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Evan and Greg walked the trails clearing half their list of items. "We need to find a blue flower now." Greg read off the list. "Where the hell is anyone supposed to find a fucking blue flower out here? The only thing I've seen is moss growing on a log." Evan replied. Greg softly laughed and looked around.

"So you're best friends with Genevieve?" Greg asked as they looked around. "Since freshman year. She's been a rock for me, especially after a...past relationship I went through." Evan vaguely explained. "So have you always been out?" Greg asked. "Well yeah." Evan shrugged. "And your parents?" Greg asked. "They were supportive. I mean it took my dad some time to warm up to it, he would've wanted his son to be a starter on the soccer team not sleeping with a starter on the boys soccer team but I consider it half a win." Evan joked.

Greg laughed. "You're pretty funny." Greg replied. "Thanks it's the trauma." Evan half jokingly replied. "So what about you and Taylor?" Evan asked. "What about us?" Greg asked. "Aren't you like her little henchman or something?" Evan joked. Greg looked at him unamused, "Aren't you Genevieve's?" Greg replied taking offense to his comment.

"Honestly? Sometimes, but I don't mind it. We get health benefits." Evan joked unfazed by Greg's comment. Greg shook his head, "Nothing fazes you does it?" He laughed. "I'm a gay theater nerd, I've learned to manage." Evan replied.

Evan tripped over a root causing Greg to fall to the ground with him. "Fuck." Evan groaned. Greg sat up and checked on Evan. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern. Evan groaned. Greg carefully sat him up in his arms. "Evan?" Greg asked. Evan gathered himself together and looked over at Greg. "Thanks. I just need a few." Evan replied.

Greg silently stared into Evan's eyes and down at his lips. He slowly leaned in and pressed a kiss to Evan's lips. Evan froze as Greg's lips softly brushed against his. He managed to slip his hand out of the knot they were in and quickly pulled away. Greg looked confused and watched him stand up in a panic.

"What is it?" Greg asked. "I-I'm sorry, I can't do this." Evan replied. "What do you mean?" Greg asked. "Are you...?" Evan sighed, "Are you gay?" He asked. Greg hesitated to respond. "Does anyone know?" Evan asked. "Well...I mean...not really no." Greg replied. "I'm sorry I can't do this again. I promise I won't tell but I just can't be the one to do this with you. I-I'm sorry." Evan said quickly rushing back to the campground.


Taylor and Genevieve were back at camp together. Some people were still off wandering the trails and they had the campsite to themselves for a moment. Genevieve was straddling Taylor's lap. Their lips were locked in a passionate kiss.

Nothing else mattered in that moment. "I think we have a few minutes before anyone comes back if you want to..." Taylor whispered. Genevieve pulled away and got off her lap. "What's wrong?" Taylor asked. Genevieve hesitated, "It's...it's just too soon for anything like that." Genevieve replied.

Taylor nodded. "It's okay. I understand." She reassured. "Thank you." Genevieve faintly smiled. "We can cuddle if you want?" Taylor suggested. "If you're okay with that of course." She added. Genevieve nodded. "We can do that." She replied.

Taylor softly smiled and laid back against her sleeping bag. Genevieve smiled and curled up into Taylor's arms. Taylor softly smiled and kissed the top of Genevieve's head. For the first time it felt like she was actually hers. She didn't have to leave or run off to meet anyone. She was all hers in that moment.


Everyone was gathered at the campsite and ready to eat. "Ok everyone I hope you had fun." Ms. Clark smiled. "I did." Mr. Harris quietly replied as he checked each pair's lists to make sure they found their items. "Go get ready for dinner." Ms. Clark said as everyone dispersed.

Ms. Clark looked around. "Where are Genevieve and Taylor at?" She asked. "I didn't see them." Mr. Harris replied. Ms. Clark went to check the tent. She unzipped it and quickly froze. Genevieve and Taylor were soundly sleeping in each other's arms. Ms. Clark smiled to herself and carefully zipped the tent back up.

She made her way back over to Mr. Harris and helped him set up for dinner. "Did you find them?" He asked. "Yeah." Ms. Clark replied. "Where were they?" He asked. "Let's just say they're getting rest." Ms. Clark replied. "Oh god they aren't...are they?" He asked. Ms. Clark quickly shook her head, "No! They're just sleeping." She clarified.

"Oh. Well did they at least complete the scavenger hunt?" He asked. She softly smiled, "I think we can give them a pass on this one." She replied. "If we give them special treatment then everyone else will get mad. We've already done them enough favors." Mr. Harris argued. Ms. Clark placed a reassuring hand on his arm, "Michael, trust me. It's fine. Just let them be." She replied. He looked at her confused and sighed. "I guess." He shrugged.

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