First kill...

254 13 5

Triggering scene ahead🔴

Mafia pov (past)

It feels like cold and panic I am sweating but I keep running, the main door of the building at a distance of some more steps I want to be desperately reach for it more desperate than ever I had been even for begging for my food. I am feeling shocks of terror and lurking of darkness from behind me; the receptionist looks absolutely out of her consciousness but more like being puppet handled by some creepy demon or monster... I want to save myself from this monster I have to be alive even if I don't have much in my life right now all I do is pick food from cans a begger on streets but maybe I have a hope to change my future, a future I have not seen yet I want a hope ...One chance I beg to the all mighty save me today I will be slave of you for my whole life please... I begged in my thoughts and a whimper left my mouth as I felt her behind me a few more steps ...I turned around to look at her , her eyes were crazy and held the redness like blood I believe she tortured someone there inside ...she keeps looking at me moving her face from side to side with her bloody mouth open ,I am absolutely terrified and want to make anything of this situation which will help me escape I shouldn't have come here in the first place. Why would a begger be taken in ? How did I think that I will be accepted here?

Receptionist:- hahaha... you know what!? I am.... I am hungry !! It's been 3 days I on eating rotten fleshhhh...

This got me nauseous I want to vomit and her mouth just displays what she is talking about bloody situation and her bloody face ...

Taehyung:- You are crazy woman !!! Get away from meee !! Don't touch mee!! I don't want to be here anymore open this door dirty lady!!

I made a mistake...

Shouldn't have spoken that way I triggered her right at a situation where my life was in jeopardy...

Receptionist:- You have a audacity to refuse me and ask for demands ??!! Children who stay here never spoke to me in this manner !! You should be punished severely!!

She stepped near me the smell of blood so strong that I gagged ...

Taehyung:- Leave meee!! Someone helps!!

Receptionist:- That I last time you speak !! You speak alot that you have in your mind so let have a taste of that special tongue !!

This is sick and most terrible feeling  I am having panic attack absolutely terrified and my legs are numb to move at all ... I realize I have been crying all this time my tears are not stopping today ...I don't have any idea what she will do with me ...


She digged her big nails in my skin ..her bloody nails were piercing through my skin and tore it apart oozing the blood out of skin ..while I kept crying


She dragged me along with her one hand  digging my skin flesh other pulling on my hair...

Half way through the dark hall I smell it ...the foul pungent smell of rotten fleshh felt like it could make me go crazy sick ...such unbearable smell of rotten flesh that I couldn't help it but puke all over the ground...

Receptionist:- what the hell!! Such a trouble already !? I am going to put you in the same room as the rotten bodies with dark room at night those body decompose more!! Have fun!! Hahaha!!

Her words made me want to die on spot that smell the bodies I definitely don't want to be in same room as the dead ...

She dragged me few doors passed by and a strongest smell of all ...too much for a human to bear or any animal to go near it ...I begged her ...

Taehyung:- I beg you I will serve you ...I will..I will be your slave... please ..please ...don't put me in this room ...pleas--

She opened the door and pushed me inside and immediately locked the door and I kept banging the door but it was of no use the strong smell made my head feel light and dizzy i turned around there was no light and suddenly ..i stepped on something felt like flesh and gooy...i couldnt take it anymore and vomited again ... I felt dirty and cried loudly...why me??

And then everything went black!!

Next day i woke up feeling sick again the light in room made me look around was worst there were chopped body parts of small kids around and yesterday I stepped on a kids head ... I went crazyyy and a sudden rage filled in my heart the need to destroy to feel hrr death became immense...I want to kill her and my First kill by taking revenge fir these kids!!

To be contined....

I know this is triggering chapter please read if you are ok next chapters are similiar to this ...includes blood and murders...Read at your own risk ...

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