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Y/f/n:- Legacy about!!???

Aurora:- The Lost Witch ....!!

Y/f/n:- Lost witch??

Aurora:- It is famous  prophecy  in all the kingdoms and all know that their strongest queen that is the witch is dead since you know the kings 1st daughter  was turned out to be death and this is not enough ....the 1st daughter  is the most powerful  mythic creature that might be born on this earth or let's say universe ...but she is dead so no one talk about the lost princess  or let's say to be queen!!

Y/f/n:- if she was this powerful  then how she can be dead !!??

Aurora:- But she was a baby when she was dead so it was assumed in this way but people say either she was eaten by a wild animal or maybe drowned in the water ...

Y/f/n:- If she is dead what is the worry !!?? My lady...we will just help you conquer  the kingdom...but you also help us ...

Aurora:- fine ...but if you made any mistake or any betrayal from your side I will make your family pay along with your daughter  ...I will curse her ...

Yf/n:- No ...I will take care of it you just start preparation  of being queen ....

Aurora:- fine ....hahahaha  ....


Y/n :- Taehyung!!

Taehyung:-  hmm!

Y/n:- can I ask you a question?

Taehyung:- what??!!

Taehyung:- what??!!

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Y/n:-stop dancing ...i want to ask something important  to  you  ....

Taehyung:- What??

Y/n:- What if I have to go back to the real world where my parents  are far from this mythic world??

Taehyung:- W-what? No-no  how can you say that y-you  are  my m-mate you cannot leave me ....don't  you know without mate it will be hard for both of us  wolf and me ...

Y/n:- Kim Taehyung  !! I don't  know  why but I feel it ...I can feel something  upcoming  is really very hard for us ...my feelings are telling me that something  is  going to happen !!

Taehyung:-  Throughout  my life ...I never laughed so freely people trembled in front  of  me  and  by listening  my name and this person who made people so scared has become soft to you ...you changed me ...my attitude  ,ego, my ruthlessness  flowing  in my blood was controlled by you ...where do you think you can go by making me change so much ...isn't  it said that we should  live the person whom you admire,  love , care , I never cared about people before, you had made my heart flatter , beat so fast that I was afraid if you can listen  my heartbeats....after so much if you leave me ...do you think I can survive!!??? Do you think that I can be alive in this world without  my love of life???

Taehyung  tears up

Taehyung:-  Never you can leave me ...I won't let you leave me ...not at all....

Y/n:- (tears up)   I LOVE YOU!!

Taehyung:-  I LOVE YOU TOO!!!

Y/n:- let's go and have some fresh air in garden ...shall we??

Taehyung:- Yeahh!!😁😁

Taehyung:- Yeahh!!😁😁

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In Garden

Y/n:- It is so peaceful  here!!

Taehyung:- yes it is my favorite  garden


Jennie:-  Yah Min Yoongi ....you are never awake get up !!! Why are you so lazy ....I wanted a mate who would spend time with me not a cat like you !!!! Get the hell up Old man!!!

I wanted a mate who would spend time with me not a cat like you !!!! Get the hell up Old man!!!

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Yoongi:- Aish ....ok ok dont whine like a kid I am up!!

Taehyung:-  hahahaha!! Suddenly  he realises  something 

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Taehyung:-  hahahaha!! Suddenly  he realises  something  ......Yahhhh   why are you here sleeping you should be at the border  right???!!!

Yoongi suddenly  jolts up listening  taehyung's alpha voice

Yoongi:-  I was tired  so I decided  to  take rest!!! Mianhae Alpha!!!

Jennie:- Better make time for me also and don't sleep when free psst!!!

Yoongi :- hmmm okie~~

Y/n:-  we shall go inside I am already hungry ...Aren't  you guys hungry??

Jennie:-  Yeah come on y/n ah let's go~~~~

To be continued ~~~

I know this was a boring and short chapter  but  I have busy schedule  for  now so please  understand  guys...well there are many things waiting  forward for you all ...be happy stay safe and  healthy 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

THE SUPREME ALPHA (she-wolf)kim Taehyung FfWhere stories live. Discover now