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Genevieve sat in the interview chair. She was doing promo for her new movie and she had non-stop interviews everywhere. She was always doing work and barely got a break. Sometimes she just wanted to be back home but eventually that got lonely and she wanted to be occupied with work again.

"Genevieve Grey. I absolutely adore you I'm so happy to be interviewing you today." The interviewer said. Genevieve smiled, "it's a pleasure to meet with you, thank you for your kind words." She replied. "So how crazy is it to be apart of this new film? It's basically been called the movie of the year. You've been in plenty of big movies but they predict this could be the one to win you that Oscar nomination." He asked.

Genevieve softly laughed, "I hope so." She half jokingly replied, "No but it's been really fun. Everyone has been so amazing to work with on this film and I can't wait to see how well this movie does and I really hope audiences enjoy it." She said.

"You were on Broadway right?" He asked. "Yes." Genevieve smiled. "And we all know you and the famous Evan Galloway went to school together. How fun was it to get to perform with him during your time on Broadway?" He asked. "Well we've been best friends so long and it's always fun to get to work with friends." Genevieve replied. "Has he ever mentioned maybe joining you on the big screen too?" He asked.

"I'm not sure really. He'd do absolutely amazing though." Genevieve nodded. "I'm sure. So speaking of your old days, you also went to school with Taylor Swift right?" He asked. Genevieve froze. "Umm..." Genevieve pretended to think and nervously fidgeted with her hands.

That was a forbidden name she never wanted to hear again but one she couldn't escape. All everyone ever did was talk about Taylor and how much they loved her. No matter where she went she was everywhere. Especially since everyone found out they went to school together, all anyone's ever done was try to ask her questions about Taylor.

"Can we stay on topic please?" Victoria, Genevieve's publicist asked. The interviewer looked over at her, "It was just a simple question." He replied. "We gave you a list of acceptable questions, that's not allowed. So can we focus on the movie please?" Victoria asked. The interview sighed and changed the conversation.


Genevieve took off the monitor and microphone and handed it off to one of the staff on set. She made her way out of the building with her publicist and into the car outside. "What the hell was that Vicky?" Genevieve asked. "I told those idiots what wasn't allowed, he still tried it anyways. I'll be talking with his boss don't worry about it." Victoria said as she scrolled through her phone.

"At least you're done for the day." Victoria said trying to calm Genevieve down. "I just want to get home." Genevieve mumbled. Victoria rolled her eyes and looked at Genevieve, "You always say this but once you're home and get bored you ask for more work."

"Victoria." Genevieve glared. "I'm just saying." She shrugged, "But I think today you won't need to worry about that too much." Victoria smirked. "What are you plotting?" Genevieve asked. "Nothing." Victoria smiled.


Genevieve got home and entered her home exhausted. "You really need to stop overworking yourself." A familiar voice said. Genevieve looked to the top of the stairs and saw Evan smiling. "Evan?" Genevieve smiled. Evan quickly made his way downstairs and was immediately tackled in a tight embrace.

Evan smiled and tightly held her. "Oh my god you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now." Genevieve whispered. "I hope you don't mind I brought Greg along." Evan said. "Of course not, where is he?" Genevieve asked as she looked around the house. "I sent him out to get food and few other things. He'll be back later." Evan shrugged.

They made their way to the bar and Genevieve grabbed the bottles of liquor and began to make herself a drink. "Not the liquor, what happened now?" Evan took a seat on the barstool as he watched her make her drink. "I had an interview today and of course...yet another one has to just ask about her." She said through gritted teeth.

Evan watched her pour her drink and take a sip. "Why does everyone have to mention her? She isn't even involved in any of this yet they still find a way to bring her up? Like just call her in for the fucking interview then." Genevieve said. "What happened between the two of you? You were inseparable and so in love and now you hate her guts." Evan asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." Genevieve mumbled and took a sip of her drink. "You've said this for the past 10 years but it's pretty hard to help or understand when you won't tell us what happened." Evan replied. "Doesn't Greg know I thought they worked together?" Genevieve asked. "Well he works with her and Jack from time to time but they don't exactly talk much about that." Evan shrugged.

"Talk much about what?" Greg asked as he entered the house with bags in hand. "Hello gorgeous." Greg smiled as he set the bags down and hugged Genevieve. "Taylor." Evan said answering Greg's question. Genevieve groaned and downed the rest of her drink. "What about her?" Greg asked. "You guys never talk about what happened back in high school right? especially about her and Genevieve?" Evan asked.

"Well no, not really. She avoids the topic as much as Genevieve does." Greg replied. "Of course she does." Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Why can't you just tell us?" Evan sighed. "Because I don't want to think about it. If I start thinking about then I'll actually lose my shit and go hunt her down just so I don't have to hear her fucking name again." Genevieve glared.

"She asks about you sometimes." Greg replied. Evan and Genevieve looked at him. "What?" Genevieve asked. "Well she knows that you and Evan are still friends and that we all talk. So she just asks how you're doing." Greg shrugged. "Tell her to keep my name out of her mouth." Genevieve replied. "Can't you guys just make peace?" Evan asked. "No." Genevieve said as she grabbed a bottle of liquor and walked away. "Are you not going to eat!" Evan called out. "I'm taking a bath!" Genevieve shouted and stormed off upstairs. Evan looked over at Greg who began to eat his food. "What? I was hungry." He said with a mouthful of food.

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