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Genevieve pulled into the driveway. Taylor was waiting in her car. She got out and walked toward the driveway happy to see Genevieve. She froze and her smile dropped once she saw Genevieve exit out of the car wearing a corduroy cap. Genevieve shut her car door and looked at Taylor. "Where did you get that hat?" She asked. "Like it?" Genevieve asked. She took it off and pretended to admire it for a moment. Her smile faded and her happy expression quickly turned to anger. "Your friend August gave it to me." She said throwing the hat at her.

The color had completely drained from Taylor's face as soon as Genevieve mentioned that name. "I saw the messages from her on your phone." Genevieve glared. "Genevieve, I can explain..." Taylor said. "How the fuck do you explain any of this?! Were you planning on telling me or were you going to keep this to yourself and act like nothing ever happened?" Genevieve argued. Taylor hesitated to respond and struggled to find the correct words.

"Genevieve, please. I swear it meant nothing." Taylor said. Genevieve shook her head in disbelief, "How can you even say that? It clearly did. Even if it wasn't to you. You took something from that poor girl that you can't give back." Genevieve glared, "Not only that...but I can't believe I was stupid enough to do the same thing she did." She scoffed. Taylor frowned, "Genevieve, I love you."

"How can you even say that after all of this." Genevieve questioned. Her eyes were growing watery with tears she was trying to fight back. "I missed you and I was lonely. She was there and kept me company and things just happened." Taylor said. She was fighting back her own tears. She didn't like seeing Genevieve upset, but seeing the disappointment and disgust in Genevieve's eyes hurt worse. That look alone made her feel an entire lifetime of regret.

"You were lonely that's your excuse?!" Genevieve glared. "I was lonely! You were gone. You sprung this summer program on me by surprise and I wasn't going to be the bad guy and say I didn't want you to go when I knew it was a big deal for you!" Taylor said. "If you're lonely go get a fucking dog, you don't go fuck another girl!" Genevieve argued. Taylor looked down ashamed.

There was silence between them. Genevieve was doing everything not to burst into tears. She paced around taking deep breaths to try and keep herself calm. "Genevieve, I love you." Was all Taylor could say. Genevieve stopped and turned to look back at her. "How could you give her the hat I bought you?" Genevieve asked, hurt over the idea. "I didn't give it to her...I let her borrow it and I never got it back." Taylor replied. Genevieve nervously swallowed afraid to ask Taylor more about it but she needed to know.

"Did you just sleep with her?" Genevieve asked. "No. We also hung out from time to time. We would talk and I would play her some songs I was working on." Taylor admitted. Genevieve felt the rush of anger come over her again, "You played her your songs?!" She questioned. Taylor silently nodded. "You only play your songs for me." Genevieve glared, "How could you play her your songs?" Her voice cracked and a tear slipped down her cheek. Taylor stayed silent not knowing what to say.

Genevieve quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and looked off disappointed. "You know what..." She quietly spoke. Taylor looked up at her with sad eyes. "I loved you...I loved you so much. I gave you a part of me...a very sacred part of me..." Her breath grew shaky as she tried to hold back her tears, "I thought you were different. I thought maybe I misjudged you the first time around. I thought all you wanted from me was one thing. I thought, 'maybe I do like her...but maybe she's just going to make me the fool.' I was so afraid of having feelings for you, and I trusted you. I trusted that you wouldn't be like the rest and it really did seem like that. I thought you might really love me." Genevieve said slightly laughing in disbelief.

"I do love you." Taylor pleaded. Genevieve glared and turned to look at Taylor, "You don't. If you loved me you wouldn't of done what you did!" She said in a raised voice. Taylor stayed silent. Genevieve shook her head, "I was right. You are like the rest. You got what you wanted from me. Like some shiny little trophy to display. Then when I was gone you went for the next one. Congrats. You're exactly who I thought you were." She turned to walk toward the front door when Taylor grabbed her by the wrist.

"Genevieve, you're wrong. I do love you." Taylor pleaded. Genevieve pulled her arm away. "Oh yeah?! Then explain August!" Genevieve shouted. She couldn't fight her tears anymore. The anger she was feeling became too much to contain that she couldn't help but cry. Taylor stayed silent, she didn't know what to say. "Stay out of my life. Stay away from me. I never want to see you again!" Genevieve shouted. She tried to storm off but Taylor grabbed her by the arms, "Genevieve, please don't do this." She begged as tears began to stream down her face. Genevieve glared and shoved her off. "Leave me alone." She said quickly making her way to her front door.

Taylor tried to follow her. Genevieve quickly shut the front door behind her. "Genevieve please!" Taylor shouted as knocked on the door and repeatedly rang the doorbell. Her heart was racing and the panic was setting in and made it harder to breathe. "Genevieve!" She shouted and pounded on the front door. "Genevieve..." Taylor quietly said as she leaned her head against the door silently sobbing.

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