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"I can't believe we have to miss an entire week of break to go on some stupid retreat." Evan groaned. "And I'm stuck at home all alone." Genevieve said as she grabbed her duffel bag. "So how are you feeling?" Evan asked. "About my parents leaving me alone all of break or the fact that a sex tape I didn't even know about got spread around school?" She bluntly asked.

"So I take it as a not well?" Evan asked. "I just want to get this stupid retreat over with and go back home. I didn't even want to come but Ms. Clark said it was mandatory." Genevieve said as she and Evan made their way to where the rest of their theater class that was waiting in the bus zone.

They all silently stared and whispered to one another. Genevieve stood a distance away uncomfortable. She knew they were talking about her. The entire school was. This was how its been all around school ever since homecoming. Some people laughed and others whispered about it in the hallways.

Evan saw them all whispering to each other and glancing over at them. "If you're going to talk shit say it out loud! Since when is hooking up with someone a crime? I'm pretty sure you assholes have done worse." Evan glared. They all went silent and looked away. Genevieve tugged on his shirt sleeve. "Evan you don't have to defend me." She whispered. "Yes I do. You're my friend. You shouldn't be made to feel like shit for doing what half these assholes have done too. I'm pretty sure a few of them have been fucking school staff, so I don't know why they're talking." He replied.

Genevieve faintly smiled and looked around. "Where's Amanda?" Genevieve asked. "I'm not sure actually. I haven't really seen her or Bryan much." Evan shrugged. "Ready to get into nature everyone?" Ms. Clark smiled. "Do we really have to do this? Can't we just lie and say we did this?" Genevieve asked.

"No because it's been required by Ms. Sandra that you all go on this retreat. It'll be fun. Your parents signed off on it, I have all the emergency information I need and everything we need packed now pile into the van." She said opening the door to the van. Everyone piled their things into the trunk and got into the van. "Genevieve can sit up front with me." Ms. Clark said as she got into the driver's seat.

Genevieve got into the front with Ms. Clark and buckled up. "Ready everyone?" Ms. Clark asked making sure everyone was buckled in and ready to go. "Let's get on the road." She smiled and drove off.


They arrived to an empty camp ground in the middle of the woods. "Where are we?" Genevieve asked as she looked around. "Nature." Ms. Clark smiled. "What exactly are we supposed to be learning out here?" Genevieve asked. "Teamwork." Ms. Clark replied. "Come on let's set up camp." Ms. Clark said as she got out of the van.

Genevieve sighed and got out of the van to help unload the trunk. Everyone took their bags and helped Ms. Clark take out supplies. Genevieve saw another Van pulling up to the campsite and looked confused. "Are we supposed to be alone out here?" Genevieve asked. Ms. Clark stayed silent and continued unloading the van.

Mr. Harris got out of the van and Genevieve's eyes slightly widened. "Start unloading!" He shouted as the band students got out of the van. "Ms. Clark what is this?" Genevieve asked. Ms. Clark sighed, "The agreement we had was to go on a teamwork retreat with the band students."

"Absolutely not! You can't just spring this on us." Genevieve glared. "It was this or worse Genevieve it's your choice." Ms. Clark replied. Genevieve looked over and saw Taylor standing with her duffle bag. "I want to go home. You can't do this to me." Genevieve said. "Actually your parents know what this is and they agreed. If you have a problem with that you can call them...but oh wait...your phones won't be allowed out here. Turn them in." She said holding out a metal lock box.

"Now we can't have our phones either?" Evan asked. "That's the point of being in nature. I think we could all use a break from technology after everything that's happened. So turn them in. Now." She said holding the box as her students all turned their phones in. "This is stupid." Genevieve mumbled and put her phone in. "Thank you." Ms. Clark said as she clocked the box and locked it up. "You'll get these back when we get back home."

Mr. Harris collected his students phones and locked them up. "Gathered up!" He shouted. Everyone lined up. "Ms. Clark and I had to bring you all together because your behavior has been out of control...some more than others." He said looking at Taylor. "So I say this with love, get your shit together." He said.

"What Mr. Harris means to say is...we care about you kids. We don't want you guys to get in trouble and we need you guys to realize that you're much better together than when you fight. You should be on the same side." Ms. Clark explained. Everyone exchanged silent glances. "So while we're out you're going to sleep, breathe, eat, work, and repeat as a team. But if you refuse then you can tell Ms. Sandra why you refuse and you can take an expulsion is that what you guys want?" Mr. Harris asked.

They all shook their heads in silence. "Then you'll be paired up in pairs. You'll be sharing a tent and this will be your buddy for the entirety of camp. You'll get to know each other and you're going to become best friends got it?" Mr. Harris asked. They all nodded. "I'll call off the pairs. When I do get your partner and stand off in your pairs." He instructed.

"Evan and Greg." He read from his list. "Hannah and Kaylee...Jonathan and Vincent...Emery and Jennifer..." he continued reading as everyone went off into pairs until it came to the final set. "Genevieve and Taylor." He read. Taylor went to grab Genevieve by the arm and was quickly shoved away. "Don't touch me." Genevieve mumbled and walked off. Taylor sighed and followed her off.

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