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"Genevieve." A voice whispered. Genevieve gasped and woke up startled to see Taylor standing in front of her. "Sorry, I didn't want to scare you but you weren't answering my calls or messages and I got worried." Taylor said. Genevieve sighed with relief. "Is everything alright? You look like you've been crying." Taylor asked. "I'm fine." Genevieve quietly replied. She was lying and Taylor knew she was lying but chose not to pry. "What are you doing here?" Genevieve asked.

"Hannah was texting our group chat and we all kept trying to get ahold of you but you wouldn't answer so I came to check on you." Taylor said. "What happened?" Genevieve sat up in bed. "She was talking to her cousin to see if she could get any dirt on those 3 assholes and Hannah said she wanted to meet up and tell us what happened in person, so we're having a meeting at the cafe after school." Taylor explained.

"So you came all the way here to scare the shit out of me in my sleep and tell me that when you could've called?" Genevieve snapped. Taylor timidly shrugged, "That's not the only reason I came by." She replied. "Then what is it?" Genevieve asked. "I was worried about you after I left. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Taylor replied.

"I'm fine. Is that all now?" Genevieve asked. "Yeah. I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll see you tomorrow." Taylor said walking to the window. Genevieve felt bad and part of her didn't want Taylor to leave. "Taylor, wait." She said just as Taylor was about to leave. "Yeah?" Taylor asked.

"Can you spend the night tonight?" Genevieve asked. "Are you sure?" Taylor asked. Genevieve nodded. Taylor shut the window and kicked off her shoes. She climbed into bed next to Genevieve and Genevieve quickly cuddled up in her arms. She held Taylor tight enough so she couldn't leave her. Taylor knew something happened that Genevieve wasn't telling her about, but she simply wrapped Genevieve in her arms and stayed up until Genevieve fell asleep.


Taylor waited in her car for Genevieve. She spent the night but snuck out early morning to avoid another awkward run in with Genevieve's parents. The passenger door swung open and Genevieve got into the car. "Ready to go?" Genevieve asked. "Let's go." Taylor started up the car and drove off.

They were silent for most of the car ride. The only sound came from the soft music playing on Taylor's stereo. Genevieve looked confused as Taylor took a different turn than the one that led them toward their school. "What are you doing? School is that way." Genevieve said glancing over at Taylor.

Taylor kept her eyes on the road and kept driving. "I know." She replied. "Then why are we going this way?" Genevieve questioned. "Because we aren't going to school today." Taylor replied. "But we have to meet with everyone today!" Genevieve exclaimed.

"We can still meet up with them after school." Taylor shrugged. "Where are we going?" Genevieve asked. "The coast, the forest, wherever we want." Taylor replied. "Taylor, why are you doing this?" Genevieve sighed. "You could use the break. I know you weren't telling me the truth last night when you said you were fine." Taylor replied.

"I don't want to talk about it." Genevieve mumbled. "That's fine. We can just enjoy the moment and forget everything else matters." Taylor shrugged and glanced over at Genevieve, "Is that cool with you?" She asked. Genevieve shrugged. "I'll take it." Taylor smiled and continued to drive.


They drove until they ended up in a small coastal town an hour away from home. Genevieve stared out the window. She was worried the whole car ride there. They were both already on thin ice, the last thing they needed was to get punished for skipping school.

Taylor grabbed Genevieve's hand and gently squeezed. Genevieve glanced over at their hands and up at Taylor. "Will you relax? I could see the worry in your eyes the entire ride here." She said. "How can you be so calm?" Genevieve asked. Taylor softly smiled and looked over at Genevieve. "Because I'm with you."

Genevieve's cheeks flushed red and she looked away. "What are we doing out here?" Genevieve asked changing the conversation. "I figured we could explore and pretend we're different people for the day." Taylor suggested. "Different people?" Genevieve asked. "You've never wanted to be someone else and just wonder what life would be like as someone different?" Taylor asked. "I guess." Genevieve shrugged. "I don't think I've really thought of that before."

Taylor smiled and parked her car. "Then let's do it." She replied. "Do what?" Genevieve asked. "Let's pretend we're two entirely different people out here. Let's forget our lives for a moment and just be someone entirely different." Taylor suggested. Genevieve thought about it for a moment. "I'll be..." Taylor silently thought.

"James." Taylor smiled. Genevieve looked at her confused. "James?" She questioned. "What's wrong with James?" Taylor asked. "Isn't that a boy's name?" Genevieve laughed. Taylor's cheeks flushed a light red. "So you'll be James?" Genevieve asked. Taylor silently nodded. "Okay." Genevieve nodded and thought for a moment. "Then I can be Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth?" Taylor asked. "James and Elizabeth compliment each other pretty well, don't you think?" Genevieve asked. A small smile crept onto Taylor's lips, "So we're doing this?" She asked. "Are we going to waste time talking or are you going to take me to have fun James?" Genevieve asked. Taylor softly laughed. "Let's go, Elizabeth." She smiled.

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