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"Genevieve." Taylor whispered and lightly shook her awake. Genevieve tiredly opened her eyes and saw Taylor's blue ones staring down at her. Taylor softly smiled, "We're here." She softly spoke. Genevieve nodded and stretched. She slowly got up and gathered her things. They made their way out of the plane and into the car waiting for them.

Genevieve was still waking up and trying to process everything around her. They made their way out of the airport gates and were heading home. Taylor watched Genevieve stare out the window and nervously fidget with her hands. She didn't know if it would be appropriate to reach out and hold her hand to comfort her. "Are you okay?" Taylor asked.

Genevieve stayed silent and continued to stare out the window. She wasn't sure, but her heart was beating faster than usual after reading the street signs and realized they were getting closer and closer to home. "Genevieve?" Taylor asked growing concerned. "I'm fine." She quietly replied. She hasn't been home in years. Her father was the only one who ever visited on occasion.

Genevieve did everything to keep her breathing under control. She didn't want to have a panic attack in the car, especially not in front of Taylor. They came to a stop in front of her old home. Genevieve stared out at it for a moment. "Do you want me to come with you?" Taylor asked. Genevieve couldn't respond, all she could do was stare.

Taylor sighed and got out of the car. She opened the trunk and took Genevieve's bags out of the trunk and set them aside. She went around and opened Genevieve's door. She was able to get a better look at the apprehensive look in her eyes. She was staring right past Taylor, her eyes glued to the home. Taylor glanced back at the home and back to Genevieve.

"Come on." Taylor softly spoke and held out her hand for Genevieve take. Genevieve looked down at Taylor's hand and cautiously took it. Taylor helped her out of the car and shut the door. She grabbed Genevieve's bags and stepped up the driveway. "Let's get you inside." Taylor said carrying her bags toward the front door as Genevieve followed.

Taylor set her bags down and rang the doorbell. Genevieve stood a distance away from the door. The door opened and Nicholas appeared. A wide smile grew on his lips as he saw the both of them. "You guys are back." He smiled. Genevieve softly smiled and approached her father. He wrapped her in a tight hug and looked to Taylor and gave her a hug, "It's so good to see you again sweetheart, how have you been?" Nicholas asked.

"I'm doing good thank you. How about you?" Taylor asked. "I've been great thank you for asking. Are you visiting your parents?" He asked. "Yeah I was just about to head over there after dropping Genevieve off." Taylor nodded. "Tell them I said hi." He smiled. Genevieve silently picked up her bags, "I'll just go take these to my room." She quietly spoke and walked off upstairs.

Taylor watched her concerned. "Thank you for bringing her along with you. I know it might not have been easy for either of you." Nicholas whispered. Taylor faintly smiled, "No problem. She seemed fine before we left, but she's been a little off since we arrived." She explained. Nicholas nodded. "It's not easy for her to come back here and I understand. But I'm sure she appreciated the company here."

"Well if either of you need anything while we're in town just let me know." Taylor said. "I will, thanks." Nicholas smiled and shut the door. Taylor made her way back toward her car and glanced back at Genevieve's home. It felt wrong to leave when something didn't feel right but she figured Genevieve would want space.


Genevieve stood in her old room and looked around. She stared at the window she always snuck Taylor in through when they were younger. Her dad stood in the doorway and silently watched her. "You could have my room if you don't want to stay in here." He offered. She turned back to look at him and shook her head.

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine." She reassured. "I'm your dad. I'm always going to worry about you." He replied. She softly smiled and sighed. She took a seat on her bed and looked around. "I honestly thought you would've emptied out my room and turned this into some man cave." She joked. "Never." He laughed. "So what about this boyfriend of yours I keep hearing about?" He asked.

"What about him?" She asked. "He didn't tag along? Do I not get to meet him?" He asked. She faintly smiled, "He offered but I told him it was best if I just did it alone. But he did want to meet you." Genevieve said. "So you really like this boy?" He asked. "He's nice. We're already friends so I guess our chemistry just comes naturally." Genevieve replied. "That's nice sweetheart, but that's not what I asked." He replied. "Well of course I like him, why else would I be dating him?" She asked. "I was curious I didn't know if this was a real thing or one of those fake relationships you talk about." He shrugged.

"Yes it's real. He's really nice and...I don't know maybe I hope things actually work out with someone this time around." She shrugged. "So you think he's the one?" He asked. "I never said that." Genevieve replied. "So if he asked you to marry him you would say no?" He asked. "Dad we've only been dating for a few months what do mean marriage?" She questioned. He softly laughed, "I was just curious."

"Well no it's too soon for that." She said. "Do you want go out and explore the town?" He asked. "I'd love to dad but I'm still kind of tired. I think I'm going to take a nap." She replied. "Alright, get your rest and I'll see you when you wake up." He said as he shut the door behind him. She settled into her bed and drifted to sleep


Genevieve was in her room catching up on her homework. Her dad was out of the house and said he would be back later. Her ears perked up when she heard the sound of the front door close. She dropped her pencil and made her way downstairs. "Dad I wanted to ask-" She froze as she saw her mother in the foyer. "What are you doing here..." Genevieve quietly spoke. Catherine glared, "You're asking me that? It's my house."

"Dad said you weren't allowed to come back here." Genevieve said. "And he chose to kick me out and keep you here? Hmph." Catherine scoffed and began to put some things in her bag. "If he wants to keep a disgraceful child like you, let him." Catherine replied. "I was innocent, mom. Taylor was too. We had nothing to do with that damn video and it was Bryan all along. Is that who you wanted me with? Is he so great now?" Genevieve glared.

Catherine stopped and turned to look at Genevieve, "I don't care who the hell released that video." She replied. "Then why do you hate Taylor so much? You didn't even bother giving her a fucking chance!" Genevieve argued. "Because no daughter of mine would disgrace herself by letting another woman touch her." Catherine glared and approached Genevieve. Her heart began to race as her mother stared her down. "You let her completely ruin you. You let her destroy any ounce of good you ever had. I don't even know how the hell you aren't even disgusted with yourself." She said. Genevieve stared at her mother teary eyed, "You're wrong. She cares about me." She replied. "You're not worth caring about." Catherine muttered.


Genevieve gasped as she woke up breathing hard. She tried to calm herself down and shut her eyes, "It's okay...you're okay." She whispered, trying to reassure herself. She calmed down and heard her phone buzz. She looked at the caller ID and saw Taylor's name. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, want to tag along with me somewhere?" Taylor asked. "Now?" Genevieve asked. "Yeah, I'll be by to pick you up in a few if you want to come." Taylor said. Genevieve thought about it for a moment. "Okay...where are we going?" She asked. "That's a secret. But I promise you it's not bad. I'll be there soon." She said hanging up before Genevieve could ask any other questions.

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