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Genevieve and Taylor got settled into bed. Taylor hasn't spoken since dinner. "What's wrong?" Genevieve asked. Taylor stayed silent for a moment. "He called you his girl, Genevieve." Taylor bitterly replied. "He called me and the baby his girls. I don't think he meant it that way." Genevieve replied. "He meant it exactly how he said it and he even gave me a smug look after." Taylor argued. "I didn't see anything." Genevieve replied. "Of course you didn't." Taylor muttered. Genevieve looked over at her. "We said we were working on our relationship again. How are we supposed to do that with him around?" Taylor asked. "I don't think he interferes." Genevieve replied.

"He bought a damn house out here." Taylor argued. "He just wanted to be close when the baby arrives." Genevieve replied. "This was supposed to be our space. This is our town, this is where our home is, this is where our life is." Taylor argued. "I don't see how him being around changes any of that." Genevieve replied. Taylor stayed silent and slumped down against the pillows. "I know it's difficult to get used to all of this, but you don't have to worry about anything." Genevieve reassured and held Taylor's hand. Taylor turned and looked at her.

"I love you and I'm happy. Josiah is just a friend." Genevieve replied. "A friend you're having a baby with." Taylor muttered. "Regardless of what you think he may or may not feel, I'm with you. If I wanted to be with him don't you think I would've gone through and married him?" Genevieve replied. "But you keep him around." Taylor glared. "I keep him around because whether you like it or not, he is the biological father of this baby. He wants to be part of the baby's life and I'm not going to keep him from that. But that's all it is. Co-parenting." Genevieve replied. Taylor stayed silent. "That's why I'd really like it if you both could be civil and stop this petty back and forth." Genevieve said.

"I love you but I don't think that's ever going to happen." Taylor replied. "Will you at least give it a chance?" Genevieve asked. "Why should I?" Taylor asked. "He's really great when you get to know him." Genevieve replied. Taylor rolled her eyes and looked off. "I'm just saying it would be a start. If you guys just got to know each other maybe you'd get along." Genevieve explained. Taylor remained silent with her arms crossed. Genevieve sighed, "Fine, do whatever you want." Genevieve got settled into bed turned away to sleep.


Taylor stood in the dim kitchen light and stared at her phone hesitant to click the call button on Josiah's contact. She sighed and put the phone up to her ear. "Hello?" A tired voice answered. "Josiah." Taylor replied. "Is something wrong? is Genevieve okay?!" He asked in a worried panic. "She's fine." Taylor replied. "Oh...then why are you calling?" He asked. Taylor nervously tapped her foot and bit the inside of her cheek as she tried to force the words to come out. "Do you want to go get coffee tomorrow?" Taylor asked. "What time do I meet you guys there?" He asked.

"No. I mean like us two. Do you want to go grab coffee?" She asked. "Why?" He skeptically asked. "I think maybe we've gotten off on the wrong foot and this could be a good way to get to know each other. For the baby's sake." Taylor replied. "The baby you so desperately want to take out of my life?" He asked. "Do you want to or not?" Taylor asked annoyed. The line was silent for a moment. "Okay." He replied. "Okay. I'll meet you at the cafe in town." Taylor replied.


Taylor parked and made her way to the cafe. Josiah was waiting outside scrolling on his phone. "You showed." He said surprised to see her approaching. "Why wouldn't I show?" Taylor asked. "I thought this was all a ruse to get me away so I wouldn't go see Genevieve." Josiah replied. Taylor rolled her eyes. "Coffee?"Taylor asked. He nodded and entered the cafe with her. They made their way to the counter and ordered their drinks. Josiah looked at the pastries in the display. "What would you recommend from here?" Josiah asked the barista. "Our muffins are always popular." The barista replied. "I'll get a muffin." Josiah nodded.

They made their way to a small table and sat down. "I understand the appeal of this place now. No one cares who you are here and no one bothers you." Josiah said as he took a sip of his drink. "Genevieve and I liked to disappear out here when we were you younger." Taylor replied. Josiah took the wrap off of his muffin, "Same place you took her to when you were trying to take her from me." He said as he broke a piece of his muffin off. Taylor stared at him. "Are you ever going to be over it?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same but I know the answer because you took my fiance." He sarcastically smiled. "So now you want to try and take her from me?" Taylor argued. "What the hell am I doing?" He questioned. "You're always trying to one-up me and make me look bad in front of her and you know it." She glared. "You do it to yourself. I'm not doing anything." He shrugged. "Then explain the husband behavior you're always showing." Taylor replied. He shook his head and sipped his coffee, "You don't even know me and you're accusing me of being disingenuous?" He asked. Taylor sat back in her chair with her arms crossed.

"You weren't around to see how our relationship was. I've always looked out and cared for her, even before her and I were ever a thing." He replied. "I'm telling you to know your boundaries." Taylor glared. He leaned forward against his arms, "Did you know your boundaries when she was with me and you kissed her and tried to sleep with her?" He asked. Taylor stared at him in silence. "What's your game?" She asked. "No game." Josiah shrugged. "I don't believe you." Taylor glared. "I'm not you. I'm not going to coerce and trick her into trying to love me again. My love is genuine, not transactional." He argued.

"I don't believe you." Taylor replied. Josiah rolled his eyes, "You're so insecure in your own relationship you drive yourself insane." He replied. "Stop trying to make me seem like I'm crazy with your holier-than-thou attitude." Taylor glared. "I'm not doing anything. You're paranoid on your own." Josiah replied. "Now if we're done here, I have errands to run." Josiah said as he stood up and gathered his things.

"Why would I be paranoid?" Taylor scoffed.

Josiah stared at her and grabbed his coffee,"Because even you know you don't deserve her." He replied and walked off.

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