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Genevieve was driving back home. Her phone rang and she answered without checking who it was. "Hello?" Genevieve asked. "I'm at your house where are you I don't see your car?" Taylor asked. Genevieve fought back every part of her that wanted to tell Taylor off but she chose to stay calm. "I had some errands to run I'm on my way home." Genevieve replied. "I'll wait for you here." Taylor said. "Please do." Genevieve muttered and hung up.


Taylor was doing her best to stay professional and composed on set. After what happened between her and Genevieve the last time, she figured it was best to not pick a fight. She took some notes on her clipboard trying to think of new ideas for the scene they were working on.

"Here they come." One of the lighting crew said. Taylor glanced over and saw Genevieve and Josiah walking side by side toward the set. Taylor looked back to her clipboard trying to seem unbothered. Josiah walked off to talk to Mason and Genevieve made her way to Taylor. "Making changes?" Genevieve asked.

Taylor looked up from her clipboard. "Just notes." Taylor said. "You know if you ever are considering some changes you should talk to Josiah. He's really into the script and we actually had a really good conversation about it a few days ago. I think he could give you some good input." Genevieve said. Taylor faintly smiled, "Good to know."

Taylor continued to note some things down. "So you two?" She asked as she continued to take notes. "What about us?" Genevieve asked. "You're a thing now?" Taylor asked. "Is that a problem?" Genevieve asked. Taylor looked up from her clipboard and inhaled through her nose before exhaling to calm herself down. "Not if you make it one." Taylor said.

"So you're fine with it?" Genevieve asked. "It's not my business." Taylor shrugged. "Then why would we make it a problem?" Genevieve asked. "We don't need your little love affair getting in the way of filming. I don't want to be on set when you have some petty argument or if whatever it is you two have going on ends. Keep that mess out of my studio, understood?" Taylor asked.

Genevieve silently stared at her for a moment. "Since when did you become so bossy?" She asked. Taylor held her clipboard close to her chest and stared Genevieve straight in the eyes,"You were the one who said we're keeping this professional right? I'm keeping it professional." Taylor said. Genevieve crossed her arms and kept her gaze locked on Taylor's, "And professionalism is sending flowers to your leading actress? Do you do that for everyone?" Genevieve asked.

Taylor stayed silent and looked off. Of course she didn't do it for everyone. The flowers were for more than an apology but she wasn't going to admit that. "You don't have to worry about us. We'll be on our best behavior."Genevieve said. "Good." Taylor shrugged.


They wrapped up on set for the day. Genevieve held onto Josiah's arm and tiredly leaned against it. "I want to go home...crash into bed and sleep." She said. Josiah laughed. Taylor couldn't help but watch the two from across the room. "So I'll take it as dinner is a no go?" Josiah asked. "I would love to. But honestly I just feel like going home. Rain check?" She asked. Josiah nodded, "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow." He said giving her a hug and quick peck on the cheek before leaving the studio.

"Ditching your boyfriend?" Taylor asked as she approached Genevieve. "For your information, I gave him a rain check for dinner tonight because I'm exhausted." Genevieve said. "Are you not going to eat?" Taylor asked. "I'll find something at home." Genevieve shrugged, "I'll see you tomorrow." She dismissed herself and made her way out of the studio.


Genevieve was freshly showered and rummaging through her kitchen for snacks. She was too tired to cook and just wanted to get to bed. She heard her doorbell ring and froze just as she was about to bite into one of her protein bars. She made her way to the door and peeled through the peephole. Taylor was standing outside.

Genevieve looked confused and opened the door. "What are you doing here?" Genevieve asked. "I may or may have not asked Victoria about your favorite food spots and brought you takeout." She said lifting the bag of food. Genevieve was confused but slightly surprised. "I was just going to eat a protein bar you didn't have to do that." Genevieve said.

"You're eating food." Taylor said entering and snatching the protein bar out of her hand, "A protein bar isn't food." She said walking off toward the kitchen. Genevieve shut the door and followed. "It has nutrients." Genevieve argued. "Still not a meal." Taylor said as she set out the takeout boxes.

Genevieve sat up on the counter and opened the boxes of food. They were all her favorites. "Why did you do this?" Genevieve asked. Taylor handed her a fork. "I don't need my leading actress getting sick because she's been skipping meals." She said. Genevieve playfully rolled her eyes and took the fork.

"And these are for me." Taylor said as she set aside her boxes. "You got food too?" Genevieve asked. "You didn't think I was going to leave you to eat alone did you? Plus I'm starving." Taylor said as she opened up her boxes of food and began to eat. "Did you do this for your other staff Miss. professional?" Genevieve teased.

Taylor say up on the counter with her and shook her head. "Shut up and eat your food." Taylor muttered and ate her food. "I'm telling you you're gonna get in trouble for favoritism." Genevieve laughed and ate her food. "This was outside of work hours this is different." Taylor said. "Fair point...legally speaking. But thank you." Genevieve said as they both ate their food in silence.

"Josiah didn't think of doing this for you?" Taylor half jokingly asked. "He would have if I asked." Genevieve said as they continued to eat. "But to be fair I think he's probably sleeping. I'm not even sure he ate." She said. Taylor stayed silent and poked around her plate. Genevieve glanced over at her, "He's a good guy you know." She said. "Why are you telling me?" Taylor asked.

"Because I can see it in your eyes." Genevieve said. "See what?" Taylor questioned. "You don't like him. You did when you talked about him before, but I see the disdain in your eyes now." Genevieve said as she finished her food and set the empty boxes aside. "I don't hate him." Taylor replied. "Then what changed? You were speaking so highly of him before." Genevieve asked. Taylor sighed and got off the counter and started to clean up the mess of boxes. "Nothing changed because I don't hate him." Taylor replied.

Genevieve silently nodded. "Okay." She shrugged. Taylor looked over at her. "I don't." She said. "I know." Genevieve nodded. Taylor slightly glared, "Stop doing that." She said. "Doing what?" Genevieve asked. "That thing you do when you're going along with me acting like you believe me because you expect me to expose myself." Taylor said. "I'm not making you do anything." Genevieve shrugged.

They stared at each other in silence for a moment. "Shut up." Taylor muttered and threw away the empty boxes of food. "Get sleep, we have a long day tomorrow and I don't need you dozing off on set." Taylor said as she grabbed her car keys and made her way toward the front door. Genevieve followed her and leaned against the front door. "I'll see you tomorrow." Taylor said as she walked down the front steps. "Taylor?" Genevieve asked. Taylor stopped and looked back at her. "Yeah?" She asked. Genevieve softly smiled, "Thank you." She said. Taylor faintly smiled and nodded before walking off toward her car.

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