I asked him.

- Nick gave it to me - he answered, and I made a mental note to kill the bassist later. Nick had come over with Kelly a few months ago, before she gave birth to Hearst. - Can I come in? - Jamie asked.

- Uh, yeah - I said and moved aside. When he entered the apartment, I closed the door behind him.

- Do you want something to drink? - I asked him, and he shook his head as an answer.

- No, thank you. I just want to talk to you - he said, and I stared at him. - I wanted to apologize for everything that I did to you. I was a dickhead, and I'm sorry. And I hope that you can give me another chance to show you that we can be together - he said, and I think my jaw reached the floor and my heart stopped beating.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now