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Taylor and Genevieve were running a few minutes late. Everyone was waiting in the back corner cafe for them. "Sorry we're late." Genevieve apologized. "Where the hell were you guys today?" Hannah asked. "We skipped." Taylor said as they slid into the booth. "Aren't you guys in enough hot water to be boldly skipping school today?" Evan asked.

"We just needed a break. It was one day." Taylor shrugged. Evan glanced down and noticed the small flower ring wrapped around Genevieve's finger and curiously stared at it. "So what did you find out?" Taylor asked. "So I talked to my cousin last night and she gave me some info." Hannah said, "Apparently Amanda is just some tool the jocks are using. They don't like her but they keep her around to get the info they need. So they're just making her think she's one of them now."

"And she called me a joke?" Genevieve replied. Taylor reassuringly squeezed her thigh as they continued to listen. "So her and Bryan are really a thing but..." Hannah trailed off. "But?" Taylor asked. "He's been hooking up with Rachel behind Amanda's back. Rachel just acts like her and Amanda are friends and everyone keeps their secret." Hannah explained.

"And those assholes were giving us crap?" Genevieve asked. "That's not even the worst of it, apparently he was also hooking up with some girl on the dance team." Hannah added. "So he's cheating on Amanda with two girls?" Genevieve asked. Hannah shook her head, "Actually he was hooking up with the girl on the dance team when he was seeing you."

Genevieve fell silent. "What?" She asked. Everyone awkwardly looked around at each other. "You guys were seeing each other, I don't know if you and Taylor were also seeing each other at the same time but he was hooking up with that girl." Hannah explained. "It's true." A unfamiliar voice said. Everyone turned and saw a girl standing with a dance bag over her shoulder.

"Who are you?" Genevieve asked. "I'm Casey. Hannah came to find me today at school and told me you guys would be meeting here. I wasn't sure if I wanted to come but I just felt awful after what she told me. I didn't think Bryan could be that much of an asshole." She explained.

Genevieve didn't know how to feel. For the first half of their relationship she genuinely like Bryan. She felt awful when she started doing things with Taylor behind his back and cut things off the second time around because she felt it wasn't fair to him. He seemed like this perfect guy that was too good to be true. Meanwhile he was cheating on her the entire time too.

"When exactly did you start seeing him?" Genevieve asked. Casey slid in to the booth next to Hannah. "I think it was around the time of your guys' fall play?" She said, "We had been flirting for a while before that and after I saw you guys around school together. He told me it wasn't serious and he was just trying to get close to you to make sure he would pass the class."

Genevieve felt sick. "I believed him. I mean he was still sneaking around to sleep with me. He said you were just temporary and he would be back to me in no time. I kept telling myself that but then he never did. He stayed with you. Then I realized he was making a fucking joke out me and used me because according to one of his stupid jock friends, you didn't 'put out' like me. So he stuck with you because he saw it as a challenge. He wanted to get to you." Casey explained.

"But when you didn't put out, Rachel worked as his little gateway to get back at you for wasting his time. Amanda was stupid enough to tip him off about you and Taylor then she became his little girlfriend and pawn. He tipped off Rachel about you hooking up with Taylor and she set up that secret camera that helped confirm Amanda was telling the truth." Hannah explained.

"Amanda being desperate for popularity and wanting what Genevieve had just backfired and she doesn't even realize it." Evan said. Genevieve sat in silence. Taylor wrapped her arms around her and held her close. "So what do we do now?" She asked. "Whatever it is, I'm in. Those assholes deserve to get what's coming to them." Casey replied.

"Can your cousin get proof for us?" Greg asked. "I think so." Hannah nodded. "If we can rack up all this crap on them I can have my dad's friend turn this in and maybe get him to help us pull off the plan we had for prom but..." Jamie said and looked over at Taylor. "We need to plant that stuffed animal on one of them."

"How are we going to get in close proximity to do that?" Taylor asked. Jaime looked over at Evan, "Do you think the Janitor can give you the keys again?" Jaime asked. "Look I already owed him like 20 bucks and weeks worth of trash duty for that prank we pulled. No." Evan said. "Come on, Evan." Jaime sighed.

"You ask him then." Evan glared. "Fine. If we set the stuffed animal to be in Rachel's locker it helps set our story straight. If Taylor turned it in then it would only make her look guilty. But this way we get back Rachel." Jaime explained. Casey smirked, "Rachel wouldn't take the fall alone and she would rat them out."

"Exactly." Jaime nodded. "So we're all in agreement with this?" Hannah asked. Jamie put his hand in. Everyone except Genevieve followed and stacked their hands in. "Genevieve?" Hannah asked. Genevieve sighed and put her hand in. "Now a blood pact." Jaime joked. "Jaime." Everyone said in unison and glared at him. "It was just a joke jeez." Jaime mumbled.

Dear Lover, I Loathe You.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें