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Taylor quietly approached the bed. Genevieve was asleep. Taylor smiled to herself admiring how peaceful she looked sleeping. She gently caressed her hair to wake her up. Genevieve softly groaned. "5 more minutes..."She tiredly mumbled. Taylor glanced at the clock on the nightstand and back to Genevieve, "Your appointment is in 30 minutes." Taylor said.

Genevieve sighed and opened her eyes. "Morning beautiful." She softly smiled and pecked her lips. Taylor placed a gentle hand on Genevieve's stomach. "Good morning to you too." Taylor softly spoke. Genevieve softly laughed. Taylor looked back up at her, "Are you ready to know what it is yet?" She asked. Genevieve sighed, "I'm nervous."

"Do you not want to know?" Taylor asked. "What if it doesn't like me?" Genevieve asked. Taylor playfully rolled her eyes and helped Genevieve sit up. "Babe you go through this crisis every morning." Taylor said. "But what if it doesn't?" Genevieve frowned. Taylor gently cupped her face, "Babe. You're going to be an amazing mom and that baby is going to love you. Okay?" Taylor said in reassurance. Genevieve felt a little more at ease and nodded. Taylor softly smiled and pecked her lips, "Now come on, we don't want to be late." She said helping her up from bed.

Genevieve was laid back against the patient table. Taylor was sat on the other side holding Genevieve's hand against her lips and pressing soft kisses to the back of her hand. Taylor never stopped being attentive and supportive since Genevieve broke the news to her. It took some time to adjust to the idea but she just wanted to do what made Genevieve happy. The idea of being of a mother and raising a child with the love of her life made her nervous but excited. But in Taylor's eyes there was just one other problem.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Josiah said as he entered the room and approached the table. He held Genevieve's hand and quickly pecked her cheek. "How are you and the baby doing?" He asked. Taylor rolled her eyes and looked off. "We're fine." Genevieve softly smiled. "Good." Josiah smiled and looked over at Taylor. His smile slightly dropped. "Taylor." He politely said and gave a small nod. "Josiah." Taylor replied.

Josiah was still in the picture. He was heart broken when Genevieve called off their engagement. He still wanted to be involved in the baby's life and Genevieve thought it was fair. But the obvious tension whenever he and Taylor had to be in close proximity was too much to ignore sometimes.

"Hi." The doctor came in with a smile and put on her gloves. "So are we ready to find out what the baby is today?" The doctor smiled, turned on the monitor, and prepped her equipment. "Okay this might feel cold." The doctor applied the gel to Genevieve's stomach and ran the transducer across her lower abdomen. They all watched the screen intently waiting for the baby to show.

"There it is." The doctor pointed to the screen. Their faces all lit up upon seeing the fetus on the screen. "It's a girl." The doctor smiled. Taylor and Genevieve looked at one another in excitement. Josiah just started at the screen shocked but with a wide smile on his face. "And let's get a listen to her heartbeat." The doctor said. Everyone stayed silent and listened to the small heartbeat.

Genevieve began to uncontrollably sob at the sound. Taylor softly kissed her head and smiled. "It's our baby." Genevieve said. Taylor held her in her arms and stared at the screen. "It's our baby." Taylor said purposely clarifying so Josiah would hear. Josiah rolled his eyes at her comment. "Congratulations on your baby girl." The doctor smiled and set her equipment away. "Thank you." Taylor and Josiah said in unison. They both turned and looked at each other with contempt.

The doctor looked at them and awkwardly smiled, "Right..." she turned and smiled at Genevieve. "Congrats again." She said. "Thank you." Genevieve smiled. The doctor left the room and Genevieve slowly sat up. Taylor and Josiah both rushed to help her off the table. "I got it. She's my girlfriend." Taylor said. "Well it's my baby she's carrying." Josiah replied.

"I got it." Genevieve sighed and got down on her own. "Can we go now? I'm starving and I need to pee." She said. Taylor and Josiah walked her out and she went off to use the bathroom. Taylor glared at Josiah. "You don't have to show up to every appointment you know."

Josiah crossed his arms, "It's my child and I'm going to be there for every appointment regardless if you like it or not." He said. "The only reason Genevieve lets you stick around is because she feels sorry for you. You're basically an accidental sperm donor." Taylor argued. "Or maybe because I have rights to a child that is biologically mine." He argued.

"You realize the baby will legally be mine and Genevieve's when she's born right?" Taylor replied. "I never agreed to that. Neither did Genevieve." Josiah argued. "Not yet. But she will." Taylor replied. Genevieve came out of the bathroom and walked over to them. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Josiah silently stared at Taylor and looked at Genevieve. "Tell me what you're craving and I'll buy you anything you want." Josiah said as he put a gentle hand on her back and led her out of the doctor's office. "I really want crepes." Genevieve said. Taylor stepped in and took Genevieve off toward their car. "Then we can go home and I'll make you anything you want." Taylor softly kissed her temple and glared at Josiah who followed them along. "Are you coming over Josiah?" Genevieve asked as Taylor held the car door open for her and helped her in.

"I wouldn't want to be a bother." He replied. "You're never a bother. Come over." Genevieve said. Taylor glanced back at him, desperately hoping he would say no. He looked at Taylor and smiled as he looked back at Genevieve,"Then I would love to." He nodded. "Great." Genevieve smiled. "I'll see you there!" He called out and walked to his car. Taylor shut Genevieve's door and walked around to hers. "Great." She muttered and got into the car.

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