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Genevieve made her way downstairs and saw her dad watching tv in the living room. "Hey dad." She softly smiled. "You're up." He smiled. "Yeah, I got a call from Taylor. She wants me to tag along with her somewhere, is that okay?" Genevieve asked. "Why are you asking me?" He asked. "Well I came to visit you. I don't just want to ditch you and give you no explanation." She replied. "I'll be fine. Get out of the house and have fun." He nodded. "Thanks dad." She said.

Her phone buzzed and she stepped away to answer. "Hello?" She answered. "I'm outside." Taylor replied. "I'll be out in a minute." Genevieve replied and hung up. "I'm going dad! I'll be back home later." She called out and made her way out to Taylor's car.

She got in the car and buckled up. "A phone call?" Genevieve asked, "I'm surprised you didn't go for the window." She joked. Taylor softly laughed and drove off. "We're not kids anymore, I'm pretty sure we've grown past that. But I also can't afford to be climbing rooftops like I'm 17 again." Taylor laughed.

"So where are we going?" Genevieve asked. "Just somewhere." Taylor replied. "That's not an answer." Genevieve replied. "I told you it was a secret." Taylor said as she continued to drive. "But why invite me?" Genevieve asked. "I thought you could use the change of scenery. You didn't seem like you were doing well when we got here." Taylor replied.

Genevieve stayed silent and stared out the window. "But we don't have to talk about that if you don't want to. We can just enjoy the trip." Taylor added. Genevieve nodded. Taylor faintly smiled and drove.

Time had passed and they had been driving for almost an hour. Genevieve looked around at the familiar brush of trees around them. She stared straight ahead and saw the sign that welcomed them into the old coastal town they would visit when they were younger. Her heart began to race and her body grew tense. "Taylor where are we going?" She asked.

"Relax." Taylor replied. "How could tell me to relax, do you have any idea where we are? Why would you bring me here?" Genevieve glared. Taylor stayed silent and continued to drive. Genevieve sighed and slumped back in her seat. Taylor drove through the small town and parked her car on the side of the road. "It's the closest beach. I know the beach always calmed you down." Taylor explained.

Genevieve stayed silent and stared straight forward. "So I wanted to bring you here to see if would help you clear your head." She explained. "You tricked me into coming here, didn't you? This is why you asked me to tag along from the beginning." Genevieve glared. "Not necessarily." Taylor said. Genevieve stared at her in silence. "I wasn't trying to trick you into anything. I did want you to tag along to visit your dad but I wasn't trying to trick you." Taylor explained.

"Is this your attempt at trying to get a do-over? because it's not happening." Genevieve glared. Taylor sighed, "No. I just wanted to do something to help. Now will you please just give this a chance?" She asked. Genevieve glanced out at the empty beach and sighed. "Fine." She replied. Taylor softly smiled and got out of the car. Genevieve got out and stared out at the water. They made their way onto the sand and approached the water.

Despite everything that happened, the one thing that never changed was her love for this town. She missed the beach that was never packed full of people, the townsfolk who went on with their business and never bothered you, and the beautiful scenery around them.

"I love coming here. None of the other beaches I've been to compare to this one." Taylor said as they looked out at the water. "I haven't been to one in a while. But I did miss this one." Genevieve said. Taylor softly laughed to herself. "What?" Genevieve asked. "You know...technically we're married out here." Taylor slightly smirked. Genevieve's cheeks flushed a light red. "That wasn't legally binding." Genevieve replied.

"It still happened." Taylor shrugged. "That was between James and Elizabeth. They got married, we didn't." Genevieve replied. "Okay then James and Elizabeth are married." Taylor shrugged as they stared out at the water. "Can I show you something?" Taylor asked. "What?" Genevieve asked. "Come on." Taylor motioned for her to follow as they went back toward the car. "We just got here where are we going?" Genevieve asked. "It's okay just follow me." Taylor said as they got into the car.

They drove a distance from the town and approached a home hidden behind a brush of trees. Genevieve curiously stared at it. The gates opened and Taylor drove in. "Is this yours?" She asked. Taylor just gave her a soft smile and got out of the car. "Taylor?" Genevieve questioned and followed her out.

She followed Taylor up to the front door and waited for her to unlock it. They stepped inside and Taylor turned on the lights. Genevieve looked around and admired the rustic interior. Taylor shut the door and placed her hand on the small of Genevieve's back, "Come check this out." Taylor smiled and led her toward the living area.

Genevieve saw a grand piano decorated in the middle of the room and looked around the bookshelves in the room decorated with books. She was in awe. "I had this house built a few years ago." Taylor said. Genevieve silently looked around the room, "The piano and books..." Genevieve softly spoke.

Taylor softly smiled, "It's what we said we wanted wasn't it?"

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