The death of the Soviet Union (Pt.2)

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《Third person POV》

America grinned as he was looking at a sheet of paper labled 'hait'éego'. (It's Navajo for plan). America wrote it in the Navajo language so anyone who looks at it won't be able to read it or translate it. He would go to Reich's house first sense he and Germany were friends, random visits would be often.

He grabbed his keys and left, as he was driving a song on the radio came on. 'Oh oh oh, oh here we go. Walkin' talkin' like you know,' He smiled and turned up the radio. After a while he started to sing along,

"I want your pretty little psycho, pretty little, pretty little, pretty little psycho!" he sang, he liked this song for some reason. Maybe because he related to it a bit, he was probably a psycho because of his job, and he was definitely pretty.

Once he arrived at the house he made sure his weapons didn't show, he didn't want Reich to see them and run away or possibly grab his own weapon. America knocked on the door and waited a bit, no response.... He knocked again, no response. Maybe he saw America and got scared?

America decided on kicking down the door, which he did successfully. Once he got inside no-one was there, but Reich's car was still in the drive way.

America walked down the hall and checked every room, soon he found the bedroom where he saw droplets of blood. He followed the droplets and found a dead Reich laying in a pool of his own blood with a gun next to him, America checked Reich's head and saw a bullet hole. America was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to kill Reich but at least he was dead. He looked around for a letter and he eventually found one, it read:

'To who-ever finds this, I know you probably don't care that I died, infact I think you are probably celebrating. Makes sense, I have done many things, most of which were bad, but one thing I did was kill someone who is an ally of the Star-Spangled-bitch. And instead of dying to his hand, i'll die to my own. -Third Reich'

America went to the living room and looked for some paper, which he found eventually. He grabbed a pen that was in his pocket and wrote:

'Dear Germany, I found your Father dead in his bedroom. It appears to be self-inflicted but I decided to not investigate further, that I will leave to you. If you decide to investigate is also up to you, I don't care, I came here to kill him anyway. Anyways, congratulations on your loss. -Stars'

America then put the paper on the shoe rack so Germany would see it, America then left the house and started the drive over to Soviet's house. His GPS said it would take an hour to two hours to get there, America scoffed.

A"Two hours, yeah i'll take that bet." he said slamming his foot on the pedal, his car then zoomed down the road. His speed was climbing, 30 mph, 60 mph, 180 mph, 240 mph. Soon he was going over 300 mph, normally you can't go this fast in a car but America took engineering in high-school. And while that didn't do much with cars, it did provide some intellect of moving objects, robots for example. That's how he was able to make a mini rocket for a science fair, he got first place of course. America created his own kind of engine that cooled itself down and could go around 500 mph until it'll overheat.

America was almost at Soviet's house when another song came on 'Ding dong I know you can hear me, open a door, I only wanna play a little~' America chuckled lightly, he thought this was a bit ironic, but it did fit the situation he was going to be in.

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