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"Evan, can we talk?" Greg asked. Evan was leaning against the lockers and watching Amanda and Bryan flirting. "Not now." He replied. "What are you looking at?" Greg asked. "Amanda." Evan replied. "So that's Amanda?" Greg asked. "Yes." Evan replied. "Why are we watching her?" Greg asked.

Evan sighed and looked at Greg. "Amanda and Bryan were missing from our retreat." Evan replied. "So?" Greg asked. "So...Ms. Clark told us that Amanda and Bryan both asked to be transferred out of theater this semester. So they didn't have to go on the trip with us. Now they're dating?" Evan questioned.

Greg thought about it for a moment. "What about it?" Greg asked. "Amanda was supposedly Genevieve's 'best friend' but now she's dating Genevieve's ex-boyfriend." Evan explained. "But I thought Genevieve didn't even like him?" Greg asked still not understanding what Evan was trying to explain.

"It doesn't matter if she did or didn't. The issue is that the two of them transferred out at the perfect time...together. Now they're dating." Evan explained. Greg's eyes slightly widened, "Do you think they had something to do with this?" Greg asked. "I think Amanda had something to do with this. I'm not sure about Bryan though." Evan sighed. "Are you going to tell Vice Principal Sandra?" Greg asked. "I can't. Not when I don't have some form of concrete proof." Evan said as he looked over and saw Bryan and Amanda walking away together.

"Well can we talk about what happened at camp?" Greg asked. "I have more pressing matters to deal with Greg. I don't have time to talk about that." Evan replied. "Then can I help?" Greg asked. "Help?" Evan asked. "I want to help you find out what happened. It would give me more time with you." Greg softly smiled.

Evan stared at him in silence. No one had ever wanted to spend time with him like this, not even Xavier. If Xavier had ever spent time with him it was in private and mostly for hookups. Outside of that he never wanted to be seen with Evan. Evan didn't know how to feel about it. "Fine. But this doesn't mean anything we're just two friends helping our friends out." Evan said. "I'll take it." Greg smiled.


It was lunch time and Genevieve made her way to the theater room. She entered and walked in on Mr. Harris and Ms. Clark wrapped in each other's arms kissing. "Uhem." Genevieve cleared her throat. The two quickly pulled away embarrassed once they realized she was in the room.

"Oh sorry Genevieve, I forgot you were coming in." Ms. Clark nervously replied. "I'll just pretend I didn't see that." Genevieve said as she went to take a seat and work on homework. "I'll see you later hun." Mr. Harris whispered and kissed Ms. Clark on the cheek. "Genevieve." He politely nodded and dismissed himself.

Genevieve looked at the door and over at Ms. Clark. "What?" She asked. "You and Mr. Harris?" Genevieve smirked. "That is none of your business. Do your homework." Ms. Clark replied. Taylor entered the classroom and looked around. "Hi Ms. Clark." She faintly smiled. Ms. Clark looked at her and glanced at Genevieve. "I have to go run something to the office, watch the class for me." She said dismissing herself and leaving the room.

"Why are you here?" Genevieve asked. Taylor sighed and approached, "I don't like this. Everything was fine at camp and now we're back to acting like strangers." Taylor said. "Taylor I already told you why." Genevieve sighed. Taylor pulled a chair up and sat down. "Genevieve, I love you. Do you have any idea what not being able to hug you, walk with you, or kiss you does to me?" Taylor asked. Genevieve looked away.

"That's just how things have to be right now." Genevieve replied. "I don't want it to be that way." Taylor frowned. "What do you want me to do about it? Make you happy while everyone treats me worse just because I'm with you? They'd make us out to be a complete joke." Genevieve replied.

"Can you at least let me in and not shut me out like this? We don't have to be seen together at school but I would at least like to be with you." Taylor begged. Genevieve cupped Taylor's face in her hands and softly brushed her lips against hers. Taylor eased into her touch and kissed Genevieve with desperation. Genevieve slowly pulled away leaving Taylor wanting more.

"You're better off staying away from me. You don't need to go down with me." Genevieve said as she gathered her things and left the room. Taylor sat in silence. She wondered who could be so cruel to do something like this to someone. Genevieve was getting worse backlash from all of this than Taylor was. She didn't like seeing Genevieve like this. She was normally stronger than this but it was as if someone stole a piece of her away and she wasn't the same the anymore.

Genevieve was laying in bed. She was emotionally drained and didn't feel like doing much. She heard a tap at her window and half expected go see Taylor outside asking to come in like she did before. She got up and saw Greg and Evan.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. "We needed to talk to you about something." Evan said. "You couldn't just use the front door?" She asked. "I thought you were still on punishment?" Evan asked. "I am." Genevieve replied. "Exactly why we came to your window." Evan said crawling in. Greg followed and fell to the ground. "Shh. If my parents hear you I'll be in worse trouble." Genevieve glared.

"Sorry." Greg whispered and got up. "What did you need to talk about?" Genevieve asked. "We think we have a clue on who might have leaked that video." Evan said. "I'm listening." Genevieve replied. "I don't exactly have proof yet. But I think Amanda was involved." Evan said. "Why would Amanda be involved? How would she even get the video?"Genevieve questioned.

"That I don't know yet. But it's suspicious that both her and Bryan transferred out of our class and then started dating. Something isn't adding up there." Evan explained. "Then who recorded the video?" Genevieve asked. "I don't know. But I think your best lead is going after Amanda." Evan replied. "Why would Amanda do anything like this?" Genevieve asked.

"That's what we need you to find out. You have to ambush her and get the information out of her because for her to completely cut you off after that scandal and start dating your ex? That doesn't look good." Evan explained. Genevieve thought about it for a moment. "She knew about Taylor..." Genevieve quietly replied. "Wait what?" Evan asked. "She figured out that I was seeing Taylor and I told her about it and she was the one so against it for some reason." Genevieve explained.

"You told her before you ever told me?" Evan glared. "It's not like I planned to. I didn't want anyone to know she just figured it out. I didn't think she would do anything. It just doesn't make sense." Genevieve said in shock. "Then that's our lead right there, she knew something so she has to be a suspect in all of this." Evan replied. Genevieve sat down in shock. She didn't want to believe Amanda would be involved in something like this. They had been friends since freshman year, she was someone she could count on. But now it didn't seem like it.

Dear Lover, I Loathe You.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon