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Dream World


"Unconsciously you can but right now we need you to wake up."

'Not that again!' I complained to myself.

Ilmatar smiled at me and said. "It seems you want to know something about the truth, right?"

"Yes! And clearly, you heard what I just thought." I answered. "So tell me, before I fully awake, what is going on because I won't go anywhere here!"


It took them too long before they speak up.

"Alright, have you seen Bellinor?" She directly asked Asim.

"Yes un eka think älfr ero du one who summoned her out abr her waking dags."

"Who's Bellinor?" I curiously asked.

"The one that you saw at the school." Asim answered. "And he will not stop until he finds you."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the one that they needed," Ilmatar answered. "To clearly understand what I am saying, you have the thing that they wanted to have."

"I still don't understand what those dark creatures wanted from me."

"Your spirit."

"Asim!" Ilmatar quickly scolded him.

"What! I'm just telling her the truth." he said before looking back at me. "And even Almos knew it but still he cannot protect you no matter what because--"

"Letta, Asim!" Her voice echoed through all the corners of the church although it isn't loud enough, it still heard all over the place but instead of feeling scared. I feel more at ease and at peace I don't know I just felt a Goddess spoke up from heaven.


Asim takes a deep breath before he finally speaks up again. "Allr eka want er eom vardi her un telling du ilumëo er du raehta thing eom ach."

"Eka kenna hvat ono mulabra, mar thomessa er néiat du raehta time."

'Here they go again! What kind of language they were talking?' I silently asked myself as I silently listened to them.

"You'll learn it soon." They both answered in unison.

"O-okay." I just answered. "So, my spirit... I know you wouldn't tell me anything as what I understand on your conversation. That is why I won't ask anything. Now, just explain to me how I can control my power so that I can avoid those dark creatures and the one you were talking, whoever he was."

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