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Some art I did while bored.

China sat alone in her jail cell, she had no idea what time it was, and she didn't care. It had been Five years since China was arrested. She's had five years to plan her revenge. Of course, it would be hard, escaping. But she has already mapped out seven possible exits, this place isn't that secure. 

She wondered how Persia was doing. It didn't have an heir when China left, so did they elect a new leader or are they just running around without a leader? For once, China was stumped. She honestly had no idea.

But that was for her to worry about later, right now she was about to get released for lunch. During that time she will be hand-cuffed, which is normally not a problem, but she's also ankle-cuffed. That is what makes this a tad more difficult, but you don't spend five years planning to let something this little stop you. It was simple really, almost idiotic. China grimaced as she reminded herself of America, doing idiotic things, but yet it worked out in the end. Or at least, she hoped would work out at the end.

Her jail cell door was unlocked and opened, a guard told her time for lunch. So she got up went to the door, got cuffed then began walking, along with some other inmates who were also cuffed.

China glanced down at her shoes, then to the people around her. The goal was to get the restraints off before a guard noticed. She would also have to make it look like she tripped otherwise the guards may get suspicious. China hated how powerless she was in here, of course she bribed some guards, snitched on other inmates to get in the guard's good graces, but nothing worked. She even tried to seduce a guard but failed and got put into solitary for a day. With one meal, might I add.

China sighed then she very discreetly  kicked the back of her shoe. That one movement caused her to trip completely, as she fell she moved her hands forward and out, like anyone would if they fell. She also realized that a shoe wasn't on her foot, that wasn't planned but it could work out in her favor. China began to lock-pick the ankle-cuff until she heard boots. Inmates weren't allowed boots, only guards were. She looked up, almost nervously, but only saw a guard throw her the shoe. China grabbed it and put the shoe back on, the guard had already left by then. So China continued to lock-pick until she became free of the bottom restraints.

? "Why were you on the floor for so long?!" A guard yelled at her in the face. China remained calm and seemed un-phased by the sudden outburst.

C "My shoe fell off as I tripped, I was putting it back on" She said smoothly and began walking away. China felt a wave of relief wash over her. God was she lucky that the guard didn't look down at her shoes. Because then he would notice that she had no ankle-restraints. 

Part one of the plan was complete. One less thing to worry about. But now she needs to get a weapon. There were plastic knives in the kitchen but those things break easier than a dry spaghetti noodle. She could always make a shiv, which is what she ended up doing. They were allowed some outdoor time if they were well-mannered inmates. Of course China would sometimes get to go outside, which would be a huge mistake from the guards. Outside there aren't any rocks, the guards got rid of them all. At least, that's what the guards thought. But China knew that no matter how hard anyone tries, there will be at least one rock. Or the person might forget an area, either way if you looked for a rock, you would find one. 

China finally found a big enough rock. She snuck it into her jumpsuit and went back inside. Sharpening a rock isn't easy, but if you do kitchen duty you can use a knife sharpener. But one problem is that it's under 24/7 surveillance from the guards. But when you live your life as an assassin, you learn to hide things. So it was fairly easy for her to sharpen the rock as well as the knife. 

So China had a weapon, and was missing leg restraints. 

An emergency exit door was just around the corner, if she were to escape, that would be the exit to do it. But one problem, it's key-card activated. China could bypass it, but that could take a few minutes, but China only had a few seconds. So imagine China's delight when she found out a guard was sleeping on the job. So she opened her cell door and took the key-card, that was this morning. The guy probably didn't notice that the thing was gone, and even if he did and reported it stolen, it could take a day for the key-card to be cancelled. 

But if China could open her jail cell door whenever she wanted, why didn't she escape at night? China thought exactly that. But after a little bit of planning she realized, that wasn't the best plan of action. You see, at night is when the prison is on highest alert. China has stayed up past midnight looking out the window and seeing guards patrolling the outskirts of the prison, there was even a bright white light shining everywhere. Escaping at night was too risky for China's liking.

So China slowly made her way to the right of the line, slowly getting closer to the door. She glanced around her, guards were behind her and in front. But they weren't close enough, China swiped the key-card and bolted out the door. An emergency alarm started blaring, that wasn't a part of the plan. Now the whole building will be coming after her, but it's too late to turn back now.

China ran as fast as she could, she could hear guns being fired at her. One barely missed her head. 

China was stopped short at the gate. It had barbed wire at the top and the whole thing was electrically charged. But her dear old friend sleeping guard's key-card will come in handy once more. 

She ran into the small cubicle where a guard was, surprisingly there was no emergency alarm in this cubicle. But that only works in China's favor. She walks up behind the guy, puts her hand on the guys head and neck, then she turns it to the left very quickly. A loud snap echoed across the small cubicle, China swiped the card and saw the gates begin to open. She ran out the gate, cops hurrying behind her. Some already put out a BOLO for her.

China smiled as she felt fresh air in her lungs, the wind caressed her face as she continued running. Man, how she missed the real world. But that wasn't the thing she was focused on. She was more focused on the fact she was about to have the most fun she'd ever had.

China arrived at an abandoned looking shack. It looked old, it was made out of wood and the windows were broken. There was snow on the roof and inside the shack, there was snow on the floor as well. China was in a former country's territory, one that she knew all too well. One known as the Soviet Union.

It wasn't much of a home, but a place to sleep was a place to sleep. So, China found some blankets and covered the windows. She curled up on the floor with a blanket, she shivered a bit. She closed her eyes and thought of tomorrow. The first day of her freedom. The first day of fun.

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