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Aylin Realm

The place where the Gods and Goddesses of the moon resides and right now Almos can be seen unconscious lying in a white silk bed. He doesn't know he was brought here by one of the Goddess of the moon and she's waiting for him to regain his consciousness.

"Why did you bring him here, Goddess Dione?"

Goddess Dione known as 'the best friend' of Jeanne in her Dream World, and no one knows not even Goddess Ilmatar who she is because of the seal given to her by the God of Destiny. She was chosen to protect the two lovers to fulfill the rightful destiny that awaits Almos and Jeanne from the very beginning. A destiny not even the creator knows what it is since the events happened from the past changes the future a lot.

"There's nothing I can do he will destroy the Dream Realms if I haven't stop him from exploding, God Rakesh."

God Rakesh, one of the Knights of Moon that protects the entire Gods and Goddesses of the Moon. He's the closest friend of Goddess Dione and knows everything about Almos and Jeanne's story.

"And do you think he wouldn't do it here?"

A smile formed from Dione's face before turning her head at him. "And do you think you couldn't handle him, Moon Knight Rakesh..."

"Huh! Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm just saying..." she answered. "Although... he can still use the weapons and powers of his former self so, I don't think you can handle him that fast."

"God Elbrus and I have the same level of fighting skills and if you were telling the truth, then, that would be the best thing on my part. It's been a long time since I've had a sparring partner in a fight so it's a good exercise for me to face him again."

"You are too excited didn't you know that."

"You couldn't blame, it's been eons ever since I saw him."

"Well, I know what you feel but right now that isn't the right thing to think we have a bigger problem that we need to face."


"Yes, the Fallen Angel Azazel."

"He became stronger than before."

"Indeed. And I don't know if Almos and the others were enough to face him."

"If the Special Spirit will only give in."

"Do you mean, you are not against of her as a sacrifice?"

"To begin with, Father created the Special Spirit for that purpose."

AlmosOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant