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Taylor's lips were locked with Genevieve's. Her hands messed with the buttons on Genevieve's jeans. Genevieve felt the guilt come over her and quickly pushed Taylor off. Taylor looked confused. "What's wrong?" She asked. "We can't do this." Genevieve replied. "I'm with Josiah. This isn't fair to him and I...I just can't do this again."

Taylor frowned. "I thought everything was going well?" She asked. "It is...it was." Genevieve replied. "Then why won't you just do this?" Taylor asked. "I can't do that to him." Genevieve said making her way toward the door. Taylor quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her in. "A weekend." Taylor said.

"What?" Genevieve questioned. "Just spend this weekend with me. We don't have to say a thing, just one weekend. It could be like old times." Taylor pleaded. "Taylor." Genevieve said trying to pull away but Taylor's grip only grew tighter. Taylor grabbed her arms and held her close. "Just be Elizabeth again and it can be like old times." Taylor said growing teary eyed.

"Just one weekend." Taylor begged. The alcohol lingered off her breath. "Taylor, you're drunk." Genevieve said trying to push her away. "Genevieve, please. I love you." Taylor said as tears slipped down her cheeks. "You're hurting me, stop." Genevieve cried. Taylor kissed her lips repeatedly. "Tell me you don't love me then." Taylor said as she continued to kiss her.

Genevieve moved her face away and shoved Taylor off. Taylor stumbled and fell back to the floor. She wasn't moving. "Taylor?" Genevieve quietly asked. She slowly walked over and knelt down to check on her. She was still breathing but she was passed out. Genevieve carefully picked her up and put her into the bed. She propped her up on her side with pillows and watched her sleep for a moment. She sighed and left the table side lamp on before leaving the room and going off to one of the guest rooms.


Taylor woke up with a headache and looked around her room. She turned the bedside lamp off and slowly made her way out of the room. She was still in her clothes from the night before. She went searching the guest rooms for Genevieve and saw a note on one of the beds.

Left town this morning. I'm taking a flight back home.

Taylor could barely remember what happened last night. She quickly rushed back to her room and grabbed her phone to dial Genevieve. "Hello?" Genevieve answered. "Genevieve what happened? Why did you leave?" Taylor asked. There was a moment of silence. "Do you not remember?" She asked. "I just remember we drank a little more than a bottle and went to the room." Taylor said.

"Taylor, you were kissing me and trying to get me to sleep with you." Genevieve said. Taylor froze. She was already afraid she had completely ruined everything. "Genevieve, I'm so sorry I swear I don't even remember, I was drunk. But please don't go, I swear it won't happen again." Taylor begged. Genevieve sighed, "Let's just forget this ever happened."

"Absolutely, it won't happen again." Taylor said. "No, Taylor. I mean let's forget this ever happened. I know I told Evan I'd try to be civil with you and I can. But after this premiere is over with...I don't think we should see each other anymore." Genevieve clarified. "Genevieve, it was a mistake. You don't have to do this." Taylor pleaded.

"I just don't think we should be around each other anymore. I really like Josiah and I don't want to ruin that. He's the best thing that's happened to me in a while." Genevieve said. Those words were killing Taylor inside. "B-But we can still be friends." Taylor said. "I don't think we can ever just be friends. That's why it's just best we stay away from each other for now. I'm sorry." Genevieve said.

"Genevieve." Taylor said as Genevieve hung up. "Genevieve?!" Taylor shouted. She looked down at her phone and angrily threw it against the wall. "Fuck." She frustratingly muttered.


Genevieve arrived home and dropped her bags by the door. "Why are you back so early? Did something happen?" Josiah asked. Genevieve wrapped him in a hug without saying a word. He was confused at first but returned her embrace. "Is everything okay?" He asked. "Maybe my therapist was right. I just wasn't ready." She sighed.

"Did something happen?" He asked. "I just...I don't think it was good for me to go out there right now. My dad understood." She replied. "But I just missed you." She said as she buried her face into his chest. He softly smiled and reassuringly rubbed her back, "How about...the next time you feel ready I go out there with you?" He suggested. Genevieve silently nodded.

He softly smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "Honestly I just want to get into bed and sleep. I didn't get much rest last night." She sighed. "Why?" He asked. Genevieve stayed silent for a moment but just gave a faint smile, "I was feeling out of it and just couldn't wait to come back home." She lied. He nodded, "Then get some rest and when you wake up I'll make you whatever you want." He said.

She softly laughed, "You're going to cook?" She asked. He looked slightly offended by her comment, "I'll have you know I took cooking classes when I was living out in Europe. Yes I can cook." He replied. "You're going to have to prove it." She shrugged. "Are you really challenging me?" He asked. "Buying take out and plating it doesn't count." She teased. "Go to bed." He glared. She softly laughed and made her way upstairs.

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