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Genevieve sat in the meeting room across from Josiah and his publicist. "So you want us to date?" Josiah asked. "Something like that." Victoria replied. "But we would be boyfriend and girlfriend?" Josiah questioned. "Correct." Victoria nodded.

"A few of my clients have been in stunt relationships like this. It's a common practice. You aren't really dating but you want the public to believe you are." His publicist explained. "I understand that but don't those people usually hate each other?" Josiah asked. "At times, but not always. But it always brings them a lot of attention." Victoria added.

"But you two are friends so your chemistry is much more organic than other relationships." His publicist said. "I don't know. Wouldn't something like this ruin relationships?" Josiah asked. "Not if you don't let it. This has more benefits than it has downsides really." Victoria said.

"Victoria is on to something here, Josiah. We've been wanting to expand you into the American market, and Genevieve is big in the American market." His publicist said. Josiah looked at Genevieve and to Victoria unsure. "This introduces Genevieve into the international markets on a much grander scale. This also introduces you into the American market. It also simultaneously brings more attention to your movie. It's a win-win." Victoria explained.

"So what do you say?" Victoria asked. Josiah looked at Genevieve, "Do you really want to do this?" He asked. "It wouldn't kill us to try." Genevieve replied. "You've actually done this before?" Josiah asked. "I have. It did help." Genevieve said. Josiah stared at her for a moment and nodded. "Then I'll do it."

"Great! Let me go bring the contracts and you can look those over and sign." Victoria smiled and left the room with Josiah's publicist. "This has to be the strangest way I've gotten a girlfriend." Josiah said. Genevieve softly laughed, "What? Your girlfriends never made you sign contracts to date them before?" She joked.

"This is my first time. Can't believe you're taking my contract relationship v-card. Should we celebrate?" He said continuing the banter. "Definitely, dinner?" She asked. He softly laughed. "So?" She asked waiting for his response. His smile slightly dropped, "Wait you're serious?" He asked. "Why not?" She shrugged. "Taking charge? Never had a woman be so bold to ask. I'm flattered." He smirked. "Shut up." She laughed.

Victoria returned with the contracts and set them down on the table. "This one is for you and this one is for you." She said sliding the papers to Josiah and Genevieve. They read through the contract. "So this is just until the movie filming and premiere finishes?" He asked.

"Correct." Victoria nodded. "Well how are we supposed to break up and remain friends without raising suspicion? I don't want to be labeled the bad guy in the breakup." Josiah said. "We will just say it was amicable and that you're both into your own things. It just wasn't meant to be, nothing bad. Your relationship will be one for the books." Victoria replied.

Josiah looked at Genevieve and down at the contract and signed. Genevieve signed and set her pen down. "I now pronounce you boyfriend and girlfriend." Victoria joked and took the contracts.


Genevieve and Josiah made their way out and about town together. "So I'm still new to the city you're going to have to show me the hot spots." Josiah said as he looked out the window. "I have the perfect date spots." Genevieve smiled and drove. "Date spots?" He asked. "I'm about to be the best fake girlfriend you ever had." Genevieve said. He laughed and looked straight ahead.

They arrived to the restaurant and parked. They made their way into the restaurant together. The host seemed to recognized but refrained from fangirling. "Table for 2 please?" Genevieve asked. The host nodded and led them toward a table. "Thank you." Josiah smiled. He pulled the seat out for Genevieve. Some people couldn't help but whisper and watch the two.

Genevieve smiled and sat down as he pushed in her chair. "You didn't have to do that." She said as he sat down across from her. "What people don't pull out chairs for someone anymore?" He asked. "None of my dates ever did." She replied. The waiter came by and smiled, "Welcome, may I get you started with one our fine selections of wine?" He asked. "Yes please. I'd like a glass of your best red." Genevieve said. "I'll have what she's having. She has better taste." Josiah smiled. The waiter smiled admiring the two and nodded before walking away.

"Going back to what you said...what do you mean none of your dates ever do that for you?" He asked. "Never. Not once." Genevieve replied. "Do people not understand basic chivalry anymore?" He questioned. "Apparently not." Genevieve softly laughed. "Damn. Men suck." He replied. "Josiah. You're a man." Genevieve said. "Men still suck." He shrugged. Genevieve laughed and shook her head.

The waiter came by and poured wine into their glasses. "May I take your orders?" He asked. "Yes I'd like to order the lamb please." Genevieve said as she looked at the menu. The waiter nodded and noted it down. "I'd like the steak medium well please." Josiah ordered. "Right away sir, madam." The waiter nodded and walked off.

"So tell me, what has life for the amazing Genevieve Grey been like since New York?" He asked. Genevieve faintly smiled, "I won't lie. Not so great." She said. "What happened when you left home?" He questioned. Genevieve sighed, "Let's not talk about that." She said. Josiah understood and nodded. "But I got accepted into a school in New York. So I did eventually go back. You remember my friend Evan right?" She asked. Josiah nodded.

"We both got accepted to the same school and we did small work here and there until we finally made it to Broadway. So I was doing that for a while, I got the chance to star in my first film and my acting career took off and now I'm here." She said. "And Evan?" He asked. "Evan stayed working on Broadway. He's popular in the theater world. He just lives in New York with his husband now. They visit from time to time but I have to admit, it gets lonely when they leave." She explained.

"You two are pretty close huh?" He asked. "Well he's my family. We've been friends for such a long time and he's been at my side all through my career." Genevieve shrugged. "I'd love to meet him one day, I've only ever heard the stories you told me in New York." He said. "Oh trust me he's going to want to know all about you when the news breaks about us." She sipped her wine and set her glass down, "Enough about me what about you? You went off the grid." She said.

"I didn't go off the grid." Josiah laughed. "But I did get accepted to a school in Paris." He said. "How was that?" She asked. He sighed, "You know they romanticize that place so much, I probably experienced more heartbreak than love." He said as they both laughed. "Yeah it never really worked out. But I stayed more focused on my acting career. I stared in some small films and slowly built up my popularity."

"And how did that go for you?" She asked. "Well they love me for a reason." He smiled. The waiter came by and set their plates down. "Thank you." They said in unison. The waiter nodded and walked off. Genevieve cut into her food and took a bite. Her eyes wandered to Josiah's plate.

Josiah cut into his steak and stopped. He felt a pair of eyes staring and looked up to see Genevieve staring at his plate. He playfully rolled his eyes and held his fork out to her. She smiled and took a bite. "Mmm...I should've gotten the steak." She said covering her mouth as she chewed.

"You need to just order what I do." He laughed. "But what if I don't like it. Sharing is caring." She said. He shook his head and switched their plates. "There, enjoy the steak." He said. She smiled and happily ate the food.

Genevieve and Josiah were smiling and happy to exit the restaurant after dinner. Genevieve looked ahead and saw the crowd of photographers waiting outside. Her smile dropped. "Victoria." She sighed. "What happened?" He asked. "Victoria must have called the paparazzi to take photos of us leaving our dinner." She said.

"See overseas you don't get annoyed with assholes like these too often." He said. "Let's just get this over with I don't want to be around them too long." She said. "Don't worry, follow me." He put a secure arm around her waist and led her out of the restaurant. "Jaxon! Genevieve! Are you two officially dating?!" One photographer kept repeatedly shouting. "How was your dinner!" Another shouted.

Josiah kept her safe and close as he led her to the car. She kept her head down as he led her to the passenger door. "It's ok." He whispered and kissed the top of her head. The cameras went crazy snapping a shot. She got in and he shut the door and went around to get in the driver side. He started the car and backed out of the parking space. The photographers stayed close along the car snapping photos from different angles. They navigated the car out of the crowd and made their way off.

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