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The band and theater room were right across the hall from each other. Genevieve and Evan were discussing fall plans with the theater class when a loud shriek from outside the hall interrupted. Everyone quickly ran out to see what the fuss was about.

There was a girl with chocolate pudding splattered on her clothes. "Is that...poop?" One of the theater kids asked. Everyone laughed as they watched some of the band students come out into the hall. Taylor looked over and locked eyes with Genevieve who had a proud smirk on her face.

"You!" Taylor glared and approached. "I knew your band playing was shit, just didn't know it literally was." Genevieve teased. "You fucked up our brass player's instruments!" Taylor shouted. "You fucked up our first club meeting!" Genevieve glared. Taylor grabbed Genevieve by the hair and tugged. Genevieve managed to get out of her grip and pushed her back into the wall.

"Girls!" Both their teachers shouted and rushed over to separate them. "What's going on here!" Vice Principal Sandra shouted and approached down the hall with campus security. "Ms. Clark's students decided to pull a prank and ruin our brass player's instruments." Mr. Harris, the band teacher replied.

Ms. Clark moved Genevieve away and glared, "My kids? Your students let lab rats loose in the auditorium!" She argued. "Enough!" Vice principal Sandra shouted. "Saturday Detention, all of you!"

"What?!" They all shouted in unison. "Attendance is mandatory. Be at the library 8 am sharp." She glared and walked off. "This is your fault." Genevieve glared at Taylor. "That's enough Genevieve go!" Ms. Clark shouted and moved the rest of the theater kids back into the classroom.

"We're going to get them back for this." Taylor said as they band students agreed. "Enough!" Mr. Harris shouted. "But Mr. Harris-" Taylor was cut off. "No! Enough of this stupid fighting. Do you want our fall concert to be shut down because of the stupid back and forth you all have with the theater kids?" He scolded.

The students all stayed silent. "Now I want you all to go to detention Saturday morning and behave." He looked over at Taylor, "I mean it Taylor."

"Why are you looking at me for?" Taylor defensively asked. "Because I know you. Don't start anything." He glared. "Whatever." Taylor rolled her eyes. "I mean it. If you do anything I'm having Vice Principal Sandra deal with you alone and I'm not letting you be apart of the Fall concert."

"You can't do that!" Taylor argued. "Watch me. Sit down." He scolded.

"Who was it." Ms. Clark asked. The students all looked around waiting for someone to confess. "I know you did it. But I know you didn't do it alone." Ms. Clark said pointing at Genevieve.

"Ms. Clark, the stupid band kids let rats out in the auditorium the day of our meeting. Are we just supposed to tolerate their bullshit and let them get away with it?" Genevieve argued.

"Genevieve, sweetheart, I love you. But I told you when stuff like this happens you need to tell me." Ms. Clark explained. "We've tried that before. The school never does anything they just give them a warning and they just do stuff like this again." Genevieve complained.

"I want you all on your best behavior in detention Saturday. Don't stoop to their level. From now on please just tell me when stuff happens again." Ms. Clark sighed. "Fine." Genevieve sighed. "Thank you." She said lightly squeezing Genevieve's arm before stepping in front of the class.

"As Genevieve was saying, before the disruption, our Fall play will be here before you know it. As students apart of this class, you don't have to be actors but you do have to participate." Ms. Clark explained. "What can we do?" A student asked. "I'm glad you asked" She smiled. "Evan would you please inform our new students." She gave the floor to Evan.

He made his way to the front of the class. "We have a sign up sheet for any of you looking to audition. Our Fall play this year will be Hamlet. I highly recommend brushing up on your Shakespeare. If you don't care to be a performer we always need more backstage people to help out with the technical half of things so feel free to sign up for that too." He said putting down two sign up sheets.

Students made their to sign up on one of the sheets. Evan walked over to Genevieve who sat off in the corner alone. "What's wrong?" Evan asked. Genevieve sighed, "Why do we have to get in trouble for defending ourselves against the stupid band geeks?"

"I think detention is getting off easy. Vice Principal Sandra could've done worse if we ruined the instruments. She could've taken the budget for our play to replace them." Evan said trying to offer her a positive perspective on things. Genevieve sighed and looked out the window.

"On a side note...are you excited that Ms. Clark is letting you direct the fall play this year?" Evan asked. Genevieve softly smiled, "It's a big deal, of course I am. I'm pretty nervous though." She sighed. "Don't be. You got this. Ms. Clark has taught you everything you know. This play will be amazing." Evan reassured. Genevieve faintly smiled, "Thanks Evan."

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