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Genevieve woke up hungover with a pounding headache. She stretched out on her bed and felt the empty bottle of wine buried under the covers with her. Evan knocked on the door and entered the room. "Morning." He smiled. Genevieve groaned and covered her head with the covers. "Care to explain why you ditched us last night grumpy?" He jumped up on the bed and laid at her side. "Go away." She tiredly spoke. "Taylor looked pretty hurt when you ditched her at the bar last night." Evan said knowing that would trigger some form of conversation from her.

Genevieve uncovered her head, "I didn't ditch her because I wasn't even there with her in the first place. I was just at an after-party she happened to be at. So I simply left." She replied. "What did you guys talk about?" Evan asked. "I don't even remember and I don't care."Genevieve groaned and shut her eyes. "The good thing is, I don't have to see her again." she sighed. Evan awkwardly looked away, "So would it be bad if I told you she was here?" He timidly asked. Genevieve's eyes shot open, and she turned to look at him. "What?" She asked.

She quickly got up from bed, Her head was still pounding but her anger was stronger than any hangover. "Genevieve!" Evan shouted and quickly blocked the door. "Move." She glared. "Just hear me out, Please?" Evan begged. Genevieve huffed, "What?" She asked. "You don't have to kiss her or get back together, but can you at least be friendly?" Evan asked. "Would you still be asking me that if you knew what she did?" Genevieve asked. "I don't know because you refuse to tell me anything!" Evan argued.

"Why do you guys want me to talk to her so bad then?" Genevieve asked. "Because you're both our friends and it gets awkward being in the middle of whatever the hell this is and not being able to talk about either of you to the other because you either get angry or awkward," Evan explained. Genevieve shook her head in disbelief and looked away. "I'm not asking you to get back together. But can you at least be civil? It's been ten years." Evan said. "You want me to be civil?" Genevieve asked. "Can you at least do that?" He asked. "You and Greg aren't trying to pull some elaborate scheme to get us back together again like some kids trying to get their divorced parents back?" She asked.

He bit the inside of his cheek and looked off, "Well..." He trailed off. "Evan." Genevieve glared. He rolled his eyes, "I'm kidding. We just want you guys to at least get along again." Evan replied. "Well relationships kinda ruin friendships." Genevieve said, "We also didn't get along well before being in a relationship." She added. "But we were kids. Of course we had our petty fights and all but we're older now it's not the same." Evan said. Genevieve walked over and sat at the end of her bed. "How can you even begin to be friendly and civil with someone you thought you were going to marry one day?" Genevieve asked.

Evan slightly frowned, "Well how can you let the special connection you once had with someone go?" He asked. Genevieve stayed silent and looked away. Evan sighed and sat next to her, "If you don't want to tell me what happened, Fine. But what you two had was so special...and rare. Maybe you just weren't meant to be in that way. But it doesn't mean you weren't meant to be in each other's lives as friends." He shrugged. "I don't know if I could just be friends." She sighed.

"Because you still have feelings?" Evan asked. "Because I hate her. I hate being haunted by those damn blue eyes. I hate the way she somehow wanders into my dreams and doesn't give me peace. I hate that all everyone ever wants to talk about is her and how fucking great she is. I hate that I ever fell in love with her in the first place." Genevieve replied. They sat in silence for a moment. "What exactly happened between you two that made things get this bad?" Evan asked. Genevieve sighed. "I don't want to talk about it." She replied. "Well you're going to have to talk about it sometime." Evan replied. "Can we just get this over with?" Genevieve sighed.


Taylor smiled as she watched Genevieve bite into her muffin. "I swear, no bakery back home makes muffins this good." Genevieve said mid-bite. Taylor softly laughed and sipped her coffee. "Is that why you always want to stop and get a muffin here?" Taylor asked. "Always." Genevieve smiled as Taylor softly laughed. The barista was wiping the counter and watching the two of them from across the restaurant. The lead barista noticed her staring and walked over to check the pastries in the display. "Stalker much?" She asked. The barista blushed and shook her head. "Oh...I was just admiring that couple over there." She replied. "They're regulars here. They're pretty cute aren't they?" The lead barista smiled and went on with her duties.


Genevieve made her way downstairs and saw Taylor sittiing in the living room with Greg. "Guess who decided to come out of her cave." Evan joked. Taylor nervously stood up, "Genevieve." She faintly smiled, she was relieved she agreed to see her. "What do you want?" Genvieve sighed. Evan lightly squeezed her arm, "Nice." He whispered through gritted teeth. "Shall we go outside and sip on chardonnay while we conversate?" Genevieve sarcastically asked. She turned to look at Evan, "Is that good enough for you?" She asked. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I guess you're not killing each other so whatever." He said defeated.

Taylor awkwardly smiled, "Talking outside would be nice." she nodded. Genevieve led out to the backyard while Greg and Evan stayed back in the house. "What is this about?" Genevieve asked as she sat on one of the lounge chairs by the pool. Taylor sat in the chair across from her. "Thanks for agreeing to see me. I know I'm probably the last face you want to see right now." Taylor sighed. "You're not wrong. But what is this about?" Genevieve asked. "I was trying to talk to you about this yesterday, Mason invited me to the premiere and after-party last minute just so I could talk to you about this but that didn't go well." Taylor replied. "You ambushed me at a party did you really think that was smart to do?" Genevieve glared.

"I wasn't trying to ambush you. I was networking. That's what I wanted to talk to you about last night. Mason and I have been talking about this project I was working on and I would really like it if you were apart of it." Taylor explained. "What project?" She asked. "A movie I've been planning and working on. I wanted you to be the lead and I knew if I asked you personally you might say no but Mason said it was better if I talked to you anyway." Taylor explained. Genevieve stood up from her seat, "So let me get this right, you and I haven't spoken in years. But the first time you come to speak to me is just because you need something. So it's for your own selfish need?" She questioned.

Taylor stood up, "It's not like that. I wanted to make peace too." She replied. "Oh you did did you?" Genevieve sarcastically asked. "Yes." Taylor sighed, "So will you be apart of it?" She asked. Genevieve pretended to think for a second and put on a fake smile. "Yes?" taylor asked with a smile. Genvieve shoved her into the pool. "Genevieve!" Evan shouted. Taylor emerged from the water soaked, "I have a meeting today!" Taylor glared. Genevieve knelt down by the edge of the pool and stared at Taylor. Taylor huffed, "So?" She asked. "Sure." Genevieve replied. "Was pushing me in the pool necessary?" Taylor glared. "Truce." Genevieve smiled and stood up. She grabbed a towel from the chair and tossed on the ground. "Here. You're a little...yeah." She smiled and walked back inside. Taylor rolled her eyes and climbed out of the pool trying to soak up the excess water with the towel.

"Are you okay?" Greg asked. "I'm so sorry about that. I told her to be nice." Evan frowned. Taylor shook her head. "Don't worry about it. It's better than her throwing a shoe or worse at me. I'd take a dip in the pool over phone to the head." Taylor replied. "I should get home and change." Taylor faintly smiled and made her way out. Greg started to laugh to himself. Evan slightly glared, "Don't laugh." he said. "You have to admit it was kind of funny. It's officially like old times again." Greg laughed. Evan tried not to laugh but couldn't help but laugh with him.

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