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Genevieve arrived to school. Everything seemed better than it usually was. She was finally getting her shot at directing a school play and she was seeing someone new. Someone who wasn't as toxic as Taylor was.

She entered the theater room and saw Ms. Clark on the phone with her head in hand. She looked up and saw Genevieve enter. The disappointment in her face made Genevieve worry. "Alright, thank you." Ms. Clark said as she hung up the phone.

"Is something wrong?" Genevieve asked. Ms. Clark sighed, "I have some bad news." She replied. "What is it?" Genevieve asked. She was growing anxious and nervous. "The costumes for the play were... ruined." Ms. Clark replied. "What do you mean they were ruined?" Genevieve asked. "Someone broke into the auditorium sometime over the weekend. When I got the call from the janitor I rushed over to check, the costumes were torn up and ruined." Ms. Clark explained.

Genevieve felt the panic set in, "Did you check with the theater departments from other school's to see if they could let us borrow anything?" She asked. Ms. Clark nodded, "Unfortunately they have nothing available. With everyone having fall plays going on, they don't have costumes to spare."

"Did anyone see who broke in at least?" Genevieve asked. "We aren't sure." Ms. Clark replied. Genevieve thought for a moment and shook her head, "Of course..." There was only one person who would do something like this. "That bitch." Genevieve mumbled and stormed off. "Genevieve!" Ms. Clark shouted and quickly followed her.

Genevieve saw Taylor approaching down the hall laughing with her friends. "You bitch!" Genevieve shouted and rushed over to her. She grabbed her shoved her back against the wall. "What the fuck!?" Taylor glared. "You ruined the costumes for my play?!" Genevieve glared. "Aww guess you can't do your nerdy little play anymore." Taylor frowned.

Genevieve felt the rush of anger overcome her and struck Taylor across the face. Everyone froze and watched their exchange. Taylor held her cheek stunned and looked over at Genevieve. She glared and shoved Genevieve back against the wall. The two grasped at each other's clothing trying to hurt the other.

"Girls!" Vice Principal Sandra shouted. She and Ms. Clark rushed over to separate them. "I hate you!" Genevieve shouted as she tried to break free from Ms. Clark's arms. Taylor stayed silent and stared. "Why can't you just leave me alone! You ruined my life!" Genevieve cried. Taylor saw the tears forming in Genevieve's eyes and felt immediate regret. "My office now!" Vice Principal Sandra ordered.

Taylor and Genevieve sat outside of Vice Principal Sandra's office while she talked to Ms. Clark and Mr. Harris. Taylor looked over and saw Genevieve's tear stained cheeks and frowned. "Genevieve..." Taylor reached over to grab Genevieve's hand. Genevieve quickly slapped her hand away and refused to look at her.

"Just...leave me alone." Genevieve replied. Taylor frowned and slumped back in her chair. Mr. Harris and Ms. Clark stepped out of the office and looked at their two students. Vice Principal Sandra joined them out in the hall.

"Girls. We had a very big conversation and we agreed on a punishment that seems fair." Ms. Clark said. "You're suspended for 3 days." Mr. Harris added. "What?!" The girls shouted in unison. "Would you prefer expulsion?" Vice Principal Sandra asked.

"No." Genevieve sighed. "I hope you both know the punishment could've been worse. But Ms. Clark and Mr. Harris convinced me to give you a lighter punishment." Vice principal Sandra replied. "So 3 day suspension, and Miss. Swift as your added punishment for breaking into the auditorium and ruining the theater department's costumes. You'll be on mandatory theater duty helping the department when they have plays."

"But I have band, our schedules don't work for that." Taylor replied. "We made sure to work around that. You'll still be able to do both." Mr. Harris replied. Taylor sighed. "So grab your things, I let your parents know what's happening and why you're being sent home early." Vice principal Sandra said.

Genevieve made her way to her car and Taylor quickly followed behind. "Genevieve wait!" She called out. Genevieve ignored her and walked. "Genevieve." Taylor said blocking her door. "Haven't you done enough? Can you leave me alone?!" Genevieve argued.

"Genevieve please, I'm sorry." Taylor apologized. Genevieve shoved her aside and got in her car. "Genevieve can we please talk?!"Taylor shouted from outside her window. Genevieve raised the volume on her radio to drown out Taylor's voice and pulled out of her parking spot.

It was late. Genevieve was in bed trying to sleep when she heard a tapping at her window. She sat up startled and looked around. She heard the tapping once again and got up from bed. She cautiously approached her window and saw a familiar mess of blonde hair.

Genevieve rolled her eyes and was ready to go back to bed. "I'm not leaving till you talk to me." Taylor said from outside the window. Genevieve huffed in frustration and walked back over to the window. She slid open the window and glared. "What do you want?"

Taylor climbed in through the window. "I'm sorry." She sighed. "If you're so sorry, why did you do it in the first place?" Genevieve replied. Taylor looked off and stayed silent. "I can still call the cops on you for this you know." Genevieve added. "I was jealous." Taylor blurted out.

"Of what?" Genevieve asked. "I came to see you and saw you making out with Bryan in the car and...I don't know I lost it." Taylor sighed. "But I didn't understand how important this dumb-" Taylor cut herself off as she noticed Genevieve's angry expression, "I didn't know how important this play was to you." Taylor corrected.

Genevieve sighed and shook her head, "So you were stalking me?" She asked. Taylor quickly shook her head, "No. not all day..." Taylor quietly replied. "How did you even know where I was going to be?" Genevieve asked. "I overheard you two talking about meeting there." Taylor replied. Genevieve's eyes slightly widened, "Oh so you are a stalker."

Taylor's cheeks grew red, "I'm not a stalker. I was waiting for you to leave the auditorium after your rehearsal so I could talk to you but then I saw you with him and hid."

"So...you were stalking me." Genevieve replied. "That's not stalking." Taylor argued. "Yes...it is. You were waiting outside of my rehearsals." Genevieve argued. "Shut up." Taylor glared. Genevieve stepped forward with her arms crossed and stared Taylor down. "Make me."

Taylor pulled her in and crashed her lips onto hers. She was hit with the lingering taste of strawberry on Genevieve's lips and deepened their kiss. Genevieve didn't fight and instead returned her affection. Taylor wrapped her arms around and Genevieve and pulled her close.

Genevieve slightly pulled her face away. "I'm seeing Bryan..." she whispered. "Fuck Bryan." Taylor mumbled and reattached their lips. Taylor laid Genevieve back against the bed, her body hovering over Genevieve's. "Taylor..." Genevieve whispered. Taylor slowly pulled away and stared down at Genevieve. "What?" Taylor quietly asked.

"We're not doing anything. My parents are home." Genevieve whispered. Taylor sighed and rolled over to her side. Genevieve sat up and looked over at Taylor. "You can spend the night..."She replied. Taylor looked at her surprised, "Really?"

"You have to leave before my parents wake up. They're already mad that I got suspended, the last thing we need is them catching us in bed together." Genevieve replied. "So what I'm hearing is I'm still a base closer than Bryan?" Taylor smirked. Genevieve rolled her eyes and got under her covers. "I'm taking that as a yes." Taylor said as she got under the covers and cuddled up against Genevieve. Genevieve pressed her body back against Taylor's and settled into the warmth.

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