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Prom season had finally approached. The band and Theater students remained friendly all year. Taylor and Genevieve remained inseparable. The jocks were thriving and Amanda and Bryan were still going 'strong'. Rachel and Bryan were still hooking up behind her back and she still never suspected a thing.

Jaime had gotten his dad's friend involved with the case. The cops wanted to charge Taylor since they couldn't find any other suspects in the case. Jaime and Hannah jumped in to prove her innocence and the cops on the case were eventually on board with the plan.

"I told you guys my dad knows a guy so I can get us a discount on a limo for prom." Jaime said. "Is there anyone your dad doesn't know?" Hannah asked. Jaime thought for a moment. "No. He makes friends pretty easily so I have a bunch of connections." He smiled. Everyone softly laughed.

"If we all chip in some money we can get a limo." Jaime said. "Thanks, but I think I'll stick to my car." Taylor replied. "Why?" Jaime frowned. "I agree, we can't take a risk on some discount vehicle that could break down before we get to prom. We can't take that risk." Hannah said in agreement. "You guys are no fun." Jaime frowned.

"So does everyone have their outfits ready?" Greg asked. "I have my dress ready." Genevieve smiled and leaned into Taylor. "I have my suit ready." Taylor smiled. "A suit?" Greg asked with a smirk. "I could pull off the dress, but I think I would look so much better in a suit though." Taylor replied. "I'll be the judge of that." Genevieve replied and leaned her head back against Taylor's shoulder. Taylor smiled and pecked her lips.

"So this is really it guys." Evan sighed. "They've gotten so comfortable and secure with themselves they won't even know what hit them this weekend." Hannah said. "I paid the janitor off to do us that favor with the camera once school is out." Greg said. "My dad's friends said the cops are requesting to search tomorrow. When they find it and investigate the camera they should have what they need." Jaime said.

"So Hannah showed them the video confession Macie gave us?" Taylor asked. "That's what helped us basically save your ass from facing charges. It was enough for the cops to get in on the plan too." Hannah said. "You know what I love it when we work together to take down some assholes, it's better than fighting each other. I love you guys." Jaime smiled. Everyone playfully rolled their eyes and laughed.

Genevieve stared at herself in the mirror and watched Hannah concentrate while she styled Genevieve's hair. "You're gonna look gorgeous." Hannah smiled. "Thanks, Hannah." Genevieve said. "It's no problem that's what friends are for right?" Hannah asked. "I mean thanks for everything." Genevieve clarified. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"You didn't have to help me with everything since that scandal happened but you did."Genevieve said. Hannah was always awkward when it came to sappy moments like this and faintly smiled, "Taylor's one of my best friends. You're important to her, so technically that makes you important to me too. I wanted to help you both." Hannah said as she finished up Genevieve's hair.

"I know but it's not even just that. Amanda was my best friend. It's hard to come across too many of those. You didn't have to be my friend but you still did. I mean you spent the night and you're helping me get ready for prom. Only Amanda ever did things like that." Genevieve explained. Hannah softly smiled, "Just get in your dress and get ready. Taylor's coming by to pick us up soon." Genevieve nodded and went off to get dressed.


Taylor waited outside of Genevieve's house. The front door opened and Genevieve and Hannah made their way out with their arms hooked. Taylor's eyes slightly widened as she saw Genevieve in her dress. "You both look..." Taylor said admiring them both before her gaze shifted off to Genevieve, "Stunning."

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