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Genevieve was buried under her covers hugging a bottle of liquor as a movie played on her tv. Evan knocked and peeked into the room. He entered with a plate of food and set it down on her nightstand. "You need to eat something." He said as he pulled her covers back. "Can't you just leave me alone to sulk?" She groaned. "No. Now give me the bottle." He held his hand out waiting for her to give him the bottle. She stared him down and took a sip from the bottle in silence.

"Do you want me to sit on you?" He glared. Genevieve sighed and gave him the bottle. "Thank you." He said as he set the bottle aside and handed her the plate. She sat up and poked around at the food on the plate barely able to eat. Evan sat on her bed and watched her. "Spill." He said. She looked up from her plate and looked at him.

"Greg isn't here you can't tell me." Evan reassured. "I don't want to talk about it." She mumbled. "Genevieve, you've always told me everything. It's been 10 years and you still refuse to tell me what the hell happened between you two." Evan replied. "Then why don't you go ask your best friend Taylor?" She sarcastically replied.

"You're my best friend. You're both our friends." He said. "Is this why you guys came to visit?" Genevieve glared. "We came to support you at your movie premiere." Evan said. "Then why do you keep trying to talk about her when you know how I feel about her?" Genevieve asked. "You came home upset about her, of course I want to know why her name still strikes a nerve and pisses you off so much." Evan replied.

Genevieve angrily stabbed at her food and stopped. She looked over at even with a skeptical look, "Wait why do you want to know about her so bad?" She questioned. "Huh?" Evan asked. "Is there something you're not telling me?" She asked. "Oh...no." He lied. "Evan." Genevieve glared. "I'm serious." He replied. Genevieve stared at him in silence. "Just eat your food, damn." He glared and left the room.


Genevieve sat in her makeup chair while her stylists got her ready for the premiere. Evan entered the room in his suit and checked himself out in the mirror. "I look good." He smirked and fixed his suit. Genevieve playfully rolled her eyes. "Just as good as you did on prom." Greg smirked and wrapped his arms around Evan. "That was a really good night." Evan laughed. Genevieve's smile dropped and she stayed silent as she listened to their conversation and tried not to reminisce.

"I still can't believe the look on those idiots faces." Evan laughed. Genevieve's stylist finished. "Your dress is laid out on the bed. Get dressed in that and I'll be back to finish the last touches." He smiled. "Thanks." She softly smiled as he left the room. Greg waited for everyone to leave the room and looked at Genevieve.

"So what happened with that video? You'd think someone would leak it again knowing how big you two are." Greg asked. "Well considering that would be illegal...Taylor's dad and team made sure any trace of it would be scrubbed. They basically scrubbed any trace of us so it's like we never existed." Genevieve replied.

"But haven't people told stories about you guys?" Greg asked. "Yeah, but no one ever believes them anyways. Her team is just that calculated in covering up anything about it." Genevieve shrugged. "Is that why you're so mad at her?" Evan asked. "No." Genevieve replied. "But then why would she try to erase your history together?" Evan asked.

"Well Taylor's team did want her to have a clean slate." Greg replied. Genevieve pointed to Greg, "Which meant a complete rebranding and scrubbing any history that affected that." She added. "Well she's started caring a little less about all of that stuff. Her team obviously still covers for her but she has more control now." Greg said. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have a premiere I need to get ready for." She said leaving the room to go get dressed.

Greg and Evan watched her leave the room. Greg looked over at Evan. "Did you tell her Taylor's going to be at the Premiere?" He asked. "Does it look like I want to die?" Evan replied. "You realize she's going to kill you for not telling her right?" Greg asked. "She'll murder Victoria before she does me, it's her job to let her know." Evan shrugged. Greg shook his head and softly laughed.


Genevieve stepped onto the carpet with Greg and Evan at her side. The fans cheered for them and the photographers went crazy snapping photos. "Good luck." Evan whispered to Genevieve and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek as Greg did the same. Genevieve softly smiled and walked the carpet alone. Greg and Evan walked as a pair and stopped to do small interviews along the carpet.

She stopped to take photos and heard the screams of fans grow louder. Photographers shifted their attention off of her and looked off to the side. Genevieve turned to see what they were looking at and saw Taylor approaching the carpet. The color drained from Genevieve's face, her smile dropped, and her body grew cold as if she had just seen a ghost.

Taylor locked eyes with her for a moment and quickly posed for photos. Genevieve walked the carpet ignoring the photographers and interviewers calling her name. Her heart raced in a panic as she looked around for Victoria. Victoria stood at the end of the carpet waiting for Genevieve. Genevieve glared as she approached. "What the hell is she doing here?!" She whisper shouted.

"Look I barely even got news about this. She was invited last minute by Mason." Victoria said in defense. " why the hell did he have to invite her?" Genevieve asked. "I don't know, but when I asked he said 'more publicity for the movie she'll live'" Victoria explained. "Does he not want me to work with anymore? Does he hate me that bad?" Genevieve questioned as they made their way into the theater.

"I doubt he hates you. But I don't think he thought it would be that big of a deal. Plus he's right. It is pretty good publicity." Victoria replied. "Victoria who do you work for?" Genevieve glared. "You. But it's also my job to help you use situations like this to your benefit." She replied. "And how exactly is this situation going to help me?" Genevieve questioned.

"Play nice. Just for the night. At least for the cameras. If you both want to hate and kill each other in private then fine. But causing unnecessary drama tonight is only going to make you look bad." Victoria warned. Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Fine, but keep her away from me." She mumbled and entered the theater.

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