But at the sight of their smiles, everyone around them started telling them off.

"You two think this is funny right now? Stop laughing!" Taylor demanded, his voice shocked.

Adara looked up at him, she had not realised he was there. But she squinted as she peered up at him, the sun was in her eyes and she could not see properly.

"Stop trying to open your eyes either!"

Adara opened her mouth, but she was interrupted.

"Stop trying to speak as well!"

Adara looked at Taylor, confused. What's wrong with him? She got off her knees, Rosalyn helping her shift her weight. She was sitting down on the ground now, her red dress in a swirl around her, her shoes peeking through. It was not lady-like, not noble-like, but Adara didn't care. It was not noble-like to save everyone with a hidden power. At least her back was straight, they should be happy with that much.

The Black Dragon was talking in her head, the threats flowing out of him like a fountain. 'Weak Human! Weak Half-Not-Human! You two cannot die! You two are too weak! If you die— if even one of you dies— I will destroy everything! I will kill everyone, destroy everything, and once everything is gone— including both of your corpses— I will kill myself as well!'

Adara almost laughed at his words. Who taught him such words? she wondered, amused. It certainly wasn't me.

Amiru felt helpless as she stared at Adara. She still had blood on her chin, the blood blending in with her dark dress. It had given her such a fright when she suddenly coughed up blood. If only there was a—. "Adara! Young Master Cale!" Amiru said, suddenly getting an idea. "We will call a priest over!"

Gilbert nodded at the idea. "I will go with you!"

But before Adara or Cale could protest, they were already rushing towards a Priest. Adara peeked at the Priest they were talking to, he was dressed in a Servant of the Sun God's Priest outfit. Adara cursed. She was sure her disguise was good enough, but if the Priest tried to do anything they would immediately find out her non-human ancestry.

Adara sent a look at Cale, knowing he understood as well. Cale would do everything in his power to not let the Priest get into contact with Adara. From next to them, Eric was glaring at all the other Nobles, the North-Eastern ones as well as the ones from the other Factions. He didn't want any of them approaching.

Adara heard a particular conversation, now that her hearing was the best again. She turned her head, seeing Choi Han talking to the Royal Knight in charge of the Nobles.

"Please get out of my way," Choi Han said in a low voice, his eyes cold.

"No way," the Royal Knight protested. "Civilians are not allowed inside."

Choi Han looked ready to murder the Knight. "Civilian? Who came up with crap like that?"

That's not good, Adara thought. I wonder what made him almost want to murder a Knight? She gave a curt motion with her hand, the action like a flick. Did Cale not tell him to stay back?

Choi Han saw it and clenched his hand. "I apologise," he said, more to them than to the Knight in front of him.

Adara sent Cale a look, he gave her a confused one back. Huh, she thought. So he did order him to stay back. She looked behind Choi Han, saw Lock with On and Hong on his shoulders. She gave them a small nod. But then she looked away, because Rosalyn suddenly caught her attention.

"Young Master Cale, Young Mistress Adara, are you okay?" Rosalyn asked, still looking pretty even with a different hair colour.

Cale and Adara nodded at the same time. "Yes, we are absolutely fine."

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