34 - Articles

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As I read the article, my insecurities grew bigger and I felt a lump appear in my throat and my eyes filling up with tears. I quickly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I guess I woke Jamie up when I did that, because when I was washing my face, he got up and leant against the bathroom's door.

- Good morning love - he said with a sleepy voice. I looked at him through the mirror and faked a smile, hoping that he wouldn't notice what had happened before. But just at the thought of it my eyes started to well up again.

- Hey, what's wrong? - he asked with furrowed eyebrows, coming closer to me.

I turned around and hugged him, and as soon as his arms wrapped around me, I started to calm down. I wiped my eyes before answering him.

- Am I good enough for you? - I asked him as I looked up to meet his eyes.

- Where's this coming from? - he asked and I looked away. - Hey, look at me - he said and put one hand on my cheek. - You're more than I could ever ask for. You're the girl of my dreams - he smiled, and I felt a bit better.

- The real question is if I am good enough for you - he said, gently stroking my cheek with his thumb.

- Shut up, you know you are - I smiled at him.

- Did something happen? - he asked me, returning to our previous topic.

- I just ... I read an article - I sighed. - It said some things and they made me feel insecure - I added.

- Fuck, I should've warned you - he shook his head. - Please don't believe anything that journalists say about you; they just get paid to say bullshit about other people - he said and squeezed me tighter.

- I know I shouldn't care about what other people say, but they wrote some very hurtful things - I said and wiped a tear that fell down my cheek.

- What did they say? - he asked me.

- I don't want to talk about it - I shook my head and rested it on his chest.

- It's fine - he said rubbing my back. - Do you want to order room service and watch TV? - he asked me, changing the topic. I looked at him with a smile, and nodded.

We ordered something to eat and watched TV the whole morning. We were going to have lunch with the rest of the group, but I told him that I was going to stay in the room.

- Do you want me to stay with you? - he asked me before he left.

- No, please go and have fun. I'll be okay - I reassured him.

- Okay. Call me if you need anything - he told me.

- I will. Bye - I said and kissed him.

- Bye - he said and walked to the door, closing it behind him.

As soon as he left, I grabbed my phone and called Charlotte.

- Hey Phoebe, what's up? - I heard her voice, and she was clearly excited.

- Hello Char. I read the articles - I sighed.

- Really? What did they say? - she asked me, and I felt my eyes well up just at the thought of it.

- You didn't read them? - I asked her.

- No - she replied. - Wait, they were bad, weren't they? Fuck, I shouldn't have sent them to you. I'm sorry - she started apologizing.

- Hey Char, it's ok. I'm glad I read them. They weren't bad, the only harsh one was the one about Jamie and me - I tried to calm her down.

- I'm so sorry love. I got excited because you appeared in some of the pictures, but it was a very bad idea - she said, and I could hear the concern in her voice. - What did the article say? -

- Well, most of it was just about how we were very touchy with each other and all those things - I started saying. - But then it started to talk about her ex-girlfriend, and what an amazing couple they had been and how amazing it would be if they got back together - I said, and my voice broke. - There were some pictures of them together, and fuck Char, she's gorgeous - I sighed.

- Come on Phoebe, you know you are stunning - my best friend replied. - Besides, there was a reason they broke up, and he's with you now - she tried to reassure me. - Why don't you talk to him about it? -

- I will. Thank you for everything - I said, and felt better.

- Don't thank me, you know I'm here for anything you need - she replied. Charlotte truly was the best friend in the world.

After that we kept chatting, mostly about how things were back home. I didn't even realize what time it was until Jamie returned. I hung up and hugged my boyfriend.

- I missed you too - he chuckled as he hugged me back. - Did you eat something? - he asked me and I shook my head.

- I knew it - he said and let go of the hug. - I brought you a burger - he added and handed me a bag.

- Eat it before it gets cold - he said and I kissed him.

- You're the best. Thank you - I said and took out the box with the burger inside.

We chatted as I ate, and he told me about the things they had talked about at lunch. Once I finished eating, we took a nap together and then got ready for dinner. Instead of going out, we were going to eat pizzas in Matt's and Alex's room while we watched a movie.

We ended up watching the first two movies of the Back to the Future trilogy. Alex was about to put on the third one, but we decided to call it a night.

- Aw, come on - Alex pouted. - Let's watch it -.

- It's late mate - Nick told him.

- Yeah, maybe we can finish it tomorrow - Jamie replied and grabbed my hand.

We said our goodnights and went to bed. As always, Jamie's arms were wrapped around me while I rested my head on his chest. But instead of falling asleep, my mind was busy thinking about the conversation I had had with Charlotte.

- Jamie - I whispered, checking if he was asleep or not.

- Yes, love? - he replied.

- You know, I always thought that nights were made for talking about things that you can't say during the day - I said, as I drummed my fingers over his chest.

- That's very poetic - Jamie replied.

- Can I ask you something? -

- Of course, anything you want - he replied and kissed my forehead.

- Why did you fall for me? - I asked him and he took a deep breath. After a couple of seconds, he exhaled and answered.

- There are a lot of reasons. You are one of the kindest people I know, you're nice, beautiful and you have an amazing taste in music and humor - he said. - But the thing that made me fall hard is that you're passionate about the things you do and like - he finished and I blushed slightly.

- I can go on if you like - he said and I smiled.

- You don't have to - I shook my head.

- Is there any reason why you asked me that? - he asked me after a couple of seconds of silence.

- Yeah, actually. I talked with Charlotte about how that article had made me feel, and she suggested that I talked to you about it. There were some things about you and your ex and it made me feel insecure - I sighed. - She told me there was a reason why you broke up and why you fell for me -.

- Hey, remember what I told you in the morning. You're all I could ever ask for, and don't believe the shit journalists say. Please never forget that I'm a fool for you - Jamie said and I felt the butterflies in my stomach.

- And never forget that you're rarer than a can of dandelion and burdock - he whispered, singing softly to me the lyrics of his own song.

- You're cute. But stop stealing those lyrics from Alex - I giggled.

- I guess I will have to write my own lyrics then - he said. - Goodnight love - he kissed me softly.

- Good night -.

Do I wanna know? - Jamie CookWhere stories live. Discover now