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"We actually had so many people interested in joining the theater club after your little fight with Taylor." Evan laughed. "We'll see the turnout on Friday." Genevieve laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow." Evan said. "See ya." Genevieve smiled and packed some final things from her locker.

Just as she turned around she was pushed back against her locker. She slightly winced in pain and saw Taylor glaring and at her. "You think you're so funny with that little stunt you pulled at lunch don't you."

Genevieve smirked, "I do, actually."

Taylor grabbed Genevieve by her shirt and pulled her in, inches from her face. "You're going to regret getting on my bad side, Grey."

"I already regret the day I met you." Genevieve glared. The two stared one another down. Taylor stared down at Genevieve's lips. She wanted to pin her up against the lockers and do ungodly things to her. "Now will you fuck off." Genevieve glared and shoved Taylor off of her.

"I mean it, Grey. You're going to regret this." Taylor glared. "Do something then." Genevieve taunted. "What are you waiting for?" She teased. Taylor shook her head and walked away. "That's what I thought." Genevieve mumbled and walked off in the opposite direction.


Genevieve grabbed her clipboard and stood up on the Auditorium stage. There was a big turnout for the club this year. "I'm Genevieve, I'm the theater club president so if you need anything, I or my vice president Evan will be at your service. I'm so glad you guys chose to join our club. We have so much fun here." Genevieve smiled.

"We get to take fun trips, put on fun shows, and we have great after parties too so you're getting the full experience." Evan said as some kids laughed. "So let's get started with some important information about our fall play." Genevieve said grabbing the fliers with their schedule. "Rats!" A girl screamed. Genevieve looked out confused. Everyone screamed, some people jumped up on the chairs. Evan hid behind Genevieve, "I hate rats!"

Genevieve looked out and saw some rats scurrying around. The students quickly filed out of the auditorium. "Wait!" Genevieve shouted. "Genevieve let's go!" Evan shouted and tried to pull her away. She made her way down to the floor and recognized the rats. "Wait a minute..." She said as one of the white rats ran up to her.

She scooped up the tame rat and sighed. "These are Mrs. Johnson's lab rats. They're harmless." She said as she looked around. "I don't care what they are, I hate rats." Evan replied. She thought for a moment and glared when she realized who was behind this, "Fucking band geeks."

"Huh?"Evan asked. "Taylor must have let the fucking lab rats loose in here." Genevieve replied. "Why?" Evan asked. "Why else? She's pissed about club rush so she ruined our first club meeting." Genevieve replied. "Those assholes." Evan mumbled.

"We'll get them back." Genevieve said as she picked up another lab rat. "What are you going to do?" Evan asked. "Call the old crew. Tell them to get the new members back, we have work to do." Genevieve smirked. Evan looked at her skeptically, "I know that look. That's your revenge look."

"Call them and help me get the rats." Genevieve sighed. He nodded and quickly texted their old theater group chat.

It was late and Genevieve and the theater kids were sneaking around campus. "How did you get the master keys from the janitor?" Genevieve asked Evan. "I told him I'll give him 20 bucks to borrow them for the night." Evan shrugged.

"And he just gave them to you?" Genevieve questioned. "Well no. He took the 20 bucks but now I have to help him clean some classrooms after school." Evan sighed. "But it's for a good cause so it's worth it."

They snuck into the cafeteria kitchen and searched around. "What do we need Genevieve?" Her friend Amanda asked. "Find the stash of pudding I know it's in here somewhere." She whispered. "Found it!" Jaime shouted and held up a can of pudding.

"Perfect." Genevieve smirked and grabbed the can opener. She opened up 5 cans of pudding and made her way out with the rest of her theater friends following close behind. "What are we going to do?" Amanda asked.

Evan opened the band room and they all filed in. "We're gonna teach these band kids a lesson." Genevieve smirked. "Fill their brass instruments with pudding."

They laughed and went off to do as Genevieve said. They grabbed every brass instrument and began to stuff it with globs of pudding. Genevieve kept a lookout, hoping no one was around to catch them in the act.

"Ok done!" Evan shouted. "Let's go. Don't leave any evidence!" Genevieve shouted. They quickly cleaned up and left the classroom as it was before and ran off.

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